
Bed of Glory "Conqueror of all Worlds"

A novel about a young man with limitless power and his adventures on conquering/bedding Girls in different worlds with his might.

Mooncloud · Fantasy
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15 Chs

It's all ogre now

Yesterday, Diāochán never left Xìngbie's side after what they did, to the point that she will sleep wherever Xìngbie is, but soon afterwards Xìngbie convinced her to leave because he still needs to fuck Pei Ma if she doesn't so she left but with one condition, and that is to kiss while their tongues clashes inside of their mouth.

Today this two are currently taking a walk during break time, "Xìngbie want to do it again?" Diāochán asked while her face flushed, Xìngbie began to laugh which made Diāochán's face more bloody red, "When we get older then we can do it every day, but we are still kids" He said, "But yours is big which made me unconscious!" She grumbled while staring at Xìngbie's pale face Xìngbie couldn't help but just smile and ignore what she just said, but the truth behind Xìngbie's words was he just wanted to taste a ripen beauty and doesn't wanted to tarnish it every day when it is still growing. Sighing to himself he said while staring at the body of Diāochán with malicious intent "I must wait for 10 years fuck!"

The boys glared at Xìngbie, it was all because of him being with Diāochán a genius and a beautiful 4 years old princess of the Min clan. Even 8 years old Martial artist glares at him with envy and they just want to do it because they feel like it.


"That guy will be dead in no time"

Yet again the boys whispered to each other about how the Min clan will destroy and wreck Xìngbie's Family tree, "Hey you!" a 8 years old young kid shouted at Xìngbie, his looks were those of a spoiled brat from a powerful clan, his black hair simple hairstyle and his simple yet sharp blue eyes, one can say that he is a genius and yes he really is.

"How can you walk besides my future wife!?" He said as he walked in front of Xìngbie, "who you?" Both Xìngbie and Diāochán asked which made the boy embarrassed and yet again the boys whispered to each other,

"Hey he said future wife what a dumb ass"

"Haha what a brave stupid kid"

Even those 16 years old martial artist whispered to each other, who wouldn't if there is a stupid 8 years old imbecile, "You! I'll kill you!" He said in anger after he was embarrassed by Diāochán but he can only vent his anger by beating up Xìngbie until his body cannot completely move, but will he?

"fucking brat dare to fight me a stage 2 Elementary mortal disciple!" He said as he began charging towards Xìngbie who began to run leaving Diāochán, "Sister! Please help Xìngbie!" she said towards the girl who is currently sparring against a boy, the girl is her older sister and a genius named Min Chunhua she is currently on the stage 4 elementary mortal disciple and attained the Soul Be 'xi In the age of 4 and now she is currently 6 years old and has achieved a high achievement, she is known not just for her power but she too is known for her beauty, her long slender light brown hair and her developing breasts and body, one can say that even a 40 years old expert in martial arts can fell for her with just a glance.

"I don't want to help an ant like him" she coldly said not even taking a glance at her sister, "Iron palm!" She said as she moves her palm towards her enemy's chest, *bang* the boy she currently is sparring with flew in the air unconsciously as he was knocked out because of her strong technique, "okay let's help him but this is the last time!" She then left with Diāochán towards where Xìngbie ran.

10 minutes later and they still haven't found Xìngbie and the dumb kid called Peng Ku, but minutes later they saw Peng ku who is currently leaving to go to his home, "Peng Ku what did you do to Xìngbie?" Diāochán asked with an angered face, "I will not hurt a friend of my almighty lord" He said which made the two sisters confused, he then whispered to himself slowly "My almighty ogre lord"

"hmph! If I see him beat up tomorrow I'll destroy your family tree!" Diāochán said and glared at him while clenching her fists.

But the thing that is currently bothering her in mind is where Xìngbie is.

Her sister stared at her with a worried face asking herself what happened to her sister to go far just to save a useless kid.

But I know one thing and that it is all ogre now.


4 hours later, 8:00 pm Peng Ku's bedroom.

"Thank you Shrek for the life you have given" said by Peng Ku as he pray to the almighty Shrek, "Shrek is love, Shrek is life"

His dad heard him and slaps him thinking that he became crazy, "I don't have a crazy son who spits crazy things!" he said as he left towards his bedroom to fuck his wife.

Peng Ku cried as he lay down on bed, "Who?" He felt something touched his butt, "Shrek I'm so happy" Peng ku said as he saw Shrek, Shrek the almighty then whispered into Peng Ku's ear "This is my swamp" Shrek grabbed him and puts Peng ku on his hands and knees.

"I'll spread my ass cheeks for shrek" He said as he began controlling his butt, Shrek moves his hips penetrating Peng Ku's butthole "Ah! Ah!" Peng ku moans as he felt the ever loving love of Shrek, "it hurts so much but I must do it for you Shrek" He said as he can feel his butt tearing at the force of Shrek, "I want to please shrek!" He said as Shrek roared a mighty roar, Shrek then fills Peng Ku's butt with love.

Hearing the roar, his dad's walks in and he saw Peng Ku and Shrek doing love, "Son.." He said with a shock look on his face, My Lord Shrek Almighty looks at him in the eyes and says "It's all Ogre now" Shrek leaves through the window as he fly into the moon. "Shrek is love, Shrek is life" Peng Ku said as his 8 year old body lay down on his bed with his butt filled with Shrek's onion juices.


It's not ogre, Its Never Ogre.

"Fuck it no more trying to be serious on this novel"