
Becoming The Food God In This Cultivation World

The Story of a Soon-To-Be God Of Food transmigrated into the world of Soul Land After his death, 5.000 Years after Oscar, the previous God of Food ascended alongside Tang San, the original protagonist of this cultivation world, and the rest of his friends. ================================== if you want to see more chapters of this story, please go to my Patreon Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Avicebron

Evangeline_MC · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 13: Side Quest

Pushing open the door, Qi Han saw several customers waiting outside the shop. When they saw him, they merely greeted him with a nod before hurrying inside.

Even though Qi Han's Small Shop had only been open for 3 days, it had already gained some reputation within certain circles. For example, the Tang Sect's Shrek City branch, specifically, in the Defense Hall, almost everyone inside of that Hall knew about Qi Han's delicious Egg Fried Rice.

At this rate, it wouldn't be long before the news spread to other branches.

Now, Zhou Long would come to Qi Han's shop every evening to have dinner. Lunchtime was not feasible since the Tang Sect's Shrek City branches had their own tasks, and as a squad leader, Zhou Long was quite busy.

The meals at the Tang Sect were decent. Although they couldn't compare to Qi Han's shop, they were nutritious, and handling 2 meals at noon wasn't a problem.

But in the evening, Zhou Long couldn't help but crave the taste of Egg Fried Rice.

He entered the shop, intending to order his usual large serving of Egg Fried Rice, but when he glanced at the menu, he froze.

"Boss, are there new dishes?"


The customers who came early and waited were all regulars. Since everyone knew that this shop only served Egg Fried Rice, they usually placed their orders directly. But upon hearing Zhou Long's words, everyone turned to look at the menu on the wall.

Indeed, there were new dishes, and there were 2 new ones at once.

With the introduction of new dishes, naturally, everyone wanted to try them.

Almost everyone ordered a serving of Smashed Cucumber, while for Braised Chicken, fewer people chose it because it was slightly more expensive. Only half of the customers opted for it.

Zhou Long was among that half.

Smashed Cucumber was served first. As an appetizer, it wouldn't be placed on the table after the main course.

The preparation of Smashed Cucumber was very quick, and in no time, Qi Han was carrying plates of Smashed Cucumber to each table.

At first glance, Zhou Long was drawn to the vibrant colors of this small dish.

Smashed Cucumber itself didn't have a high aesthetic appeal, but when properly plated, it became a different story.

Among the perfectly presented Smashed Cucumbers, the garnish of a few sprigs of cilantro was like icing on the cake, capturing Zhou Long's gaze firmly on the centerpiece of the dish.

The deep green skin of the cucumber, the light green translucent flesh, coated in brown sauce and red chili, with pale yellow garlic, and vibrant green scallions.

Various colors intertwined, fully embodying the aspect of "visual appeal."

'I want to eat it!'

As the faint sour and spicy aroma reached his nostrils, Zhou Long discreetly wiped the drool at the corner of his mouth and reached for the nearby chopsticks—Huh?

'Wait a minute, what is this? 2 small wooden sticks?'

They looked a bit like bamboo skewers, but the tops were round. How are they supposed to be used?

Zhou Long scratched his head. "Boss, can I have a fork?"

"Yeah, me too. I need a fork."

Zhou Long's words received agreement from many people around him. Apparently, everyone was facing the same issue.


Qi Han was slightly taken aback.

'Didn't he already provide them with chopsticks? Why would you need a fork to eat Smashed Cucumber?'


[Triggered Quest!]

[Side Quest 1: Cultural Ambassador

Please teach 100 guests from another world how to use chopsticks.

Quest Description: Bridge the cultural gap, it is our duty.

Quest Reward: Spirit Power Level +5]

'System, well done!'

Qi Han, upon seeing the quest reward, quickly changed his statement.

At this moment, Qi Han suddenly realized a problem.

In the world of Douluo Continent, the mainstream utensils used were knives, forks, spoons, and long skewers. There was no precedent for using chopsticks.

Because using chopsticks had already become a subconscious action for Qi Han, he had overlooked this fact.

Looking at the customers who requested forks, Qi Han smiled slightly.

'If I give you forks, how can I complete the quest?'

'I mean, Spirit Power Level +5! Who can resist that'

Coughing lightly, Qi Han spoke up, "Please calm down, everyone. On your right side, there is a new utensil called chopsticks. Since many dishes in this shop will be served with chopsticks in the future, I will now teach you how to use them."

Qi Han held a pair of brand new chopsticks and demonstrated their usage to everyone in detail.

There was a slightly mischievous smile on his face.

Would the frustrated expression of the foreigners from Earth when they were learning to use chopsticks be recreated in the world of Douluo Continent?

"Oh, so that's how you use them. It's really convenient." After a few breaths, Zhou Long effortlessly picked up the 2 small wooden sticks with his large palms, skillfully picked up a piece of Smashed Cucumber, and put it in his mouth, with a blissful expression on his face, enjoying the refreshing taste.

Others followed suit and quickly mastered the technique.

For a while, the entire dining area was filled with admiration for chopsticks and Smashed Cucumber.


Qi Han's face stiffened.

'Why did they learn so quickly? What about the agonizing struggle?'

It's not surprising that Qi Han was amazed. Although he had acquired Spirit Power, his cultivation was still shallow, and he had little understanding of Spirit Masters.

Spirit Masters with extraordinary power had much better control over their bodies compared to the foreigners from Earth. Learning to use a utensil was not a difficult task when they imitated each other.

Moreover, Shrek City was the number one city on the continent, with a higher proportion of Spirit Masters than anywhere else. Most of Qi Han's customers were Spirit Masters, and their cultivation levels were not weak.

Looking at the completion progress of the quest, which was now at 12/100, Qi Han couldn't feel happy at all.

Well, let's continue cooking eggs and fried rice.

Hey, Egg Fried Rice, the simplest yet most challenging dish. Each grain of rice should be separate, coated with egg~


The amount of Smashed Cucumber wasn't much, and for Zhou Long, it barely filled his stomach.

No, it couldn't even be considered filling because after eating the delicious and sour Smashed Cucumber, he felt even hungrier.

Fortunately, Qi Han quickly brought the Egg Fried Rice and placed it in front of Zhou Long.

Greedily inhaling the aroma of the Egg Fried Rice, which had become a habitual action before Zhou Long ate it, he then picked up the spoon and enjoyed it heartily.

The portion of the Egg Fried Rice was generous, but Zhou Long ate even faster. It didn't take long for the plate to be empty.


After finishing a large portion of Egg Fried Rice, Zhou Long felt his stomach slightly satisfied.

Hmm, he's about 60% full.

However, perhaps due to eating the Smashed Cucumber, his appetite remained robust.

There was only one dish left, apparently a soup dish. Soup dishes were not common in the world of Douluo Continent; people preferred to have them with alcohol or juice during meals. However, Zhou Long had completed his sect's mission and had been to many places on the continent. He knew that some cities had soup dishes.

Unfortunately, those soup dishes often had strange flavors that Zhou Long couldn't get used to.

The reason Zhou Long ordered the Braised Pork Stomach with Chicken was purely out of curiosity.

He had already secretly decided that if the boss's soup dish was also some weird-tasting stuff, then he would...

Then he would just stick to eating Egg Fried Rice in the future.

Perhaps he could add Smashed Cucumber to it?

Just when Zhou Long was feeling somewhat anxious, Qi Han brought a peculiar-looking vessel and placed it in front of him.

To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


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