
Bed of Glory "Conqueror of all Worlds"

A novel about a young man with limitless power and his adventures on conquering/bedding Girls in different worlds with his might.

Mooncloud · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Erotic Road of a Monk

"Beauties!" Xingbie said as he saw those beautiful Martial artists of the Lu Fei So school, it was a beautiful sight for Xingbie as he saw those bouncing tits, his dick went from a crippled one to hard as steel, it could be said that if Xingbie were just a pornstar then he will rule the industry but sadly, Xingbie only tastes virgin women, such is the taste of our protagonist.

The other one hundred one monks including the 5th mortal rank disciples were shivering in fear knowing that the Lu Fei So School doesn't let their opponents die so easily, instead they torture their enemies in their basement until too much pain leads to his eternal demise.

I forgot to say that the school composes of only Virgin girls which Xingbie has no knowledge about, their master known in the Floating City as Le She with a beauty that is at the very top of the food chain in glamour, rumors says that twenty clans tried to attack the Lu Fei So School just to enslave and fuck this beauty yet they failed as their bodies were burned in front of the Floating City with their dicks cut by shear, it was a grim reminder to those who lusts for this viper in the Floating city.

"Hey we should just run away and live in other cities" A young monk suggested, he had a pale face and as a normal human being, it was expected to have thoughts of fleeing and preserving life signifying the fight or flight concept.

"My friend, we were sent here as training and imagine being highly rewarded after we win" Xu Kei said calmly with a tough voice yet inside his heart was a beautiful maiden who wanted to live and leave with his love for Joe Kun.

"Joe Kun stay here and wait for me okay?" He said as he puts his hand on Joe Kun shoulder with teary eyes and they kissed, pouring out their passion in their last moments.

"Holy shit let's just die!" All the monks said as they saw this horrifying scene that even death cannot redeem, it was neither hell nor heaven it was a far more disgusting scene than seeing your child masturbate.

"Let's leave Joe Kun behind! Hurry up!" A monk said as he pulls Xu Kei towards the their group who are now charging towards the School. They did not care if Joe Kun and Xu Kei were homosexuals they just wanted to hurry up and die.


"Oh attackers!" A woman guard saw the hundred monk army and shouted as if unbothered.

"6th stages Disciples! Destroy those weaklings!" A beautiful woman yet had a cold look on her face shouted as if they are just cleaning out pests.

"Yes madam" The disciples nodded as they walked towards the forest to easily use their illusion techniques and kill the monks without knowing what killed them.

"Hey Xingbie you and your classmates are still young, hurry up and leave to continue our legacy!" the 5th stage disciple monk said knowing that it was a waste for the school to lose a genius like Xingbie.

"nah, I won't die but you guys will" Xingbie began to laugh as if he was mocking them yet they couldn't respond to him knowing that this kid wasn't spouting bullshit.

"Hey look at that beauty! Let's rape her!" Some lecherous monk who cannot hold their libido anymore shouted as they saw a beautiful beauty with large eyes, her nose pointed while her lips were luscious but most importantly she had large breasts.

They ran wildly towards the beautiful girl then the last thing they knew was a mass of meat piles stacked around on a spiked trap-hole, then the girl banished leaving forty monks dead without doing anything.

It was a terrifying scene for those who survived when they realized how hopeless they are against this group of illusionists with tight asses and big tits. After all, they just joined the monastery to learn cultivation with no sincerity in its disciplines, causing them to not excel on techniques that guards the mind.

"Uwah!" A monk shouted as he saw the monk besides him get pierced by a spear at the head, One by one the monks fell as hundreds of spear were thrown towards them, no one can move out of fear and they could only accept their death, a young 15 years old monk with a 2nd stage mortal strength murmured at his dying breath, his body was on the ground yet he was saying something.

"Joe Kun My love" Yes it was Xu Kei, a dying man with his dignity, homosexuality and his love for joe-kun.

The monks were completely annihilated without even inflicting a single casualty to their enemies, the battlefield was almost cleared but there was no sign of Xingbie's dead body. Where could he be?

"Ah, Ah! Please stop!" A beautiful woman with her tongue sticking out and tears flowing out of her eyes said as her vagina gets penetrated by a large long hard dick, yes it was Xingbie's. The woman had a silky hair with her tits having a perfect shape and her pussy tight as fuck.

"Bitch, im not even going all out!" Xingbie said with a proud look on his face while the veins on his forehead were bulging in anger as he recalls the scenes of Joe Kun and Xu Kei's intercourse.

"Dick Revolver!" He shouted in anger as his dick inside the beautiful woman's vagina expanded in size.

Blood splurted out of the Woman's vagina as it was split in half because of Xingbie's monster cock, "Full Load!" *SPLURT*

he came inside the woman's vagina after which her eyes turned lifeless, her body went stiff, while white fluids kept coming at her lifeless mouth because of Xingbie's continuous ejaculation which filled all the woman's body parts.

"Not enough!" Xingbie shouted with dissatisfaction.

He stood up as he wears his robes up while transferring this woman's soul into the world of Tristan, "It was an enjoyable time so I shall grant you eternal life in my kingdom" he said with a horny look on his face "and once I come back into that world of mine you will be blessed by my cum" he added on as he stared at the woman's wrecked pussy with a smile on his face.

"hundreds more to wreck" He whispered, walking down the road as if he was the devil himself
