
Becoming The Guardian of the Gates of Anarchy

"I'm just a normal girl..." Chelsea Caves never thought much of life, to her it was always boring. Living with a foster family and having a benefactor who she knew was her father hardly seemed interesting. But when she finds out the truth about her mother and also that she has a secret responsibility to guard one of the hidden gates which keep uncontrollable evil from entering the world, she has to admit life is not as boring as she thought. She and a new friend have to find the other five Keepers who can close them when other dark forces try to open them. Its not easy but its a race against time and Chelsea has to get some answers along the way. Its not exactly easy with her new trainer but, hey, what can she do? Can she face the dangers that are emerging from the gates? Read to find out. Disclaimer: cover background isn't mine it's from Pinecrest.

Artz_Kohai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Chelsea smiled in content as she soaked in the warm LA summer sun. This was her kind of vacation,  who knew using her dad's money would actually be so enjoyable.

She was on a lounge chair by the pool of the hotel she and Justin lodged in. After closing the first gate she felt she totally deserved this. She began thinking of how short this might be, when suddenly, she was soaked with a large amount of water that quickly sank into her swimsuit.

"Prrt. Hey!" She eyed Justin who was looking at her from the pool. One way or the other he had managed to bring her back to reality. The noise coming from the bars, the screaming of kids and laughter from girls her age as they loitred around in bikinis.

"How was your nap?" He asked with a grin.

She was about to say something cheeky when someone else beat her to it.

"Quit bothering her bikerboy." Tony said climbing out of the pool oblivious to the stares of the people around him. Any moment the paparazzi would be here in  full force but it was worth it. He had to talk to Chelsea and Justin.

He picked a fresh towel and dried off.

"Aren't you meant to be heading home dj?" Justin asked airily.

"Yeah but I still want to talk about my meeting with the Alliance" Chelsea understood. Once you walk through a wall into a room with people whose names are Father time, Mother Nature and all sorts like that. You begin to wonder if life is real.

"You'll get used to it." Justin said after listening to Tony's rant.

"You're the lucky one." Chelsea chimed in. "We still have to find the second Keeper before the nightmare brothers open the second gate."

"I'll come with."

"No you can't." Justin's tone was firm. "You need to be here and pay attention to the trainer your mum hired."

"You guys might still need my tracking ability."

"We'll be okay.  Plus, finding each Keeper is the job for only me and Chelsea. If we need any of you, we'll call."

"Yeah your gate key will flash, once you use it, It'll bring you straight to our location." Chelsea added

Tony stared at her. "So today's the last time I'll see you?"

She put a hand on his shoulder and drew him into a hug. "Of course not. You'll see after we're done saving the world."

As they pulled apart Tony got a glimpse of two men sneak in one holding a camera and the other a small notebook. 

"That's my cue to leave." He got to his feet and waved as he made a rush for the changing room.

"Bye, safe trip." Justin called obviously sarcastic.

"Don't be like that." Chelsea said  standing up and pushing wet hair out of her face. "Come on, let's start figuring out who the second Keeper  is."

"Speaking of that, the Alliance wants to see us before we leave tomorrow."

"That's if we know where we're suppose to go." She diverted her eyes as he stepped out of the pool. She didn't want to stare. She'd never admit it but he was so toned and lean and-she felt like slapping herself now. After what seemed like forever they were headed back to their room.

"Well done on your first mission." The Queen of peace said cheerfully as she stroked Snowflake who had somehow made her way away from Nelly. Chelsea made a mental note to call her best friend and make up some excuse for the cat's vanishing act.

"What can we say,  its our job." Justin said bored.

The Alliance exchanged meaningful glances. The two watched as they seemed to communicate wordlessly.

"Justin," Father Time called. "We've decided to accelerate your reward."

"You're not serious." Both he and Chelsea said at the same time.

"Yes we are." Yang said flatly, clearly he had disagreed with this but majority carried the vote.

"Okay. Pay up then."

The members of the Alliance began laughing heartily.

"Oh silly Justin, we're not dumb enough to give you your reward now." Mother Nature said.

"After this mission we assure you'll get it." The Queen added

"If we survive." Chelsea  mutter clutching the laser pointer. "Why didn't you guys tell me about my sword's ability to transform."

"We gave you your mum's journal didn't we?" Yang said coolly. "The name of the sword is Majesty."

She remembered how the pen looked in true form. Beautiful yet deadly it really earned that name. She turned to Justin who was wearing a sullen look. "Just one mission buddy."

He shoved of her hand and lifted his eyes to meet his dad's. "We'll be leaving now we have a long way to go."

No one said anything. 

She understood he didn't want to be here any longer, these guys had just brought his hopes up then smashed it. She pulled out her Trans key and opened a doorway to the back alley of their hotel. Their hired vehicle was waiting out in front with their stuff.

"Can you explain where we're going again?" She sked trying to divrt his attention. She hsted it when he was moody, he could be a bigger jerk than usual.

"That's what you get from falling asleep while I'm explaining." He waited for her to get in first.

"It was past one in the morning and you mean to tell me that you, Justin Yang, manged to track down the second Keeper? "

"Nate Ross, first place champion for the LA junior swimming division" he said as if it was so obvious. "His latest prize was an all expenses paid cruise."

"So we're going to the port?"

"You bet." He pulled out tickets from his pocket and said something to the driver. "Your dad got us last minute first class tickets."

"How did you do that?" She was really shocked her dad would just answer anyone like that.

Justin coughed and began to speak in her voice. "Hi dad I want to go on an amazing cruise like today."

She punched him. "Never do that again and I don't sound like that."

"Of course you don't." He was speaking normally again. "You're much more whiny."

Before she had the time to react the car squealed to an halt. Turned out they were going really fast through a short route. They stepped out of the car while some men came to help them with their bags.

Chelsea couldn't take her eyes off the colossal stature of the ship that was anchored by the bay. It was huge, a white  and blue wonder. She had never seen a ship before and she'd stupidly had said this had to be the Titanic.

"Come on star eyes." Justin said pulling her towards the gang way.

Even climbing that was wondrous for her. She finally got to the front hopping in front of him. As her feet touched the wooden deck she almost squealed.

"Hold on to your glasses."

But his words fell on deaf ears. He decided to take care of the rest of the arrangements while she got lost. He'd look for her later if she had not flung herself overboard yet.

Chelsea kept walking past crowds of people on the main deck she wondered when the ship would set sail. Maybe she'd be seasick or it would capsize. Definitely not the second one. She was so lost in thought and wonder that she wasn't noticing where she was headed. She bumped into someone strong and  tall. Very tall.

She adjusted her glasses and looked up into the young vibrant eyes of a tanned blond haired man wearing a navy suit and the cap he was also wearing told her she had just bumped into the captain. Before she could say anything.

"Welcome board the S. S. Clara young one." He tipped his cap with grace. "I am Capt. Scott, but fine young ladies like yourself can call me captain." He winked.

She immediately knew she was about getting into something she didn't like. Before she could think of an excuse, she was already blushing bright red as they were in a corner alone.

Luckily someone came to her aid.

"Yo, Celia, uncle Ray's calling us by the pool." It was a guy around her age or possibly younger. He had slightly long brown hair and wore casual clothes. He was referring to her, she decided to play along.

"Coming." She turned to the captain. "I'll see you around capt."

She and the boy dashed out of sight. Once they were in the clear.

"Hope he didn't so anything to you." The boy looked straight into her eyes. "I saw him harass a couple of girls on his way, couldn't let him get another one."

"Thanks." She breathed. "Hope you don't plan on making moves yourself."

He grinned. "What if I was?"

He seemed pleasant enough. "Chelsea Caves."

"Lovely name." For the first time she noticed his slightly jersey accent. "Nathan Ross but you can call me Nate."

She smiled at her own luck.

She felt a slight shift, indicating that the ship was moving already.

"Wanna hang out by the pool?" Nate asked.

"Sure. As long as you do some tricks for me."

"I guess you know me?" He blushed, sheepish.

"You're my favourite swimmer." She took his hand. "Come on let's go."

After about an hour of watching Nate do water tricks and awesome dives. They leaned by the ships railing looking at the blue green ocean. The sea breeze blowing was pretty warm but also kind of relaxing. As they talked, Chelsea was wondering how she would break the news to him. Its not exactly easy to tell someone they're a Keeper. Tony's case had been urgent.

We've got time. She thought to herself.

"What's on your mind." He asked not really looking at her. They were watching the sun set beyond the horizon. Beautiful streaks of orange, purple, and pink dotted the sky.

"Nothing really I'm just wondering; how are you so good at swimming?"

"I just am." He said as if it were the  most obvious thing in the world.

"It's pretty awesome."

A short silence passed between them.

"The waves look pretty beautiful tonight." He said absently staring into the sea. She followed his gaze as he spoke some deep praise to the ocean. Something about just going with the follow.

"You're the live-in-the-moment kind of guy?"

He put a hand on hers. "How do you know?" He leaned in closer.

Okay time to break this up. "I need to tell you something."

But before she could gt another word out. "Chelsea, there you are." Justin jogged up to them before stopping abruptly. He scrutinised both of them.

Chelsea quickly pulled her hand from Nate's. "Justin, I..."

"Don't even try explaining." He seemed pretty casual. "I'll see you in the room. 23A." With that he left.

Nate blushed. "We'll meet some other time."

She waved and walked towards the open area where people were watching some entertainers do a pre dinner show. She leaned on a table and pretended to watch. Soon her gaze lifted to the lavender sky with its bright stars. She wondered how she was going to handle if guys kept flirting with her wherever she went. Back at home she hardly got half this kind of attention. She was still thinking about this when,

"They're pretty aren't they?"

She looked to her side and saw a man who could have been in his late forties. He was wearing an hawaiian T-shirt and cargo shorts. He was also sipping a frosty papaya smoothie. His eyes raised to the stars.

"Hello who are you?"

"You really can't recognise me?" He looked down. Grey misty eyes which seemed to hold secrets. As well as faint clockwork going on inside them. His long white hair was in a sleek ponytail and his bread was short but slightly bushy.

Chelsea suddenly realised who was beside her. 'What did I do now?'

Well thanks for reading. If this chapter is too short for you then I'm sorry. Please keep reading and catch the next part.

I wrote this a while ago when I was much younger and was very new to writing so just hope you like it.

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