
Becoming The Female Lead In A Scandle Overnight

# SCANDALOUS GIRLFRIEND Zhou Yun was just a newly debuted actress, but because she happened to stay in the same hotel as the top male celebrity, Song Chi, she became "Song Chi's underground girlfriend" that the entire nation had their eyes on. She was now trending on the internet. "She's taking advantage of my big brother's popularity!" "My big brother would never fall for a woman like her!" "Zhou Yun, you should get out of showbiz!" … There were curses all around. Facing such an undeserving calamity, Zhou Yun had a hard time saying anything. At this moment, a stranger suddenly sent her a friend request. He asked, "I heard that you're my girlfriend?" “Who are you?” Zhou Yun asked. He replied, "Song Chi."

No Spring in Song · General
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40 Chs

The Beginning of the Scandal: 17

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The order of appearance had always been particular, but who would appear first and who would appear later in the middle was actually not as sensitive as the opening and finale.

Zhou Yun did not know why Yu Sitian suddenly suggested to appear after her. She and Zhou Lan looked at each other and saw some confusion on each other's faces.

At this moment, the staff in charge of the outer venue walked over and said, "It's Miss Yu's turn."

She did not hear what Yu Sitian had just said.

The staff in charge of Yu Sitian revealed a look of danger and said to Yu Sitian, "Miss Yu, this order was arranged long ago. It's not convenient to change it at the last minute. You—"

"Why is it inconvenient?" Yu Sitian turned to look at Zhou Yun. "Can't you just tell her?"

The staff member looked troubled.

Several pairs of eyes looked at Zhou Yun with different expressions.

However, Zhou Yun felt that it was baffling. She had never met Yu Sitian before, nor had she interacted with her before. There was no enmity between them. Why did Yu Sitian suddenly target her and deliberately cause trouble?

It wasn't the finale. How important was whoever went first or later?

It was obvious that she was purely causing trouble for her and making her unhappy.

Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan said softly, "It's none of our business. Don't worry about it. Let's talk about it when the brand staff comes."

Up until now, Yu Sitian had been the one making the request. Although the staff of the brand felt that it was difficult, they had not come over to talk to her about this.

After all, Yu Sitian was deliberately looking for trouble.

No brand with style would be willing to condone such unreasonable behavior.

Due to Yu Sitian's request, the brand had no choice but to urgently invite the artistes who were originally behind them to appear first.

One by one, they passed by them and looked at them in surprise.

Zhou Yun said to Zhou Lan in a low voice, "I'm just standing here and being stared at like a monkey."

Finally, a middle-level member of the brand came over.

He first negotiated with Yu Sitian, but there seemed to be no agreement. The other party's upright facial features also revealed some dissatisfaction.

But he didn't say anything else. He turned around and walked towards Zhou Yun.

The other party explained sincerely and asked, "Miss Zhou, can you adjust the order so that you can go on stage first?"

Zhou Yun nodded understandingly and said, "Sure."

The other party looked relieved. "Thank you for your understanding."

Zhou Yun smiled sweetly and said, "I like your jewelry very much too. It's very beautiful."

Zhou Yun agreed readily, which made Yu Sitian's face look even uglier.

If she was so understanding and willing to help, wouldn't it seem like I had a lot of tricks up my sleeve?

Yu Sitian was angry, but she couldn't flare up.

When Zhou Yun appeared on the red carpet, there was a commotion.

The news they had received previously did not mention that Zhou Yun would be attending this event.

At the thought that Song Chi would also be attending, everyone's cameras flashed even more frequently.

Zhou Yun's signature sweet smile appeared on her face. Most of the time, she turned her body sideways to highlight her side profile. This posture allowed the bracelet on her wrist and earrings to appear in front of the camera. She kept changing her gestures and poses, ending the red carpet in the flash and arriving at the host's interview area.

The host's interview was all about the brand. Zhou Yun followed the established script and discussed her thoughts before sitting down at the guest seat.