
Becoming The Admin Of A Dimensional Chuunibyo Chat Group Isn't Easy!

A man of unknown age and background died under unique circumstances, even his past being shrouded in a thick layer of mystery. He forgot everything about himself except for some 'memories' after he died and met an extremely muscular dog-eared man with a fluffy dog tail, ruining the fantasy of the man who adores fantasy so much, specially fantasy creatures such as beastkin, elves, and etc. It was an extremely disgusting sight, he thought. "Would bleaching my eyes remove this cursed image from my memory?" After receiving his reincarnator privileges, he embarked on his journey to reincarnation. Watch as Shirokami Shun, the Admin of a Dimensional Chat Group that mysteriously has only girls — and allows only girls — as its members. He is the only exception because the group chat is his. They travel to different worlds, gaining more unique powers and friends in the process. These journeys, although extremely fun in their own ways, were not without danger, though. …Especially when you have group members such as these guys. "I, the Great Archdemon, Queen of all Hell, shall conquer Earth! Ah-Hahahaha!" "Hah! I can see through your fake facade through my [Tyrant's Eye]!" "I'm the President and Founder of the Survival Club! There, we learn about things that we should do in case aliens, supernaturals, gods, or monsters invade our world!" "Hamburg-san~—" "—Is delish nodesu!" "Ehehe… I wonder if what I'm doing is correct? Umm… uuh… I'll buy this skill to not get hurt! I hate pain, after all." "*sigh*… Should I just change the name of this Dimensional Chat Group to Dimensional Chūnibyō Group…?" I'm extremely tempted to do so. Quest after quests, the group of wild cards and misfits will unknowingly do almost anything to somehow create troubles for themselves. From unknowingly provoking the villains to just acting like their normal selves and still somehow managing to create troubles in the process, this group will go around different dimensions to wreak havoc! Divided, they can't create too much waves. But together? They might as well send their résumé to the higher ups in order to become the next-in-line to becoming a God of Destruction or a God of Chaos. "EX—PLOOOOOOOOOOOSION!" "Wait, you're not supposed to be appearing here, you troublemaker!" "Hey Shun! Aren't you supposed to be my partner! Come back here in my dimension and help me manage the dungeon! Uh, never mind! Let's just go to another dimension and let us create a dungeon there!" "Which dimension are we going to now, Shun-san? Can I come? I want to make new f-friends!" Right… Why did I invite them in this group chat, again? Unknowingly, Shun got too used to the initial cast that he thought the girls he came across to and invited were all relatively normal in his eyes. Thus, the weird band of misfits continued to grow. ———————— Note: Don't expect a phenomenal quality of writing. I don't speak English during my daily life so expect some errors here and there. I proofread my chapters before posting it so there should be just a teensy amount of errors. Well, if something slipped by, then please tell it to me through paragraph comments! Genres: Adventure, Action, Ecchi, Harem, School Life, and Slice of Life. Tags: Alternate Universe, Beastkin, Beautiful Female Leads, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Cheats, Cohabitation, Demi-Humans, Demons, Dimensional Group Chat, Dragons, Dungeons, Eidetic Memory, Elemental Magic, Evolution, Fallen Angels, Fanfiction, Fantasy Creatures, Fast Learner, Game Elements, Game Ranking System, Goddesses, Gods, Hard-working Protagonist, Lucky Protagonist, Magic, Male Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Polygamy, Reincarnation, Swords and Magic, Virtual Reality, Wish Fulfillment, World Travel

JadePanda003 · Others
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223 Chs


Hey, Shun here!

I've never really been too into chatting these days but there was a time when I was really into it.

Well, as you might have guessed… Those were one of the darkest days of my life… My dark past…


(Shun's POV)

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: The members now have a basic understanding about the [Dimensional Group Chat] and its various functions.

System Message: Issuing a [Quest]…

System Message: Time will stop at the [Dimension] on which the [Quest] participants belong to…

System Message: The [Quest] will begin in 3 days…


After that last message, a prompt appeared in front of my screen. That's probably the same for everyone.

✽✽[Hydra Subjugation]✽✽

Type: Subjugation Quest

Status: Incomplete

Participant(s): (7/7)

Participation: Mandatory

Time Limit: None


Slay the [Poisonous Hydra] and gain its [Venomous Orb] as a proof of subjugation.

Reward(s): 1,000 d-coins, 1x Random D-coins Chest, and 1x Random Reward Coupon.

Enter [New World Online]: Ongoing

Reach an average Level of 10: Ongoing

Obtain the [Poison Resist](L) skill: Ongoing

Find the [Poisonous Hydra's] Lair: Ongoing

Slay the [Poisonous Hydra]: Ongoing


Oh man, it seems like this is a compulsory quest. It came as no surprise to me though.

"Still, why a [Hydra], of all things, for our first mission? Is this some kind of sick joke?"

I thought that this mission is given to us for the sole purpose of mess with us but, after reading it clearly, it doesn't seem to be the case.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

Shun: Speak of the devil…

Satanichia: And why are you bringing me, a devil, in the conversation!?

Shun: It's an expression Satania-san.

Satanichia: It's Satanichia! Sa-Ta-Ni-Chia!!

Kaede: Yup! We get it Satania-san!

Satanichia: It doesn't look like it to me though!?

System Message: Mutsuko is now online.

Mutsuko: Oh oh! Did I miss something!?

Inu: You missed a lot nanodesu!

Neko: A lot~!

Mutsuko: Oh really? Ara? What's this? A [Quest]?

Kaede: That's right Mutsuko-neechan.

Mutsuko: Hee, that's exciting!

Shun: Welcome back Mutsuko-san.

Inu: Welcome back nanodesu!

Neko: El-come~!

Mutsuko: Thank you.

Shun: Guys. Do any of you know where this [New World Online] is? Based on the [Quest], it should be a game or something.

Mutsuko: That's true. I've read it and it's almost certain that it's a game.

Kaede: Um… I think I know where it is. I remembered it just now because I got distracted by Satania-san… Tee-hee~!


"What the heck Kaede-san!? I didn't know you were an airhead!"

I shouted as I looked at the recent message on the screen. In my agitation, I forgot to lower the volume of my voice.

"Are you alright onii-chan?" Sure enough, Miu heard my shout just now. It's still quite early so she's of course she's still up and about.

"I'm fine Miu. I just saw something surprising so…"

"Okaayy… By the way onii-chan! Come and join us in the opening day of [OSO] okay? Shizuka-nee will also be playing!" Oh? Shizuka-nee will also play [OSO]? That's interesting.

Shizuka-nee is really fond of games so I guess it didn't come off as a surprise.

"Got it! It's tomorrow afternoon, right?"

"That right~!"

After conversing with my sister Miu, I went back to the group chat.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

Satanichia: Hey! As I said, it's Satanichia!

Shun: What the heck Kaede-san. I didn't know you were an airhead!

Kaede: Mou! That's rude [Admin] Shun-san!

Shun: Haha! Sorry sorry. I was just surprised. Anyway, is this [New World Online] a game in your world or something? Tell us what you know.

Kaede: Hmph!

Kaede: [New World Online] is a full-dive Virtual Reality game that was released recently. I haven't tried the game yet but it looks like really fun!

Mutsuko: So we will be transported to your dimension huh.

Shun: That's seems to be the case.

Satanichia: Ooh! Traveling to another world!? I, the Queen of all Hell will not pass on that! This way, I'll get to see the other worlds I can conquer!

System Message: Rikka is now online.

Rikka: Did someone say dimension travel!?

Neko: Satania said~.

Inu: Satania did nodesu!

Satanichia: It's SA-TA-NI-CHIA~!

Rikka: Wait, what's this!? A [Quest]!? Dimensional travelling!? Uwooooh! I'm excited!

Neko: Waku waku~!

Inu: Waku waku nanodesu!

Mutsuko: Well, we have three days to prepare so I'm gonna go and prepare some things that I'll need!

Kaede: Um… I'll welcome you guys when you get here.

Mutsuko: Thank you Kaede-chan! Anyway, I'm out~!

System Message: Mutsuko is now offline.

Shun: She comes and goes like the wind…

Satanichia: What an impudent mortal!

Shun: Well, since we already know which place we're going, I'll excuse myself for now. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Neko: See you~!

Inu: See you soon [Admin-san] nanodesu!

Kaede: We'll see you soon [Admin] Shun-san!

Rikka: Hello and goodbye [Admin] Shun.

System Message: Shun is now offline.

Rikka: So, can you tell me what your world looks like Kaede-san!?

Neko: Tell uuus~?

Inu: Tell us, nanodesu!

Kaede: Haha, it's nothing much but I'll tell you since you want to know… So, where do I begin?


After closing the group chat, I set an alarm for myself and freshened myself before hitting the sack.

"Tomorrow will be my first Virtual Gaming experience. I can't wait."


The next day came and went, with my day progressing the same way as yesterday, without the extra surprises that the [Dimensional Group Chat] gave me to spice up my day.

I went to school like how normal students should and spent my day listening to my teacher's lessons. I might not look like it but I'm quite diligent when it comes to studying.

During the breaks, I checked the group chat and saw that Inu, Neko, and Kaede-san are getting along well while Satania-san and Rikka-san became immediate best friends after a whole night of chatting.

Kaede-san is teaching Inu and Neko some basic knowledge through [Video Call] while Rikka-san and Satania-san occupied the group chat for the most part, filling it up with otaku related stuffs. I would also join in the two's conversation sometimes but I mostly helped Kaede-san in teaching Inu and Neko.

The beastkins are really shy at first but I guess we're still strangers and they need some time to adjust. Though, they seem to be quite energetic when it comes to chatting.

We haven't heard from Mutsuko-san ever since she went offline after saying that she'll prepare for our [Quest].

After school, Miu and I shopped for our dinner on our way home. She complained about us being delayed but I already calculated it. I know that there will be plenty of time remaining before the [OSO's] official launch.

Sure enough, when we arrived at our home, there's still a little over 46 minutes remaining before the game's launch. Knowing my sister, I immediately cooked our meal and told her to eat first since there's still enough time.

"But what if we were late!"

"No, we're not gonna be late. Even if you eat your meal slowly, we'll still make it in ti—"

Miu didn't listen to my words anymore and devoured the food on her plate like a hungry beast.

I couldn't help but smile wryly seeing her like this.

"You're really enthusiastic when it comes to games."

"Muguu, muggu!" Miu stuffed her face full with food.

Looks like she's really excited for the game to launch.

"Alright alright. Just eat."

"*gulp*! Understood!"

When we finished our meal, Miu immediately went upstairs while I remained inside the kitchen to place the dishes inside the automatic dishwasher.

"Yosh! That should do it. I guess I got to go upstairs and set up my VR gear."

While saying so, I began heading upstairs. After setting up my VR gear, I guess I'll go check out [OSO's] forums.


※~To be continued~※

Author's Remarks:

※ Hmm… The chapter's little bland for my taste but I like to go on with my story slowly. I don't like to rush things since there are often a lot of plot holes that will be created if I do.

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