
Becoming The Food God In This Cultivation World

The Story of a Soon-To-Be God Of Food transmigrated into the world of Soul Land After his death, 5.000 Years after Oscar, the previous God of Food ascended alongside Tang San, the original protagonist of this cultivation world, and the rest of his friends. ================================== if you want to see more chapters of this story, please go to my Patreon Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Avicebron

Evangeline_MC · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 5: Boss, Give Me Another Bowl!

Tang Zi was certain that this shop did not exist when he came to the branch a couple of days ago. Obviously, this shop had opened in the past two days.

Looking at the tables and chairs inside, it did resemble a restaurant to some extent.

This piqued Tang Zi's curiosity as a food lover, so he turned and walked towards the Small Shop.

As the first customer pushed open the door and entered, Qi Han quickly stood up, preparing to force a smile. Suddenly, he heard a warning from the system in his ear.

[The Host is a man with a Worldly Gourmet System. Please maintain the appropriate demeanor and put away your flattering smile.]

No flattering?

Alright then.

Qi Han's smile froze for a moment, and then slowly became expressionless.

Due to his Martial Spirit, Tang Zi had a tall and imposing figure, standing at 2 meters tall. When he pushed open the door and stood in front of Qi Han, it felt like a mountain's pressure had instantly descended on Qi Han.

Qi Han felt a little nervous in his heart, but he remained expressionless, looking up at Tang Zi and asking, "What would you like to eat?"

So, it really is a restaurant?

Tang Zi looked around the surroundings with interest. This was a style of decoration he had never seen before, but it was exceptionally fresh, giving people a very relaxed feeling as soon as they entered.

He then took a breath and spoke, "Are you the boss? What delicious food do you have here?"

There was already a hint of eagerness in his voice.

Qi Han pointed to a wall behind Tang Zi and said, "The menu is behind you."

Tang Zi turned his head and blinked, somewhat surprised.

Am I seeing things?

Why is there only one dish?

Wait, what did he ask me when I entered?

"What would you like to eat?"

And you ask me what I want to eat when there's only one dish?

With a puzzled expression, Tang Zi tried his luck and said, "Um— Boss, your restaurant wouldn't only have one dish, right?"

Perhaps it's because the shop just opened and the menu hasn't been finalized yet, so there's only one dish, right?

Right, right?

Then Qi Han's words shattered Tang Zi's hopes. "Yes, our shop currently only has one dish."

To avoid any misunderstandings, Qi Han deliberately emphasized the word "currently," hoping that this first customer wouldn't be discouraged.

Tang Zi understood it well, and his face relaxed a bit.

Currently? Does that mean there will be other dishes in the future?

Well, alright then. Let's try this dish and see how it tastes.

"Then give me a serving of fried rice," Tang Zi took a seat by the window and prepared to wait.

"Speaking of which, what is Egg Fried Rice?" Tang Zi scratched his head.

'It's a strange name, I hope it tastes good.'

As for the price of 5 Gold Coins, it wasn't much for him.

The Tang Sect's hidden weapons were popular throughout the continent, and the Sect had abundant resources, so they naturally wouldn't be stingy with their disciples.

As someone in his twenties who had reached the Spirit King level (Fifth Rank) at such a young age, Tang Zi was considered an outstanding disciple within the Sect, and he received better treatment. Paying 5 Gold Coins for a meal was not a big deal.

Of course, the condition was that it had to be worth it.

Tang Zi had made up his mind that if the food in this shop was not up to par, he wouldn't let the owner off easily.

The wait wasn't as long as Tang Zi had imagined. After a few minutes, a plate of steaming Egg Fried Rice was brought to him by Qi Han.

Tang Zi stared wide-eyed at the dish of Egg Fried Rice.

He ate rice every day, but this was different. Each grain of rice was coated with a faint golden color. Considering the name, Tang Zi quickly guessed that the golden color must be from the eggs.

A dish made with eggs and rice?

This was a completely new version that Tang Zi had never seen before.

Amidst the golden Egg Fried Rice, there were traces of green and white onions. Unlike the soft and limp onions he had eaten before, these onions were translucent like jade.

Taking a deep breath, the sweet fragrance of the onions blended with the rich aroma of the Egg Fried Rice, creating an unparalleled atmosphere of flavors.

It must be delicious!

Such a thought inexplicably appeared in Tang Zi's mind.

He picked up the small spoon next to him and opened his mouth wide, taking a bite with a loud "Fwooo".

As the delicacy entered his mouth, the aroma became even more vivid, enveloping Tang Zi in its fragrance.

It was difficult to describe the taste with words. For Tang Zi, who wasn't well-educated, all the language ultimately boiled down to two words.

"So delicious!"

Unable to hold back his admiration, Tang Zi started eating mouthful after mouthful.

A serving of Egg Fried Rice was not small, but with Tang Zi's large stature, he naturally ate more.

After finishing every last bit on his plate, Tang Zi couldn't help but look towards the kitchen.

"Boss, give me another bowl!"

With the completion of the Egg Fried Rice, Tang Zi clearly felt that his Spirit Power had increased slightly. Could it be that this Egg Fried Rice wasn't made from ordinary ingredients?

This made him even more surprised. Although the improvement was far from the level of heavenly treasures, compared to the often tens of thousands of Gold Coins required for such treasures, this Egg Fried Rice only cost 5 Gold Coins.

Qi Han nodded and suddenly realized something.

He asked in a low voice, "System, can the same customer make multiple purchases?"

[As a chef, it wouldn't be right to let customers go hungry. Customers can make multiple purchases, but if there is any wastage, the Host has the duty to blacklist them and no longer provide service.]

Fortunately, his gourmet system wasn't the same brand as Yuan Zhou's.

"System, do you know Mage Alex?"

[No, who is that?]

"Oh, never mind. I was just asking." (A Reference to another web novel with a system that can only give the customer a single serving of food each day)

Then, Qi Han lowered his head and happily started chopping the onions.

A customer could make multiple purchases, which meant that the progress of the second main quest could be faster.

Qi Han served the second plate of Egg Fried Rice to Tang Zi and sat on a chair, continuing to be a couch potato.

This place was supposed to have the highest foot traffic in Shrek City, but at the moment, there was only one customer.

From Tang Zi's attire, it was clear that he was a disciple of the Tang Sect. He must have just come out of the sect and stumbled upon the Small Shop.

Qi Han perhaps didn't understand why there were fewer customers yesterday, but after taking a stroll around the area in the morning, he knew the reason very well.

Right next to this street was Shrek City's famous Food Street, where the entire street was filled with delicacies from all over the Douluo Continent. It would be bustling with people during meal times.

In comparison, this street was not considered a dining destination for most people in Shrek City.

Since the location of the Small Shop was chosen by the system, there must be some deep meaning behind it.

Could it be that the system intends for me to defeat the entire Food Street with just one shop?

No way, right?

[Congratulations, Host. You guessed it right.]


Looking at the sudden appearance of the system, Qi Han fell into contemplation.

'Let's just try my best.'

To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


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