
Becoming The Female Lead In A Scandle Overnight

# SCANDALOUS GIRLFRIEND Zhou Yun was just a newly debuted actress, but because she happened to stay in the same hotel as the top male celebrity, Song Chi, she became "Song Chi's underground girlfriend" that the entire nation had their eyes on. She was now trending on the internet. "She's taking advantage of my big brother's popularity!" "My big brother would never fall for a woman like her!" "Zhou Yun, you should get out of showbiz!" … There were curses all around. Facing such an undeserving calamity, Zhou Yun had a hard time saying anything. At this moment, a stranger suddenly sent her a friend request. He asked, "I heard that you're my girlfriend?" “Who are you?” Zhou Yun asked. He replied, "Song Chi."

No Spring in Song · General
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Start of the Scandal: 19

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Zhou Lan waved her phone and said, "Some of Song Chi's fans are scolding you for trying to gain popularity."

Her tone purposely sounded as if she was relaxed, but her eyes were carefully looking at Zhou Yun.

Many people who seemed to be very resistant to pressure would still break down when they were abused online.

Zhou Lan was worried about this.

However, Zhou Yun only responded with an "oh". After a pause, she said, "I've already guessed it previously. They're actually not wrong. The brand invited me clearly to ride on the popularity. I accepted the invitation, so I can't say that I don't know anything."

"Actually, I'm afraid that you'll pretend to be relaxed and pretend that you don't care, but you'll be very calculative in your heart. In the end, you'll be stuck in a dead end." Zhou Lan said sincerely, "Many artists are depressed because of this."

Zhou Yun smiled faintly. Coincidentally, at this moment, golden sunlight shone in from outside the car window. Zhou Yun's light smile became hazy in the golden fog. As Zhou Lan looked at her, the words "Beauty of Time" couldn't help but appear in her mind. Zhou Yun's smile was full of story. It was a scene worth filming with a camera.

"Don't worry." Zhou Yun only said these two words.

In the next few days, Zhou Yun worked non-stop between various jobs. She did not even have time to let her imagination run wild.

After the weekend, there was finally an empty slot in the morning on Monday.

It was rare for Zhou Yun to be able to sleep in, so she slept all the way until ten in the morning. Then, she woke up leisurely and stretched, before lying on the bed and ordering a cup of coffee for herself. She only got out of bed when the takeaway arrived.

When it was almost noon, the driver came to pick Zhou Yun up and met Zhou Lan at the company.

She was here today to discuss something with the company.

Due to the sudden popularity and the butterfly effect that followed, Zhou Yun had been on the trending searches for the past week. There were also many brands who came to look for partnerships with her.

Zhou Lan wanted to take advantage of this period of time to pick a good show for Zhou Yun.

Works were the hard truth.

In terms of utilitarianism, without popularity from works, the fame was just duckweed floating in the water and was not firm.

Having a memorable character and a memorable work was too important for an artiste.

A famous good role could give an actor five years of dividends.

A classic role could give an actor a lifetime's worth of dividends.

Zhou Yun's company was called Cheng Qian Entertainment.

Cheng Qian Entertainment was only an artiste manager, but the Cheng Qian Group behind it had a film production company.

Zhou Yun was here today to meet with the people from the film and television production team to see if there were any suitable projects.

Zhou Lan picked up Zhou Yun from downstairs and took the elevator upstairs.

They were going to the meeting room on the seventh floor, but the elevator stopped on the fifth floor.

This building was the office area of Cheng Qian Entertainment, but the fifth floor did not belong to them.

It was a familiar face who came in, Wei Ruxue.

Wei Ruxue was the most popular female artiste in Cheng Qian Entertainment. She was also an actress and had debuted for 12 years. Back then, after she became popular on the Internet with the most beautiful artist student's photo, she was signed by Cheng Qian Entertainment. After experiencing the stages of being the pure campus belle, the ancient puppet flower, and the domineering female lead, she was now one of the most popular flowers.

Wei Ruxue was wearing a black jacket and holding a cup of coffee in her hand. She walked in with a sharp gaze, followed by a chubby girl who looked like an assistant.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan moved aside at the same time.

"Hello, Sister Ruxue." Zhou Yun took the initiative to greet her.

Wei Ruxue sized Zhou Yun up from top to bottom before the corners of her lips curled up. She revealed a smile that was not too warm as she called out Zhou Yun's name. "Zhou Yun?"

Zhou Yun smiled obediently.

The way Wei Ruxue looked at Zhou Yun was a little strange. Not only was her sizing her up too obvious, but she also did not seem to have any hypocritical goodwill. It was as if she despised Zhou Yun.

Fortunately, they reached the seventh floor in the blink of an eye. The elevator door opened and Wei Ruxue walked out.

Zhou Yun did not expect Wei Ruxue to go to the seventh floor.

Zhou Lan sighed in a low voice. "She has such a strong aura."

She didn't even say anything just now.

Zhou Yun nodded and chuckled. "But she doesn't seem to like me very much."

Zhou Lan still said in a low voice, "Everyone in the company said that she hates to see female artists who are younger and prettier than her. She has a strong sense of crisis."

"There's a difference of about eight years between us." Zhou Yun said.

"In the entertainment industry, there is basically no difference between a 22-year-old female artiste and a 30-year-old female artiste. The overlap rate is very high." Zhou Lan said, "Although she is changing the direction of her career, she can't change it just because she wants to. The few beauties competing with her are all trying their best to consolidate their status first. She has been contacting a few powerful film and television companies outside to change her direction and get a few heavyweight awards. Because of this, the company is a little dissatisfied with her."

"Is she taking on roles outside?"

"The film and television production team wants her to lead the other artists in the company, but she is not willing to do that, nor is she willing to film the shows that the company has arranged for her." Zhou Lan said, "In fact, all artists at her stage will face this problem. She wants to go further, but the company wants to make money. The shows that can help her change her direction do not have very high remuneration."

Zhou Yun acknowledged.

"Don't be too picky in the meeting later. At your current stage, you should try your best to gain a foothold with the help of the company first. Only when you are really popular can you have the capital to negotiate with the company." Zhou Lan said, "But you don't have to be too fearful and do as they want. It's easier to do things with your own attitude, in case people look down on you. Most of the people in the film and television production are a little arrogant."

"Got it."

When they arrived at the conference room, they realized that there was no one there.

"Did we go to the wrong place?" Zhou Yun asked subconsciously.

Zhou Lan checked the place and said, "It's right. I'll ask around and see if the location has been changed."

After waiting for a while, Zhou Yun suddenly saw Zhou Lan's face turn ugly.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said, "They said that they're talking with someone else and asked us to wait for a while."

"Oh, it's fine. Let's wait then." Zhou Yun pulled out a chair and sat down.

Zhou Lan said, "I will urge them."

"Forget it, don't rush them." Zhou Yun said, "There's nothing much to do anyway."

Zhou Lan also sat down.

After waiting for half an hour, the other party finally arrived late.

The man in the front was wearing a white shirt. His facial features were upright and handsome, and he exuded an elite aura from the inside out. Although he was late for a long time, he was not in a hurry. He came in with a smile and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss Zhou Yun. You've been waiting for a long time. I had to meet an important person at the last minute and was delayed."

Zhou Yun stood up slowly and said, "It's fine. You guys are busy."