
Becoming Orihime Inoue

The hogyoku has a will of its own. By sensing the desires in people, it can manifest them into reality. One such desire even spanning across universes. Follow Orihime Inoue as she tries to ride along the plot, getting stronger without changing the timeline too much (Emphasis on trying). Discord: discord.gg/mgY7NtQf5P *This is a fan fiction of Bleach, all characters and settings belong to Tite Kubo *I don't own the image, if the artist wants me to take it down I will. *This is my first fan fiction and I am a huge fan of the series. I am trying to stay as close to the canon as possible in terms of personality and powers. If you believe a character is acting unlike themselves, its either my deduction from Thousand Year Blood War arc, or its on purpose.

Pill_Guy · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Birth of Sin

Several powerful sources of Reiatsu began to enter Hueco Mundo. Although the six couldn't detect them due to their weakened state, Orihime was paying close attention. The alarms were still going off, and their combined Reiatsu caused the air to grow heavy from the sudden change in pressure. Bazz-B was about to walk away, but the tensions caused one of them to give in.

"I'll do it! I don't care what it costs!" Gisella was the first one to respond. She came crawling over from the side of the room toward Bazz-B with a horrified face. Her power was Zombie while she was a Sternritter, which made her practically immortal and could turn living and dead into her zombie slaves. Once she realized how easily she could be mortally wounded, she broke down. Giselle expected Bazz-B to do something, but instead, Orihime stepped forward.

"What's going on Bazz-B? What is she doing?" Candice was the first to be suspicious and drew back a spirit arrow. Although she couldn't hurt either of them with her mediocre strength at the moment, she would rather go down fighting.

"Tch, idiot. She's the one who will give you new and stronger powers."

Hearing this, Giselle crawled up to Orihime's feet and looked up to her longingly. With powers, she was a sadist, but without them, she was just a weak-willed person. A white glove formed around Orihime's hand as she tapped into Jugram's ability of bestowing power onto others. After partially transforming with the celestial blood, she discovered that she had more control over the various powers locked within the egos. Naturally, they were modified and strengthened.

Orihime lowered her hand and pierced Giselle's chest. She looked down at her chest and saw the white gloved hand inside of her, but causing no discomfort. Instead, a warm and comfortable feeling spread through her body. Giselle sensed the small red droplet enter her heart and begin to proliferate. This little droplet was a seed that would stay in her heart and constantly produce Orihime's origin blood. Then, it would mix with Giselle's blood and begin to change her body. This was very similar to Yhwach's bestowal, except it carried more than just Quincy attributes. Once the process started, she began to moan in ecstasy.

"What… did you do to Giselle?"

However, her question didn't need answering. Everyone in the room could sense Giselle's power rapidly increasing. Seeing this, Candice was about to step forward, but Meninas stopped her. She gestured toward the three on the ground bleeding out.

"Help them first."

Orihime waved her hand and a flurry of white petals formed around the three on the ground. Their injuries seemed to disappear as if they were never there to begin with. Once they were stabilized their breathing became even and they seemed to just need rest. Once Meninas confirmed the trio were safe, she looked back at Orihime with wonder.

"So, who will be next?"

Candice stepped forward, not wanting to wait any longer. Orihime similarly penetrated her chest and Candice remained standing, her eyes blank. The reaction was completely different between the two already affected. Orihime casually walked over to Meninas and didn't waste anymore time. Whether they liked it or not, Orihime had decided to bestow them all at this point. The reaction was again, completely different.

Meninas staggered backward several steps until she reached the back wall. Her body began to slow down and she fell limp to the floor. Every breath felt like it took a year to take. Her eyes became dry rapidly, but a blink took several minutes to complete. On the ground, Liltotto and Berenice had already awoken. They weren't given the chance to understand the situation before Orihime bestowed the two of them.

Berenice began scratching every part of her body as an insatiable itch spread through her. Skin broke on several places as she attempted to sate the feeling. Liltotto on the other hand had the most gruesome transformation. She began to devour her own fingers, only for them to rapidly grow back. Her face and chest were covered in blood very quickly. Seeing this, Bambietta tried to get away from Orihime in her confusion, but it was to no avail. Her skin began to turn red and her eyes blood shot. She began to hit the nearby wall with every part of her body as if the only relief she could find was brutality.

"Wonderful. I can sense all of your powers growing rapidly, changing into something completely new…"

Orihime walked over to Giselle. She had been squirming and climaxing the whole time and was slowly reaching the apex of her power's growth. Giselle was able to regain some control over her convulsing body and switched to a kneeling position. Originally, Giselle had a cute face and flat chest. However, looking down, she saw that her chest had risen ever so slightly. It was not a remarkable change, but it was enough to see the difference. Something didn't feel right and she reached down between her legs.

"Eh? It's gone…" Giselle looked up at Orihime with blind adoration, if she wasn't completely loyal before, she was now at the level of zealotry.

"Giselle Gewelle, you were once designated Zombie. With the abilities to control life and death with your blood, you had an insatiable lust to transform and control everyone around you. Because of this, you will now be designated Luxuria."

Giselle seemed to be satisfied with the change in identity and nodded her head fervently. During the declaration, Candice seemed to break out of her trance and began to obsess over her own image more than before. Orihime turned to her and continued.

"Candice Catnipp, you once held the power of Thunderbolts. However, even with such a volatile force such as lightning, you prioritized your looks over proper combat. Because of this vanity, you will now be designated Superbia…"

"Meninas McAllon, your ability was raw physical power. However, your mind is calm and rational. You are often the last to engage and finish your opponent in one attack. Due to this, I grant you the designation Acedia…"

"Berenice Gabrielli, your previous power was the Question. The summary of your very existence is creating doubt and weakness in others. Your envy of others manifested in that power, thus you will be designated Tristitia from now on…"

"Liltotto Lamperd, your abilities seemed to be tied to your nature irrevocably. Once you were Gluttony, which devoured anything to fill the void in your stomach, and thus you will remain. However, you will now be known as Gula, but maybe you will find satiety this time…"

"Finally, Bambietta Basterbine, you are sadistic and uncontrollable. Once known as The Explode, your destruction has no limits and your rage has no bounds. From now on, you will be designated as Ira. All six of you will follow under me, and I will ensure your existence never disappears."

The six of them felt a connection to Orihime that transcended their connection to Yhwach before. The power she bestowed them not only granted them new abilities, but also utilized the power of hogyoku to alter their minds and bodies to strong desire. This could be seen with the changes to Giselle's body, Candice's skin, and most interestingly, Liltotto's hunger. Being granted the powers of consumption again made her fear that pit of hunger, but being near Orihime filled her desire.

"What do we call you?"

Giselle asked, not hiding her obsession over Orihime. She wanted to know everything about her patron. She wanted to press her down and wipe every inch of her body before soaking the rag in a kettle and making tea from her perspiration. These thoughts came to her mind so naturally, but she only felt this way toward Orihime. To anyone else, she wanted to force her blood down their throats and enthrall them into her little servants so that she may be useful in pleasing Orihime.

While Giselle's imagination ran wild, Orihime realized that in the spur of the moment, she had given the six girl names based on the eight evil thoughts. These were commonly referred to as the seven sins once vanity was wrapped together with pride. In a moment of self-realization, she knew exactly what her powers represented, and what her designation would be in this newly formed Quincy group.

"I am Orihime Inoue, designated Avaritia— for Greed."

Again, its from my phone, I'll try to proof read it, but it's a pain to navigate Inkstone on mobile. She's putting together a team of highly trained induviduals to kick some ass!

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