
Becoming the Elder Brother of the Villain. (BL)

Novel : Becoming the Elder brother of the Villain (BL) Status : ongoing update : minimum once every week no of chapters : As much as i can _______________ Gu Weicheng was a talented business man. who roared in the business world. And one of the Most talented and youngest Billionaire. A Genius. But he had two secrets. 1. He was a gay 2. He loved to read BL stories. One day. Gu Weicheng was Betrayed by his uncle and killed by him. But for his surprise He transmigrated into the ABO BL novel he recently read. And become the dominant Alpha big brother of the Villain omega, who was in Coma for five years and died in the end. What will happen when the charecter. Who was supposed to be dead in the beginning of novel, come back alve. Stay tuned Coming soon .............,. # transmigration # Seme mc /top mc # mature content (18+) # ongoing ----------------------- All the charecter and story are just imaginary. Please don't upload the novel anywhere else without authorisation....... _______________________ My native language is not English. so beware of spelling, grammar and meaning mistakes.... I will try hard to improve it in each chapters to not cause any discomfort for my readers. This is my original novel, so please don't re-upload without permission ________ ENJOY

Ahana_405_AHN · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Chapter 58 (S2)

Lee Mansion

Lee Fang walked inside the hall.

"XiaoFang, you are finally back." Mrs Lee walked towards her son.

Lee Fang hugged his mother. 


Mrs.Lee smiled and hugged back Lee Fengge.  She looked at his son and said in a worried voice. 

"Oh, dear…" her face changed to concern. 

"You look so thin. The work is so tiring that you didn't get any time to eat properly, right?."

"Mom.. Do you get blind day by day? All I can see is my brother looking more handsome and healthy." Lee Mengli, step sister of Lee Fengge said. 

Lee Fang looked at his sister and a small smile formed on his face. 

"Brother.." Lee Mengli ran towards his brother and hugged him. 

"Well, I think you gained more weight compared to before." He said. 

"You… Mom, look, he is bullying me." Lee Mengli looked at Mrs.Lee and said.

Mrs. Lee shook her head. 

"Okay, you two. Stop disturbing him. He just arrived. You can talk to him after he freshens up." Mr.Lee walked towards them. 

"Dad…" Lee Fang walked towards Mr.Lee and hugged him. Mr.Lee patted Fang's back and said. 

"Go… and fresh up. We can talk later." Mr.Lee said. 

Lee Fengge looked towards the loving family reunion from the stairs. He gripped his hands tightly.What a loving family. There was a time when he also wanted to be part of it. But those dreams didn't last long. Those people who are playing family were the one who cruelly showed him the reality that he doesn't have a place among them. 

"Oh… brother who is this…." Lee Mingli looked towards the cute omega standing near the door. 

Everyone looked towards the door including  Lee Fengge. The person walked towards them elegantly with a gentle smile on his lips. 

"Hai Uncle Lee, Hai Aunt Lee." The unknown omega greeted the Lee Couple. 

"My name is Xulian." He said. 

"I am…"

"He is my fiance.." Suddenly Lee Fang interrupted. 

"What…?" Mrs.Lee and Lee Mengli said at the same time. 

There was a visible shock on Mr.Lee's face. 

The smile on Mrs.Lee's face cracked a bit. But immediately she composed herself. 

"Yo..Your Fiance…" She asked doubtfully. 

"Yes." Lee Fang said. He walked close to Xulian and put his hands on the omega's shoulder. 

"Let me introduce him properly." He looked towards his parents. 

"His name is Jiang Xulian. Second Young master of the Jiang family in Country A and also my Fiance." He said. 

After his words fell. The faces of the Lee couple eased a lot. 

"Hi everyone." The omega smile. 

"Sorry for the sudden intrusion." He said apologetically. 

"Oh… Don't worry dear. It's our pleasure to welcome you." She walked towards them and took Xulian's hand gently. She then turned to his son and patted his hands in anger.

"You, how can you do that? You brought Xiaolian like this and introduced him like this. Do you even know how we will feel?" She said, 

"Sorry dear, if we scared you. It's all this brats fault. If he had told us before, I would have happily prepared many things for you. But this brat, as always, never tells us anything until the very end. Now look everyone was surprised by the sudden announcement." Mrs.Lee said in a blaming voice. 

"No worry aunty. I can understand, it's my mistake for intruding in like this." Xulian said. 

"No worry Xulian. You don't need to be sorry. It's always my brother who likes to give us surprises which can sometimes even shock us." Lee Mingli said sarcastically.

"Mingming…" Mrs. Lee warned Mingli. She looked back at Xulian and said. 

"Don't mind her dear."

"It's alright aunty." Xulian showed a sweet smile. 

"You must be Mingli. You are much cuter than I thought you would be."  His voice was extremely gentle. 

"He…Hello" Seeing the sweet smile of the cute omega, Mingli suddenly got shy. 

"Okay..okay.. Talk to them after they enter the house. Don't make them stand there." Mr.Lee said.

"Oh…God… I forgot.." Mrs.Lee smacked her head. 

"Come..Come inside dear." She took the Omega's hand and walked inside. 

"And who is this Aunty?" When they reached near the stairs, the omega looked up and asked. 

Everyone looked towards the direction in which Xulian was looking and saw Lee Fengge walking down the stairs. Suddenly all the warm atmosphere disappeared and silence spread through the surroundings which made Lee Fengge's foot step much more clearer. 

"You don't have to mind me."Lee Fengge said with a smile. 

"I am just an uninvited guest who was mistakenly invited." He said with a smile. "Now that the real guests have arrived, I should take my leave." He said and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going.?" Mr.Lee suddenly asked. 

"Home…" He said. 

"Aon.. This is your home, how can you call some other place your home." Mrs.Lee said with a concerned voice, which also carried a hint of blaming.

Lee Fengge stopped his steps.

"No… Mrs.Lee. This place is not my home. And also, I don't remember having a mother like you…"

"How can you speak like that to my mother? And also you didn't even greet your brother." Mingli angrily looked at Lee Fengge and said,

Lee Fengge just glanced at  her and looked at his father. 

"If you want to talk to me about anything, then I will visit you in the office. I don't want to be here and ruin your family time." After saying this he walked towards the door without looking back. 

"This…Ungrateful brat.." Mr.Lee Cursed. Though his voice wasn't high. It was enough for everyone in the hall to hear. 

Though Mrs.Lee's face showed concern, the small arc on her lips betrayed her inner feelings. Lee Mingli also smiled proudly. Lee Fang looked towards the disappearing back and was in a deep thought. Nobody was able to tell what he was thinking.

Xulian who was standing on the side looked at everyone's expression. His confused look a moment ago suddenly changed and showed a small smirk.

'interesting..' he thought.




Weicheng sat on the chair. 

He was wiping his hands with a towel.

 David, who was kneeling on the floor, looked at Weicheng as if he was looking at his grim reaper just before his death. 

He looked towards Sam and Mitchell who were standing behind Weicheng.

'Help….' David begged using his eyes. 

Sam who saw the action, closed his eyes as if he didn't want to see what was about to happen. 

Mitchell on the other hand looked towards David as if he was watching an interesting show. Don't know if it's his illusion or not , David was seeing a small miniature version of Mitchell near his head wearing a 3D glass and eating popcorn.

'This..Bas..' Before he could curse, the door suddenly opened.

Seeing the person who walked inside David's face turned extremely pale.



Who do you think the person was..?


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I have only completed this chapter now. Only one chapter today. I'm happy that many people from different countries are supporting and reading my novel. I don't have much time, but will definitely try to upload more frequently.

Love you all