
Becoming The Admin Of A Dimensional Chuunibyo Chat Group Isn't Easy!

A man of unknown age and background died under unique circumstances, even his past being shrouded in a thick layer of mystery. He forgot everything about himself except for some 'memories' after he died and met an extremely muscular dog-eared man with a fluffy dog tail, ruining the fantasy of the man who adores fantasy so much, specially fantasy creatures such as beastkin, elves, and etc. It was an extremely disgusting sight, he thought. "Would bleaching my eyes remove this cursed image from my memory?" After receiving his reincarnator privileges, he embarked on his journey to reincarnation. Watch as Shirokami Shun, the Admin of a Dimensional Chat Group that mysteriously has only girls — and allows only girls — as its members. He is the only exception because the group chat is his. They travel to different worlds, gaining more unique powers and friends in the process. These journeys, although extremely fun in their own ways, were not without danger, though. …Especially when you have group members such as these guys. "I, the Great Archdemon, Queen of all Hell, shall conquer Earth! Ah-Hahahaha!" "Hah! I can see through your fake facade through my [Tyrant's Eye]!" "I'm the President and Founder of the Survival Club! There, we learn about things that we should do in case aliens, supernaturals, gods, or monsters invade our world!" "Hamburg-san~—" "—Is delish nodesu!" "Ehehe… I wonder if what I'm doing is correct? Umm… uuh… I'll buy this skill to not get hurt! I hate pain, after all." "*sigh*… Should I just change the name of this Dimensional Chat Group to Dimensional Chūnibyō Group…?" I'm extremely tempted to do so. Quest after quests, the group of wild cards and misfits will unknowingly do almost anything to somehow create troubles for themselves. From unknowingly provoking the villains to just acting like their normal selves and still somehow managing to create troubles in the process, this group will go around different dimensions to wreak havoc! Divided, they can't create too much waves. But together? They might as well send their résumé to the higher ups in order to become the next-in-line to becoming a God of Destruction or a God of Chaos. "EX—PLOOOOOOOOOOOSION!" "Wait, you're not supposed to be appearing here, you troublemaker!" "Hey Shun! Aren't you supposed to be my partner! Come back here in my dimension and help me manage the dungeon! Uh, never mind! Let's just go to another dimension and let us create a dungeon there!" "Which dimension are we going to now, Shun-san? Can I come? I want to make new f-friends!" Right… Why did I invite them in this group chat, again? Unknowingly, Shun got too used to the initial cast that he thought the girls he came across to and invited were all relatively normal in his eyes. Thus, the weird band of misfits continued to grow. ———————— Note: Don't expect a phenomenal quality of writing. I don't speak English during my daily life so expect some errors here and there. I proofread my chapters before posting it so there should be just a teensy amount of errors. Well, if something slipped by, then please tell it to me through paragraph comments! Genres: Adventure, Action, Ecchi, Harem, School Life, and Slice of Life. Tags: Alternate Universe, Beastkin, Beautiful Female Leads, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Cheats, Cohabitation, Demi-Humans, Demons, Dimensional Group Chat, Dragons, Dungeons, Eidetic Memory, Elemental Magic, Evolution, Fallen Angels, Fanfiction, Fantasy Creatures, Fast Learner, Game Elements, Game Ranking System, Goddesses, Gods, Hard-working Protagonist, Lucky Protagonist, Magic, Male Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Polygamy, Reincarnation, Swords and Magic, Virtual Reality, Wish Fulfillment, World Travel

JadePanda003 · Others
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223 Chs

One-sided Beatdown

Hey, Shun here!

Have you ever felt very helpless against an opponent that you can only rage at the result?

There's many reason that people rage, either because of an unfair match, an enemy flaming them, and etc. Gaming could be extremely toxic at times.


(Third Person's POV)

"What!? How can you cut it with just the measly sword that you have!?" Shiro shouted in a panic after seeing one of Itona's tentacles drop onto the ground, still squirming a little.

However, without getting any answers, tentacle after tentacle dropped onto the ground until Itona was left with nothing. After that, a back shadow appeared behind Itona.

The presence of the guy behind him seems to have given him a fright as his eyes widened and he was seemingly so scared that he remained rooted on the spot.

"Itona! Move away from there! What are you doing!? You're gonna lose!"

Shiro's shouts seems to have managed to wake up the dazed Itona but it no longer mattered as he was grabbed at the back of his neck and slammed on the ground. After that, he was thrown outside of the building after breaking the classroom's window.

Before he was sent flying, Itona heard something that made his eyes turn red.

"You are so weak without those tentacles. I was just prolonging the fight since I wanted to see how good I could match up with people faster than me. I got my answer now so, this is the end of our little match…"

Itona seems to be absolutely livid because of those words as his eyes turned absolutely bloodshot while his tentacles once again started to regrow, turning pure black in the process. His eyes were affixed on Shun, looking like he wanted to tear him to pieces.


"Ah, you want to have at it again? Well, you lose the match either way but… Hmm, let me try something else this time…" The moment Shun said that, a gentle breeze suddenly started to blow inside the room.

No one noticed it but there was a slight change in Shun's appearance. While the color of his irises remained unchanged, his pupils turned into vertical slits.

Of course, this was the only visual indicator since most of the changes that the transformation brought to Shun's body got hidden by his [Ninjutsu] skill's [Transformation]. He's lucky since that would've made him a target of some people who would want to experiment on him or something.

Not like they could catch him anyway for that matter.

"Let's do this, Tsuka…" Shun murmured to himself.

A split second after Shun said that, he disappeared from his location and reappeared Itona who was getting ready to attack.

"Well, to not injure you severely because of my attacks, I'll use my bare hands instead…"

"Don't underestimate me!"

Itona launched his attack but, like what happened everytime he tried to attack Shun, he managed to once again dodge it by using the [Substitution] technique. The next moment, before he himself could even react, his tentacles blocked at attacked that was coming from behind him.

However, this contact, in turn, made it explode and once again get detached from Itona's body.

"You and Koro-sensei have the same tentacles so you of course have the same weaknesses. Speaking of tentacles, you're also both perverts, aren't you?"

After that, Shun began attacking Itona using the Anti-sensei weapon and his bare hands under the rain. Each hit, Shun's attacks seems to have become faster and faster.

In just three seconds, his hands were already a blur, similar to how he himself is also a blur now. The only indicator that he was still attacking Itona are the blurry afterimages and Itona's body which is being tossed around like a ragdoll.

After another three seconds passed, Itona finally got the taste of the Earth once again. Getting continuously pummeled for 6 seconds straight without being able to retaliate felt like an eternity.

After seeing Itona get beat so easily, Shiro was obviously nonplussed as he began to march towards Itona while stomping on the ground. However, after his third step, instead of advancing, he saw the ceiling of the classroom instead.

That was when he heard a voice coming from outside of the classroom. To be specific, it came from Shun.

"If that was a real knife, you would've been dead by now. You were talking about death so lightly but you weren't even strong enough to back it up. Look at you now, you look like a unicorn with a green horn on your forehead. It's like you have a 'green hat' isn't it? But more fancy… Right, Mr. Shiro~?"

"You brat—!"

Shiro wanted to get up to give Shun a piece of his mind but he once again slipped seemingly out of nothing. He was once again lying on the ground for the second time.

Some of the students of Class 3-E couldn't help but snigger at his expense. He sounds so proud that Itona could defeat Shun and Koro-sensei early but here he is, tripping at nothing like an idiot.

Without saying anything, Shiro got up once again with difficulty before gradually approaching Itona and carrying him over his shoulders. He tripped a couple of times on his journey but he kept his mouth shut through it all.

Once he and Itona was far enough from the classroom, he said some rather cliche words that every villain says.

"We will be back to claim your head, Koro-sensei."

Of course, Karma, being a devil in a human's skin that he is, shouted some words of encouragement in return.

"Take care on your way back and watch your steps Shiro-san! Baby steps, okay? Baby steps!"

Meanwhile, at a certain corner of the classroom, Shun joined Mutsuko, Rokuko, Pochi, and Tama.

"Did you managed to put your tracker on him, Mutsuko-san?"

In response to his question, Mutsuko just have him a thumbs up and a huge grin.

"Yep! I put a tracker on him and more."

"So it was you who kept on making him slip, huh. Good job!" Shun replied with a smile on his face.

"That should teach him not to mess with us…"


(Shun's POV)

After Shiro-san's embarrassing display and an episode of Koro-sensei's being absolutely embarrassed about that thing regarding him and Itona being his long lost brother, classes resumed as usual. Since it was the rainy season, us five didn't do much outdoor activities except for going on morning jogs together.

We did train indoors though. Aside from that, I heard from our classmates that we'll be having that class versus class Ball Game Tournament.

Guys will be playing baseball while the girls will be playing basketball, or so I've heard. While everyone could easily dunk the ball, it would look weird if Tama and Pochi were to do that.

Thus, I spent the rest of the rainy season teaching them how to dribble, pass, shoot, and do some lay ups. It was actually hard to get them to jump at a certain height, especially Pochi, since they're weren't that trained in that sort of thing.

Besides, it's actually hard to hold back. Sometimes, when they're receiving a pass or trying to shoot the ball, they would squeeze it so hard that it would break.

Thankfully, the two are quick learners. The same could be said for Rokuko. Mutsuko-san already know how to play basketball so I didn't have to teach her that. I didn't teach her some more advanced moves like how to do crossovers.

In terms of their progress, I'd say everyone was doing well. Rokuko became great at catch and shoot, so great that she could do some fancy quick release on it.

Tama, on the other hand, while she was already a gifted passer, became extremely good at ball handling and doing some off the dribble moves. She and Pochi even developed some alley oop moves by themselves.

Speaking of Pochi, she became good at cutting lanes using her speed, as well as cutting passing lanes. Aside from being good at stealing the ball, she's also phenomenal when she's mid air. She and Tama are in fact really good at controlling their bodies mid air.

I think their enemies will be crying tears of blood if they encounter these five on the court. In terms of athleticism, they're already worlds apart from normal humans but now, they became even better.

It is early in the morning now after a few days of training and studying, with no clouds blotting the sky, and every students of Class 3-E, except for the still absent Ritsu and Itona, are now gathered inside the classroom.

"Mm-hmm… A class versus class Ball Game Tournament, is it? Cultivating minds and bodies through sports… Excellent!" Koro-sensei said while looking at the memo he just received from the main campus.

Unlike his apparent excitement though, no one other than Pochi, Tama, and Rokuko became excited when they heard what Koro-sensei said. Well, I get why they're not too happy about this event though.

"However… Why is our Class E not included in the tournament's bracket?"

"E Class doesn't get to enter the tournament. It's because of the well thought out reason of the brackets having an odd number, you see… Instead, we get to play in the exhibition game at the end of the tournament." It was Mimura Kouki who replied to Koro-sensei's inquiry.

"Exhibition game?"

"Basically, we'll be watched by all of the students as the school's elite team crush us, Koro-sensei." I said.

Honestly, I think that whoever thought up of this thing is quite brilliant but also wicked and sick on the head. This exhibition game is basically a display to the 'excellent' students of what would happen to them if they fail on their grades.

At the same time, it would also feed the ego of those who are 'at the top'. It's effective, kinda, sacrificing a small percentage of the crowd to boost the others. But then again, it's a sh*tty practice.

It's as shitty as the system where a 'top class's is given special treatment. In my eyes, it just teaches students how to be douchebags at a very young age.

"I see… So it's same old, same old, huh…"

As soon as Koro-sensei said that, the guy who hates everything around the world, Terasaka-san, stood up, along with his two buddies, before saying.

"We won't be sticking around just to be laughingstocks. You guys could deal with it however you want. We're outta here…"

To be completely honest, I kinda pity him in a way. He's already given up before even trying.

If he's not guided properly, I bet he'd be much worse than those high school guys. Well, it's not like I have to worry about him though.

Our teacher's one hell of a person when it comes to doing his job right, after all…

"Waku~, waku~!"

"Pochi is excited to play basketball with everyone nodesu!"


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.

Author's Remarks:

※ I think Terasaka is quite the interesting character. I mean, I bear no ill will towards any of these characters, don't get me wrong. I just think that his development throughout the story was kinda interesting.

Thank you very much to the continued support of my members back on my ko-fi page. Without you guys, I wouldn't be able to get a new phone replacement so fast!










Sam Morgan


JadePanda003creators' thoughts