
Becoming The Food God In This Cultivation World

The Story of a Soon-To-Be God Of Food transmigrated into the world of Soul Land After his death, 5.000 Years after Oscar, the previous God of Food ascended alongside Tang San, the original protagonist of this cultivation world, and the rest of his friends. ================================== if you want to see more chapters of this story, please go to my Patreon Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Avicebron

Evangeline_MC · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 2: Future Neighbors

Shrek Academy has a history of over 5,000 years since its establishment.

Under the leadership of the first generation leaders, the Golden Triangle, its scale continued to expand, and its influence spread to the surrounding areas, gradually forming a unique atmosphere in the vicinity of the academy.

The former Shrek Academy was under the jurisdiction of the Heaven Dou Empire.

But as the reputation of Shrek Academy, the continent's number one academy, spread wider, numerous Spirit Masters from the Star Luo Empire also came with admiration.

For the Star Luo Empire, this situation was akin to a talent drain. How could they tolerate it?

In response, the Star Luo Empire sternly protested against the Heaven Dou Empire and even prepared for war.

At that time, Shrek Academy had already established the Sea God's Pavilion, with its elders being powerful Title Douluo. It was no longer a simple academy but had the presence of a strong force. Even the Heaven Dou Empire had to treat it as an equal.

After negotiations among the three parties, they reached a consensus under the suggestion of the Sea God's Pavilion's current master.

Both the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire agreed to give a portion of their respective territories to Shrek Academy, naming it Shrek City. Shrek Academy relocated to Shrek City, no longer belonging to any country and existing independently.

From then on, Shrek City became a city independent of the empires and was governed solely by Shrek Academy.

And today, Shrek City welcomed a new guest.

"Hoo... Hoo..."

Qi Han gasped for breath as he arrived at the gate of Shrek City.

Do you know how I spent these three days?

Qi Han really wanted to shout that word at the magnificent city gate of Shrek City.

Three days ago, Qi Han quickly sold all his belongings, totaling 4 Silver Coins and 3 Copper Coins.

1 Silver Coin was equal to 10 Copper Coins, and the Copper Coin was the smallest currency in the Douluo Continent. For an ordinary person, 43 Copper Coins would be enough to live on for several months.

But this money was simply not enough to come to a big city like Shrek City.

Helpless, Qi Han had to take odd jobs along the way to scrape together enough money for the travel expenses, just to arrive in Shrek City within the 3 day deadline set by the system.

During these 3 days, Qi Han also gained a clearer understanding of his situation.

Undoubtedly, this world was indeed the Douluo Continent, as evidenced by the ordinary people he encountered who could conjure axes and hoes out of thin air.

And Qi Han wasn't without his own Martial Spirit. His Martial Spirit... was a kitchen knife.

Qi Han sensed the malice emanating from the system and even suspected that it was an intentional choice by the system.

System: It's not me, I didn't do it. You're just making things up.

As for Spirit Power, Qi Han didn't have any expectations. He was just an ordinary person, and it was impossible for him to cultivate on his own.

However, Qi Han didn't feel too discouraged because the system had already informed him that future mission rewards might include enhancements to Spirit Power.

While others become stronger through cultivation, I, Qi Han, will become stronger by cooking to complete missions.


It's quite cool, actually.

Shrek City was a large city and, strictly speaking, the largest city on the Douluo Continent.

It was even more magnificent than the capital cities of the two empires.

But such a large city didn't have many restrictions, allowing both Spirit Masters and ordinary people to come and go freely.

This was achieved based on the reputation Shrek Academy had built over the past 5,000 years.

No one dared to cause trouble here. Whether they were Spirit Masters or ordinary people without Spirit Power, in the face of a behemoth like Shrek Academy, the difference was not significant.

Qi Han smoothly entered Shrek City and, following the map provided by the system, found the shop that the system had gifted him.

The shop wasn't large and looked like an unfinished raw space, with a total area of about 100 square meters divided into 2 floors.

But none of these were problems.

Qi Han glanced at his future neighbors and couldn't help but shrink his head.


[What's the matter, Host?]

"Can the location of the shop be changed?"

[After careful selection, the shop is considered the most suitable for the Host by the system. Please do not reject the goodwill from the system.]


I want to refuse!

Qi Han silently screamed in his heart and helplessly looked at the shop's opposite side.

Tang Sect Shrek City Branch.

Then he looked to the left and right of the shop.

Shrek City Great Spirit Arena, Shrek City Grand Auction House.

Well, the system was ruthless enough to place the shop right in the center of these three behemoths.

[Friendly reminder: It's actually four because Shrek Academy's side entrance is within 100 meters behind the shop.]

"Shut up!"


Qi Han painfully covered his head, feeling the deep malice from the system.

The location was indeed good, opening a shop in this position would bring an unparalleled flow of people.


He was just an ordinary person without Spirit Power.

Although the security in Shrek City was excellent, he still had reasons to worry.

[Please accept the shop as soon as possible to complete the mission.]

Alright, let's not think about it too much. Since I'm here, I'll just accept it.

Qi Han took a deep breath and stood in the middle of the shop, softly saying, "Accept the shop!"


[Detected that the Host has completed a Quest.]

[Main Quest 1: Open a Restaurant (Completed)

Quest Reward: Customizable Store Decoration Style (Claimable), Random Recipe Drop x1 (Claimable)]


[Quest triggered!]

[Main Quest 2: First Pot of Gold

Please use your culinary skills to earn 100 Gold Coins.

Quest Description: The beginning of the path to becoming the Food God may be these seemingly insignificant 100 Gold Coins~

Quest Reward: Random Recipe Drop x1, Spirit Power level +1]

Qi Han's gaze skipped over the reward claim for Quest 1 and firmly locked onto the reward for Main Quest 2.

Spirit Power level +1!

His heartbeat quickened. He didn't expect to encounter such a Quest reward so soon.

If his previous desire to become a Spirit Master was driven by the longing for extraordinary power from his previous life, after witnessing the power of the extraordinary in this world, his desire to become a Spirit Master became even stronger.

Be brave, Qi Han, don't fear difficulties!

Encouraging himself inwardly, Qi Han's gaze turned to the reward for Main Quest 1.

Which one should he claim first…

His gaze wandered between the two rewards, and he asked the system for advice.

[I suggest the Host choose the decoration style first. The decoration process will take 24 hours, during which the Host can practice recipes obtained in the system space.]

Qi Han readily accepted the suggestion and claimed the decoration. He reviewed the decoration options provided by the system and ultimately chose a style leaning towards a fresh and clean aesthetic.

Although he preferred a minimalist feel, that style would clash too much with the architectural style of Douluo Continent, so he had to give it up.

It's worth mentioning that the second floor of the shop would be decorated by the system as a living space for Qi Han.

To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


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