
Becoming Monster

Release schedule: Once per month due to the author's studies. Revised and improved version of the first couple hundred chapters on Amazon >> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C84RMC8C --- Two thousand years in the future, an abominable evil has threatened the world. The new guardians of the planet are summoned... But one was not as selfless as hoped and carried a demon that could unleash total havoc. In a completely original story that will blow your mind, follow Tess, a guardian on the good side who has more BAD destined for her fate. "You are the one flaw in the guardians..." "Some believe you are the punisher to bring judgment on this world..." "Embrace your true calling and become the god of destruction..." Will she succumb to the dark side or write her own fate? Tag along for an epic adventure of team battles, supernatural monsters and battlefields, young love, betrayal, monster take-over, and characters that will get attached to your heart. See what's going down in the latest chapter! I'll meet you there. ___________________________________________ Becoming Monster, it's not the same old isekai, apocalypse, reincarnation, system, and OP MC novel. This is an original! ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ WARNING: Please read 1-2 chapters a day for your health. Do not get addicted! --- 1. This novel has music recommendations, so check the lyrics on Youtube to feel the vibes! 2. Cover Art credit to Artist on Artstation: Lov A

Mackaina · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
249 Chs

Pop Exam

Tess, alongside her four fellow recruits, stood in formation before Sensei, anticipation filling the air. It seemed like another typical day of grueling training was about to commence, but they were in for a surprise.

Sensei's voice resonated deep and steady as he addressed them, his words carrying a weight of significance. "Cadets, you have endured three weeks of training, and while I wish we could continue..." His statement served as a stark reality check, causing their brows to furrow in disbelief, except for Lanse, who maintained his usual stoic demeanor.

Sensei halted his stride, turning to face them directly, his emerald eyes piercing through their ranks. "There has been a change in today's schedule. Another fragment of the Alpha Seal has been detected, and due to the request from the Professor," he paused, exhaling a heavy sigh, "and the catastrophic failure of my Alpha team, training is hereby canceled for today."

The words "training is canceled" seemed almost too good to be true, and none of them dared to raise their hopes just yet, patiently awaiting Sensei's next words.

"Instead, you will be undergoing an examination."

"A what?" Zack blurted out, his folded arms dropping to his sides as his mouth hung open in astonishment.

Szedra shot a glare at Sensei before diverting her gaze to the ground, muttering, "More like a surprise exam. I despise them all the same."

"We didn't even get time to prepare," Zino murmured in a subdued voice, her disappointment evident.

Lanse and Tess remained silent, observing the varied reactions of their comrades. Having spent enough time under Sensei's tutelage, they knew that attempting to sway his decisions was a futile endeavor.

"Silence!" Sensei's command echoed through the training grounds, bringing an abrupt end to their murmurs and musings.

Sensei's booming voice jolted them, causing involuntary twitches and sinking their hearts into the depths of their stomachs. With a sense of trepidation, they snapped to attention, their eyes fixed on him once again.

"I never asked for your opinions, and this decision is final," his words reverberated through the air, carrying a weight that seemed to fill the entire space.

Moments like those intensified Tess's desire to escape from that place. In addition to being misled and kept against their will, Sensei treated them as if they were confined to a juvenile facility. The relentless and rigorous training they endured was the icing on the cake for her escape.

"Just like your missions, you won't have time to prepare," Sensei snapped, his tone biting. "Upon detecting a fragment, you'll depart immediately, even if it means waking you up in the dead of night."

It was those missions again, the ones shrouded in mystery, where Sensei refused to disclose any substantial information, except for the fact that they were crucial in preventing a third Apocalypse. Complete madness!

Tess, folding her arms defiantly, mustered the courage to question Sensei. "Can't you at least give us an idea of what to expect from this exam?"

The others glanced at her, surprised by her audacity, before recalling that she was Tess, known for her boldness. Only she and Lanse seemed unfazed by Sensei's menacing words. They all anxiously awaited his response, anticipating either a sarcastic remark or a diversion from the topic at hand.

Sensei's reply came unexpectedly, "Of course."

Their eyes widened in disbelief, unsure of what to make of his unexpected agreement. He gestured with a wave of his hand for them to follow as he began walking toward a nearby door.

Hope flickered briefly within their minds, as they speculated that Sensei might be in a more accommodating mood, perhaps giving them an opportunity to inquire further. Thoughts raced through their minds on how to approach the subject, but their momentary hopes were dashed as Sensei began to speak once again.

Sensei's words hung in the air, capturing the attention of the recruits. His voice held a weight of experience and authority as he continued to reveal crucial information.

"Based on the report from my Alpha team's failure, each fragment is protected by a mysteriously fabricated Sealed Bond, estimated to be unique for each fragment. This means it is impossible to predict the challenges you will face..."

A low whisper escaped Zack's lips as he inched closer to Sensei, unable to contain his curiosity. "Sealed Bond? Isn't that some kind of static magic rule?"

Tess swiftly silenced him with a hushed command, her eyes fixated on Sensei. Breaking ranks, she walked purposefully towards Sensei, and Lanse, fueled by a spark of competition, matched her stride on the other side of their mentor.

Sensei felt a sense of satisfaction seeing the determination in his students' eyes. Little did he know, Tess was secretly observing his every move, hoping to uncover the secret behind his hologram keypad activation, which she believed could be applied to open the door to the teleporter room.

Meanwhile, Lanse refused to let Tess steal the spotlight and reveled in the competition. He too listened intently to Sensei's every word, determined not to miss a single detail.

"The most important thing for you cadets to remember is that any disturbance around the fragment's location, whether natural or unnatural, will trigger the activation of the Sealed Bond's defense mechanisms. You will need to overcome these defenses to obtain the fragment. Once you have it in your possession, you will teleport back to this location as a team."

Zack, who had fallen behind Sensei, couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and blurted out his question. "What happens if we teleport back without the fragment?"

Sensei's response was immediate and stern. "Then I'll teleport your sorry butts back, no matter how many times it takes."

Tess almost stumbled, her step faltering for a moment, which could have sent her sprawling face-first onto the ground. Despite her improving eye ability, a lingering headache persisted, albeit faintly, reminding her of the constant strain she endured.

"Likewise, your exam will be designed to test your skills and the abilities you have developed, focusing on your teamwork. Once you have successfully passed the exam, you will be ready for your first mission when the next fragment is detected," Sensei explained, his words carrying a sense of anticipation for what lay ahead.

As they walked, Sensei led them to an elevator, and as always, Tess couldn't catch a glimpse of the floor he pressed. The polished silver doors closed, enveloping them in their reflective surface, casting their own faces back at them.

Tess couldn't help but find Sensei's obsession with his own appearance a bit shallow, especially as he began removing his hand bandages, observing himself in the reflection. It was no surprise that the pool he claimed to house real electric eels was his favorite spot on Primus. While she doubted the existence of those eels, none of them had ever fallen in to find out. 

Even when they walked across a narrow pole suspended over the pool, throwing rings to test their balance, Zack managed to keep his balance without causing a big splash. It was a testament to their progress and the growing bond among them, leaving no ill feelings in its wake.

As they prepared to remove their own bandages, the elevator door slid open, and Sensei stepped out into an unfamiliar hallway. Tess's frown deepened, realizing they were not heading towards the elevator room she had hoped to investigate. 

She wanted to test if the door had the same hand swipe capability to activate a hologram keypad. If Sensei questioned her intentions, she could simply explain that she wanted to assist him in moving faster so they could begin the exciting exam.

They continued down the hallway, passing a glass wall that offered a breathtaking view of the mountain they frequently jogged on. Tess imagined they were passing the section where the waterfall would normally cascade, now dried up but still retaining its awe-inspiring beauty.

As they continued down the hallway, Tess found herself reevaluating her three weeks spent in that place. Despite the grueling training sessions, a good night's sleep seemed to miraculously heal their torn muscles and painful joints, reminiscent of the regenerative abilities seen in video games. 

Games… The thought of it left a sour taste in her mouth, disgusted by the notion of such a manipulative ploy to waste people's time. Yet, it was precisely that fast-healing aspect that had enabled her to survive in that place for so long. 

Maybe there was something in the food they were given, some experimental supplement designed to accelerate healing. It seemed more plausible than the notion of being the chosen protectors of the planet, a story that sounded like pure nonsense.

They followed Sensei as he led them towards a dead-end in the hallway, curiosity and uncertainty growing among the recruits. Lanse couldn't help but voice their collective question, "Sensei, where are you taking us?"

Sensei paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and replied, "How silly of me. I should have informed you of our destination beforehand, shouldn't I?" He chuckled lightly, knowing he had kept them in the dark.

"You don't say," Szedra quipped, standing alongside Zack as they halted behind Tess and Lanse.

"Well, it's a bit too late for that now," Sensei added, his hand brushing against the lower section of the wall, triggering the appearance of a hologram keypad. With practiced precision, he entered a code, and Tess, with her enhanced eye ability that now activated within a second, swiftly caught sight of the digits '2399.'

As the door swung open, Tess blinked, adjusting her vision back to its normal state. The numbers she had been repeating in her mind, 2399, brought a glimmer of hope to her eyes. She could almost taste her impending escape, a hint of freedom lingering on her tongue. However, her elation quickly faded as the pitch-black expanse of the room was unveiled before them, erasing the smile from her face.

Sensei's spiteful grin revealed his true intentions, mocking their role as supposed guardians of the planet. He strolled confidently into the darkness, his presence fading into the void. 

Lanse, not one to back down, voiced the question that was lingering in everyone's mind, "And what if we fail?"

Sensei's voice, devoid of emotion, echoed through the room, reaching their ears. "Even if you fail, your next mission awaits you," he declared coldly, his words dripping with a sense of impending doom. "But be warned, failure may result in being stranded wherever you are teleported, for all of eternity."

As Sensei's ominous words settled upon them, white lights flickered to life, illuminating the room's interior. "But don't concern yourselves with that for now," he continued, his tone chillingly indifferent. "Let's get you cadets suited up."

Horrific failure of his Alpha team? What ever could he have meant by that? Hope they didn't die.


Gulp! ಠoಠ

Alos, here's a heads up.

I’m thinking of setting up goals for extra chapters weekly apart from the seven based on the number of votes.

3000 (2k) stones = 2 extra chapters

4000 (4k) stones = 4 extra chapters

Mackainacreators' thoughts