
Becoming the Ice Princess in Black Clover.

One day, a girl named Chesca dreamed of becoming a princess after she witnessed the world of Black Clover. When she first read the manga, she was mesmerized and loved the story. She wished that they were true, but sadly they were just fictional characters. Black Clover serves as her sole means of fleeing from the harshness of reality. She persevered through the torment inflicted by her peers and parents until reaching a breaking point. Exhausted by a world devoid of love and acceptance, she yearns to escape the anguish and cease feeling pain. She embraced her cherished Black Clover manga tightly as she leaped from a five-story building. She has only one regret... She won't be able to witness the spectacular story of Black Clover again.

Blahblah_98 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Her Potential

From the second-floor window, Alara discerned an onlooker, instantly recognizing Noelle by the admiration reflected in her eyes. Observing Noelle's steadfast gaze, Alara felt a surge of gratitude at having such a loyal ally by her side.

Caught off guard by Alara's notice, Noelle blushed with embarrassment, contemplating leaving the scene. However, she hesitated when she noticed Alara gesturing for her to join in the garden.

Rushing downstairs, Noelle hurried to meet Alara, her curiosity piqued about the reason for the summons. Thoughts raced through her mind—perhaps Alara had a task or an order for her to carry out?

"Uhmm... Princess Alara, what can I do for you?" She asked Alara, to which Alara responded with a soft smile on her face.

"Get ready, we're going shopping for new clothes for you. Don't fret, I'll cover all the expenses. I'm not fond of your dresses bearing the Silva logo," Alara informed Noelle, indicating her intention to provide a wardrobe upgrade.

Noelle was shocked when she heard Alara. "Princess, you don't have to buy me clothes. I'm fine with my old one."

Alara shook her head, expressing her disapproval. "You're a part of my household now; our attire should adhere to the theme of either white, blue, or gold. Dressing in such a manner will signify to everyone that you're one of my trusted associates."

With little choice, Noelle consented. Embracing the role as one of Alara's confidants, her immediate focus shifted towards safeguarding Alara and fostering her own growth to become stronger.

To Noelle, Alara's words held an unwavering authority that was not to be challenged or disregarded.

Noelle nods and takes Alara's hand, then goes inside the castle.


Alara and Noelle both donned white dresses adorned with intricate gold designs. Assisted by maids who skillfully styled their hair, they emerged impeccably dressed. Outside, their guards readied the carriage for their excursion to the shopping district within the Clover Kingdom.

 Seated side by side in the carriage, Alara perceived Noelle's tension. Offering reassurance, she reached out, gently grasping Noelle's hand, and bestowed a comforting smile.

"No need to be so nervous; as long as I'm here, no noble or royal will dare to mistreat you," Alara assured, rubbing the back of Noelle's hand with her thumb in a soothing gesture to alleviate the tension.

Amidst their tranquil journey, the sudden halt of the carriage startled both Noelle and Alara, catching them off guard.

Alara opened the window to talk to the driver. "What's wrong?"

"Princess Alara, I fear something's amiss at the Roselei residence," the driver exclaimed, concern etched on his face. Alara followed his gaze and witnessed an alarming scene unfolding—the manor of the Roselei family under siege by rampant vines that not only ravaged the estate but also posed a threat to the people in its vicinity.

Alara's eyes widened in shock at the sight, realizing that Charlotte's curse had triggered this chaos. Swiftly taking charge, she urgently instructed her guards to intervene and offer assistance.

"Hurry! Assist the others!" Alara urgently commanded her guards, prompting a moment of hesitation. Their primary duty was to safeguard the princess. Leaving her side raised concerns about who would ensure her safety in their absence.

Seeing her guard's hesitations, she shouted again, "Hurry up! Don't mind me!"

Upon hearing Alara's directive, the guards reluctantly but dutifully complied. They began aiding those ensnared by the unruly vines. The affected individuals, recognizing the guards as the princess's protectors, expressed immense gratitude for their assistance.

Alara disembarked from the carriage, causing worry to grip Noelle. "Princess, please, the guards are already aiding them. It's safer for you to stay here!" she urged, concerned for Alara's safety.

"No! I have to assist! I can't remain idle while my people suffer! I'm a princess!" Alara's voice brimmed with determination as she emphasized her resolve. In truth, Alara sought a chance to uncover Noelle's latent potential. Understanding that emotions and experiences are key to mastering magic, she aimed to utilize this situation to help Noelle explore her capabilities.

"Then I'll accompany you!" Noelle swiftly exited the carriage, positioning herself in front of Alara, ready to act as a shield should any danger arise.

Alara, meanwhile, scanned the area, identifying someone perilously close to danger. In a split second, she spotted an elderly woman on the verge of being ensnared by a vine. Recognizing this as a potential opportunity, Alara swiftly dashed toward the old woman.

"Princess!" Noelle's shout rang out, torn between concern and uncertainty. If only she could harness her magic, she'd feel empowered to follow Alara's lead.

Alara swiftly positioned herself between the elderly woman and the oncoming vine, summoning a substantial block of ice as a shield. Intentionally weakening the ice's integrity, she ensured that both she and the elderly woman would be propelled away. Confident in her ability to safeguard the elderly individual, Alara allowed the vine to strike the weakened ice, shattering it into fragments.

As the ice shattered, Alara wrapped her arms around the elderly woman, bracing themselves for the forceful expulsion. Using her own body as a shield, she shielded the woman from harm, absorbing the impact to ensure her safety.

Fear gripped Noelle as she witnessed Alara in imminent peril. Her hands trembled in a state of panic, rendering her unable to act or move, overwhelmed by the paralyzing fear of the situation.

In the midst of the chaos, a peculiar sensation enveloped Noelle—it felt as though time had come to a standstill. Amid this surreal moment, a surge of clarity washed over her, allowing a sudden thought to crystallize in her mind.

Amidst the turmoil, Noelle grappled with a surge of self-doubt. Waves of inadequacy surged through her, echoing her brother's harsh assessments. But a newfound resolve began to take root within her. Determination surged as she realized she couldn't succumb to weakness this time. She couldn't falter; she had a duty to protect Princess Alara. With Alara entrusting her life to Noelle, she felt the weight of her role as the princess's knight, compelling her to rise above her perceived weaknesses.

"I am her knight. I won't let anyone harm the princess!" Fueled by determination and unwavering resolve, Noelle sprinted towards Alara and the elderly woman, positioning herself protectively in front of them. Gazing intently at the encroaching vine poised for another attack, she braced herself to defend them at all costs.

Summoning her will and determination to shield Alara and the elderly woman, Noelle extended her hand toward the vine. As she concentrated, water began materializing within her palm. Harnessing her instinct and resolve, she directed a bullet of water from her palm towards the vine. With bated breath, she observed the water, noticing a stark change—it held its trajectory, flying true and straight! A surge of realization flooded over her—she had mastered her magic! The water bullet successfully struck the vine, obliterating it.

"I did it! I controlled my magic!" Noelle exclaimed joyfully, a profound sense of accomplishment washing over her. Finally mastering her abilities brought her immense happiness and relief.

"Congratulations, Noelle. You did it," Alara praised from where she lay on the ground, having observed everything. Despite her own predicament, she felt deeply satisfied with Noelle's exceptional performance.

"Thank you, Princess-" Noelle responded gratefully, her expression shifting as another vine emerged, this time hurtling towards them at an alarming speed. Swiftly assuming a protective stance, she spread her arms, positioning herself as a human shield, poised to intercept the impending attack.

Noelle shut her eyes tightly, bracing herself for the imminent impact, when suddenly she felt a comforting touch on her shoulder. A soft and reassuring voice spoke to her in a gentle tone, offering solace in the tense moment.

"Don't worry, Noelle. You're safe," Alara reassured with a soft smile gracing her face. With a subtle wave of her hand, a surge of magic surged forth. In an instant, the vines and the front of the Roselei manor were encased in a layer of ice.

As Noelle cautiously opened her eyes, she was taken aback by the sight before her. The scene of the icy transformation left her utterly astonished. She gazed at Alara in sheer disbelief, never fathoming the extent of Alara's incredible power.

The onlookers, witnessing the miraculous aid provided by their princess, erupted into joyous cheers. They hailed Alara's intervention, recognizing her as a truly worthy and deserving princess of their kingdom.

"Oi kid! Nice magic you got there. Mind if I join?" A deep voice suddenly broke through the scene. Alara glanced over her shoulder and responded with a smile.

It's Yami Sukehiro.