
Becoming the new Protagonist of the Game’s World

4 chapters per week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - 20:00 UTC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can there be two protagonists in the world? It was an impossible feat to achieve while playing the game. But now that Loic Ferblanche has reincarnated into the same game world, he will try to archive the impossible once again.   Follow the path of the genius boy to see how he changes everything to create a world where two protagonists can exist at the same time.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the first novel I’m writing, and I need your comments and reviews to grow. Please drop some!

Mickey1207 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Dorm and Maid



The first-year dormitory building was a large building with 25 floors. The 25th floor was reserved for the 1st and 2nd ranks only. The 24th floor was for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ranks. The 23rd floor was for the 6th to 10th rank. Each of them had their own room equipped with a well-equipped private gym. The 22nd floor was the room for the maids. Only the 1st to the 10th rank were provided a personal maid from the academy. The 21st floor was a common area only available to the 1st to 10th rank, where they had access to a VR room, a pool, and a cafeteria whose food was cooked by 5-star chefs.


The 20th to the 17th floors were for the 11th to the 100th rank. The rooms on those floors were two-person shared rooms. Males and females were separated. Their common areas were on the 16th floor, and they had access to a well-equipped gym, a VR room, and a cafeteria whose food was cooked by four-star chefs.


The 15th to 10th floors were for the 101st to 400th ranks. They had a 5-person shared room. Males and females were separated. Their common area was on the 9th floor, and they had access to a well-equipped gym and a normal cafeteria.


The 8th to the 3rd floor was for the 401st to 1000th rank. They had an 8-person shared room. Males and females were separated. Their common area was on the 2nd floor, and they had access to a normal gym and cafeteria.


The 1st floor was the dormitory of all the guards and assistants working in the building. Lastly, the ground floor was the elevator room. Except for the reception desk in the middle, the room was filled with 18 elevators.


As I made my way to the reception desk, I could see a big sign that described each elevator's purpose.



Elevator 1-5 : 2nd floor to 8th floor

Elevator 6–10: 9th floor to 15th floor

Elevator 11–13: 16th floor to 20th floor

Elevator 14: 21st floor and 23rd floor

Elevator 15: 21st floor and 24th floor

Elevator 18: 21st floor and 25th floor



There were two more elevators that could go to every single floor, but they were inaccessible to students. Only guards, assistants, and maids could use them.


Behind the reception desk, I found an old, thin man wearing a black butler outfit. Seeing me, a big, welcoming smile appeared on his face.


"Welcome to the first-year dormitory building. I was already informed of your arrival. Could I check your identity, please?"


Impressed by the old man's directness, I extended my left hand to show him my smart watch. He then used another device to quickly confirm my identity.


"Thank you, and welcome again, student Alex Fawn. Your assigned dorm is the first-rank dorm on the 25th floor. Here is your dorm card. It will enable you to access elevator 18. Your personal maid is already waiting for you upstairs. Feel free to ask her any questions if you have any." The old man bowed respectfully while handing me my card.


Again, I was genuinely impressed by the old man's manners toward me. 'If only everyone could have the same attitude.' I took my card, thanked the old man, and went straight for elevator 18.


Arriving on the 25th floor, I found two huge doors; the numbers 1 and 2 were written in gold in the middle of each one. And next to the number 1 door, I found a female elf wearing a typical maid outfit. She had a slender body, and her long, dark brown hair was perfectly matched with her black and white outfit.


I prevented a smirk from forming on my lips as soon as I saw her. It was true that she was a beauty, but what I was interested in was the person who sent her here. Unknown to everyone, the maid in front of me was actually one of the most trusted informants of the elf director.






"Nice to meet you, master Alex. My name is Sylvia, and from today onwards, I will be your personal maid." I bowed respectfully as soon as I saw the white-haired boy coming through the elevator.


I was personally assigned to this task by my Lady, the elf director. I already read the reports about his achievements, but I was still confused as to why my Lady became personally active for him. My previous task was to collect information on everyone while working as a maid, but this time I was ordered to focus only on this boy and to support him to the best of my ability without reporting any information back.


I was waiting for his response, but to my surprise, the boy casually walked to his door without paying attention to me. He may be uncomfortable since he was just a young boy, and having a beautiful elf maid bow in front of him will naturally affect him. I'm already used to this situation, since it's been five years since I worked as a maid here.


But to my surprise, when I looked at the boy, my previous assumption completely vanished. It wasn't that he was uncomfortable, but he simply didn't care. He had a blank face, but his eyes caught my attention. His pitch-dark, black eyes were completely lifeless. I had goosebumps when his eyes made contact with mine. My instinct warned me, and I unintentionally took a step back.




"Damn, I made a mistake.' I realized this when I saw Sylvia take a step back and raise her guard. I wanted to act natural, but I forgot that my new face was scary when I didn't manage my expression properly.


I immediately changed my initial plan and decided to put in some extra effort to act as friendly as I could.




"Hi Sylvia, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. I will be under your care from now on."


Suddenly, his expression completely changed to a warm smile. His eyes were still strange, but the feeling I had earlier wasn't there anymore. He extended his arm for a handshake, which I took while still confused.


'Alex Fawn, who exactly are you?'


"You have beautiful hair, Sylvia. It goes well with your outfit. The other students will be all jealous when they see that I have the prettiest maid."


His flattery made me realize he was just a young boy, and I completely forgot the reason why I was so cautious of him. I remembered the real reason I was working as his maid and hoped he wouldn't try to make a move on me.


"Thank you, Master Alex, for your praise. But I don't deserve them. I'm just a maid."


"There is no need to be so stiff. We will be together for the next four months. Let's be more comfortable with each other."


"I will keep that in mind, Master Alex."


'What do you mean by being more comfortable with each other? I hope he isn't that type of person. My task will prove to be more difficult if he tries to do anything inappropriate.'


Sensing my discomfort in his words, the young boy became confused.


"I'm sorry if I said anything that made you uncomfortable, Sylvia. It's actually my first time having a personal maid, and maybe I tried too much to make a good impression. I will act naturally now. So could you please show me around my room?"


His words made me want to laugh, but I suppressed them inside of me. I was relieved that he was just an innocent young boy who was trying his best for the first time in front of a maid, so I opened the door to show him around.




Sylvia went back to her normal self. Between my flirts and my apology, she won't remember my previous mistake anymore.

It was annoying to act like that because of my mistake, so I made a mental note to find a solution so that something like that wouldn't happen again.


"This special room is actually more like a flat. Here you have the living room, and here is the kitchen. Over there is your bedroom, and next to it is your private gym. Do you have any questions?"


"I was told not to leave the academy because of the media outside. But all my clothes and personal stuff are still in my apartment outside the academy since I didn't plan to move in so early."


"I understand, and you don't have to worry about anything. I will personally go and pack all your things from your old apartment and bring them here."


"Thank you. Could I have a tour of the common room now?"


"I'm sorry, but the common room is still closed. It will only be open starting this Thursday when the other students start moving in."


I was a little disappointed since I wanted to try the VR room. I gave Sylvia the key to my old apartment, and we shared our contact number before she left. It was still five in the afternoon, but after such a tiresome day, I decided to take a short nap in my new bed. The mattress was so soft and comfortable that it took me only a few seconds to start dreaming.