
Becoming Normal Part 2, Far From Rest

ChuckBoy39 · Teen
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15 Chs

Blast From The Past

"Uhh wh . . . what happened", said Penny as she opened her eyes. She was no longer in a clear glass tube but in a helicopter. She looked around to find her and Nick near the door. "Nick what are you doing", Penny yelled. Nick didn't comment as she opened the door. The Penny that was with Nick went by the edge of the helicopter like she was about to sky dive. "Now on three", said Past Penny. "But what will the others think", said Nick. "It doesn't matter now. After all, this is what i want", Past Penny said. "But what will we and the rest of our gang do without you, what will i do without you", said Nick. "Look Nick. I love you and always will but this is for your and the others safety", Past Penny said. "But i love you. Without love . . . what's the point of any of this", Nick said. "I do really want you to come along with me Nick. But . . . But . . . the other result means a deadly fate for the others", Past Penny said. "We can make more but let me do this. Please! I beg you Penny", Nick said. Past Penny looked at Nick and leaned in and kissed him with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry Nick . . . But this must happen now", Past Penny said. "Ok. Everything is set", Nick said. "Well at least i won't remember any of this", Past Penny said. "Don't worry, I'll come back for you", Nick said. "I know you will", said Past Penny. "In . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Goodbye . . . Penny", Nick said. Past Penny then fell backwards, out of the helicopter and landed in the water bellow. Near where Past Penny landed, A whale watching boat was passing by when a girl a few years younger then Penny fell into the water. Her older brother swam to her and brought her back to safety. Then he also noticed another girl in the water and brought her to safety as well. Nick went back up to the cockpit and flew up and away from the water. Present Penny was shocked to see what she saw. She then fell to the floor out of complete shock. 

So that's what we were able to get from Penny's memories said the guard. This will be useful but not what i need said Liz. Keep digging until we find something to use to our advantage said Liz. I will not rest until i know the truth!