
Becoming the Campus Queen

Emma stepped into the realm of a novel set in a world revolving around ABO dynamics. Within this world, Betas were the least favored, enduring ridicule from Alphas who chastised them for not embracing their own scent.

Quuuuly · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Curse and Chase

Arthur's face twisted in disgust as he pressed his fingers together, lightly touching his nose with an expression of revulsion.

His gray hair flowed gracefully with his movements, swaying effortlessly.

Alpha pheromones were a potent attraction for Omegas, but Alphas were naturally repelled by the scent of their own kind. It induced nausea and dizziness in them, often stirring predatory instincts.

For an inexplicable reason, Thomas' pheromones overflowed uncontrollably, filling the entire hall with their overpowering scent.

The peculiar thing was, Thomas seemed oblivious to it.

"Leave me alone," Thomas impatiently brushed his hair, a peculiar glint in his eyes, replying sharply to Arthur's heated words.

His body tensed, fixated on Emma with fierce eyes, yet hesitant to approach her.

Glancing around Arthur oddly, Thomas seemed to be searching for some flaw in Arthur's demeanor.

"Don't you smell it? This Beta reeks of Omega pheromones," he remarked.

Emma's breath caught in her throat!

"There are no Omegas here," Arthur chuckled, as if he found something amusing.

"But there's a Beta here who isn't restless."

With a disdainful flick of his finger against his chin, Arthur surveyed the scene with contempt.

On the ground, Emma could feel the discomfort ripple across the room after Thomas's words, several eyes scrutinizing her shamelessly.

She wanted to flee this place immediately.

Yet, as a Beta at the bottom of the hierarchy, resisting an Alpha would invite more danger. Having tried it before, the idea of escape merely lingered for a moment.

Silently rising from the ground, she retrieved her fallen shoulder bag, clutching it close.

Lifting her head slightly, she surveyed the hall to get a clearer picture of the current situation.

Seven or eight Alphas stared at her inexplicably from a distance.

Arthur stood before her, tall and slender, his chiseled yet somewhat youthful face adorned with a slight, mocking smile beneath his gray-white hair cascading over his forehead.

Hands in pockets, he squinted slightly, his half-covered smile adding to the sinister vibe despite his amusement.

Although his lips curved upwards, the cruelty in his eyes sent shivers down Emma's spine.

Seated on a luxurious sofa in the distance, the leading man exuded a cold and imposing demeanor. His restrained, shiny black hair and the restless tapping of his fingers on his knee portrayed his aloofness.

Caught by his chilling gaze, Emma felt as though she were the prey of a wolf king hunting in the dead of winter, sending an inexplicable shiver down her spine.

Emma hastily lowered her gaze, concealing her emotions, praying fervently that none of them could discern her inner turmoil.

Thankfully, they seemed oblivious, and she couldn't afford any trouble in her current situation.

These Alphas, a league above her in the social hierarchy, were revered figures at the academy. Emma had heard their names despite trying to avoid them at school.

With influential backgrounds and potent abilities, they had a 98% chance of venturing into the federal government or military, standing at the pinnacle of power.

This realm was beyond her reach as a Beta, relegating her to crawl before them like a powerless entity, unable to rebel.

With her heart heavy, Emma bit her lip, eyes reflecting humiliation as she clutched her bag, her fingertips turning blue from the tension.

Observing Emma's reaction, Arthur, with a peculiar pause, sensed a faint yet incredibly sweet scent of pheromones.

Approaching Emma, the scent grew more pronounced.

Despite several glances, Arthur failed to discern anything amiss. He casually reached for Emma's shoulder bag.

Emma's heart raced, instinctively resisting. Her eyes flared with vitality.

Not one for playing games, Arthur smirked. With a slight tug, the bag tore, its contents scattering across the floor.

Disregarding everything else, Emma scrambled to retrieve the scattered documents.

Yet, Alpha was quicker than Beta. Before Emma could reach, Arthur stepped on the papers.

"A study on pheromones?" Arthur read aloud with interest, "Emm... the ratio of Beta in secondary differentiation, the likelihood of single-sex Betas transitioning to Omega during secondary differentiation... Omega's pheromone components."

As he read, the room's atmosphere shifted.

Malice surfaced, akin to a rabid dog, directed at Emma, who sat vulnerable on the carpet.

The dignified man on the distant sofa cast a glance, disinterested in the unfolding drama.

"Planning to transition into an Omega?" Arthur chuckled, "Is this why you're delving into pheromone research?"

Despite his attempt to hide the malice, Emma sensed the sneer in his tone, her nails digging into her flesh unknowingly.

Thomas snapped to attention.

Pushing past Arthur incredulously, he seized Emma's collar.

Caught off balance, Emma staggered, barely managing an awkward stance to avoid falling.

Thomas' looming shadow engulfed her entirely.

Struggling to keep herself upright, Emma's dry eyes blinked weakly as she slid slightly due to his forceful grab. Thomas' voice rang out in anger.

"Concocting Omega pheromones based on Omega's scent?"

"Are you mad, attempting to become an Omega?!"

No, that wasn't her intent.

She studied pheromones to avert secondary differentiation, not to become an Omega, as they insinuated.

But she dared not voice this truth.

Aware of the federal government's obsession with Omegas, revealing her potential transition could lead to a forced suspension from school until the process completed.

And after that?

Marriage through genetic matching to an unknown Alpha. An Omega friend, Alpha husband, and children in her life, but a loss of her own identity.

Carefully, Emma touched the back of Thomas' hand. Seeing no discernible reaction, she strained to pull away from his grip.

Again hit by the sweet pheromones, Thomas grimaced in disgust, releasing her and stepping back, causing Emma to collapse onto the carpet.

Shielding her eyes from the harsh light, Emma tasted bitterness in her mouth.

"It's good to dream."

"Hahaha, even if she transitions into an Omega successfully, I wouldn't give her a second glance."

"I wouldn't want this conniving Beta as my partner."

"Betas are like apes that never evolved, or even regressed. How can one possess two reproductive systems? Hahaha!"

Emma had heard these words countless times since her pheromones began secreting.

She had no intention of seducing or being anyone's lover. She only wished for a peaceful life as a Beta, perhaps with a few close friends...

It was all because of these accursed pheromones.

Resentment simmered within Emma. The unavoidable disaster she faced was a result of this secondary differentiation.

"But it's not her fault. The federal government favors Omegas, and this Beta must wish to become one."

"At times, I wish to be an Omega."

Laughter filled the room.

Ignoring the taunts, Emma remained motionless.

Gradually, she composed herself, rising from the carpet. Red marks imprinted by Thomas adorned her face and arms, presenting a beaten appearance.

Thomas, the culprit, felt displeased. Accustomed to a carefree life, he hadn't imagined a Beta to yield such pitiful results from his slight efforts.

However, due to the pheromones emitted by Emma, which embarrassed him, he refrained from any soft words.

This uneasy atmosphere persisted until Emma's brother, Gary, returned. His smile revealed a set of immaculate, white teeth.

"You guys arrived early. Did the meeting commence? Did I miss anything?"

"Huh? Whose pheromones leaked? Can't you control it? There aren't any fragile Omegas from the academy here."

Observing Emma sitting still on the floor, Gary's disapproving frown deepened. Disgust lingered in his green eyes, disregarding the sexual pheromones.

"Why are you here?" Spotting the red marks on Emma's face, he exclaimed in disbelief, "Planning to play the victim and complain to our parents again? Emma, you're truly something."

This had happened before, and Gary felt utterly embarrassed recalling it.

A year ago, at a family event attended by numerous esteemed Alphas, his sister had barged in, wearing shabby clothes and revealing her plight in front of noble guests. It had been a loss of face!

He remembered Thomas being present at the time.

Seeing such a shameful sight once more would only lead to ridicule from Thomas.

Despite his aversion to Emma, she was still his sister. Her embarrassment reflected poorly on him.

"Go back to your room and stay out of the way."

Finally, Gary intervened, albeit unaware of the situation. He was convinced it was Emma's fault.

Emma obediently rose, displaying her bruised fingers before Arthur.

"Please... return my belongings..."

After her plea, Emma seemed drained of all energy, standing lifelessly like a statue, her pallor alarming.

"Ah, right, I apologize for forgetting to return them."

Arthur appeared irritated, curling his lips slightly, maintaining a calm but distant demeanor as he tossed the papers and book back to Emma.

Silence engulfed the room once more.

The unstapled papers cascaded to the ground, akin to Emma's shattered pride.

Thomas felt an inexplicable pang. Frowning, he averted his gaze from the scene that unsettled him.

The Beta had caused this disconcerting effect on him due to some damn pheromones, resulting in this... awkwardness.

Emma didn't hesitate, stretching her reddened fingers to retrieve the scattered items. Gathering them, she ascended the stairs to her room with stiff movements.

As the door closed behind her, Emma breathed deeply, throwing the documents to the ground. Collapsing, she wallowed in her sullenness.

It wasn't that she lacked the courage to resist Alphas, but rather, she couldn't endure the repercussions.

When she first entered this world, having just graduated from St. Christopher's College, she intervened to help a bullied Beta. As a female Alpha, she wasn't supposed to feel helpless, but that girl lacked the strength to resist, leading Emma to mistake her for a Beta.

She remembered vividly, the two tied to a tree for a day and night. Passersby, regardless of their classification, looked on, Alphas displaying their malicious intent.

To this day, she couldn't recall their faces, only their expressions...

Alphas who hadn't acclimatized to society lacked the refinement of those who had learned to be decent. Their malice was overt.

Throughout the summer, she couldn't escape their torment, facing difficulties in her part-time work, enduring verbal abuse, and even having tea poured on her repeatedly.

The farce persisted until she stumbled upon a house hosting a party.

Later, she learned the girl was hospitalized in shock after being beaten.

She hadn't seen her since.

Emma thought that phase was over, but it resurfaced when her pheromones began to secrete.

Emma hung her head, engulfed in her misery.

"Alphas are utterly cursed..."