
Becoming Pokémon

On the way home Alex is summoned to another world, a Pokémon world. He makes friends and join to their team. On the way to the town to register him as official member of the team he had an accident and got turned into a Pokémon but there's problem. What was that problem? Read to find out :)

Domini_Goz · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 12 Painful time

When they got home and after the door closed Alice said

"Alex... Have to talk..."

"Yes..." Answered Alex


They sat to the table. John took third chair to sit next to Alice. Alex had three of them in front

'Damm... I feel like I'm arrested... Heh...' thought Alex

"Alex... How did you done that?" Said Bob

"That's... That's what happens when you go beyond your physical and psychical limits... If I have to name it as a pokemon moves it would be I think Limit Breaker" Said Alex

"If you could use it then why... Why you didn't used it in that night..." Said Alice

"Because... Getting pierced in the chest is much less painful than using this Limit Breaker..." Said Alex when he look at his hands on the table

"Why is it less painful? Isn't getting pierced in the chest very painful?" Said John

Alex said nothing. He just gritted his teeth

"Alex? Can you answer?" Said Alice with worried face

"Limit Breaker allows you to remove all kind of limits... Including time, speed and space... It happens only in your body so all sideeffects are only in your body..."

"What kind of sideeffects?" Said Bob

"After using it... For some time you will experience extreme pain... *Alex look them in the eyes* Image pain when someone is reaping apart your body... Then he put your body back and starts again... *Alex looked again at his hands* Every move... Every breath... And even every heartbeat is extremely painful..." When Alex said that he started crying

They were shocked... They looked at him with wide eyes. They sit in silence for some time when John broke it

"Is it dangerous?" He said

"Dangerous? No. It is deadly... If you don't know what to do you will die... From experiencing too much pain..."

"WHAT?! HOW?!" Shouted Alice

"Your brain... It will just stop working... First you will just fell unconscious... Then... You will die..."

"Alex... I don't understand... If you knew then why did you used it?" Said Bob

"Sometimes it activate itself and sometimes I have control of it... I don't know how it works in detail..."

Then Alex felt extremely pain in his stomach

"Ghh... It's starting... Ghh... Can I sleep here until it pass?"

"Yes... Of course..." Said Alice with shock on her face

Alex stood up from the table and walked toward the sofa when he fell on the ground

"Gha! Stupid... Gha! Limit Breaker... Gha!"

When Alex was laying on the floor and was breathing heavily Alice said

"Quickly! We have to take him to the Pokémon centre!"

Then Alex fell unconscious


[In Alex's head]


He is in some sort of big room. On both side were people with black suits. They were sitting on their knees. In front of everyone was sword

"So... You want to leave our group right?" Said old man in front of Alex

"Yes Sensei. I'm very thankful for what you did for me" said Alex

"You know the rules od leaving our group Alex"

"Yes Sensei. I promise that I won't break them. As long as you won't allow me I won't tell any human about this group"

"Very well... You can leave... But don't come back"

"Thank you Sensei"

When Alex said that he smiled and turned away to leave. Then suddenly the old man said again

"Alex... One last thing... If you ever use THAT ability use it again... I have a feeling that it will help... Now goodbye"

Alex said nothing. He didn't even turned back to look at the old man. He just nodded and left


The end of chapter 12

Hi guys

I really hope that you enjoy my novel

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