
Becoming Legend

"I was supposed to be sent to earth. But I ended up in a completely different world. A world where magic exists. And here I thought I`m a Hollow—born without magic. That was until my system activated and guided me to embrace my past, deal with my present, and prepare for my future." "With the memory of my past, information from the earth, and a bizarre world I`m in, my implanted A.I. will do everything to ensure my survival and venture the unknown. But first, I must deal with my past to move on, leave the island, and explore the world and become a Legend!" "But how can I, if my Master is all weak and alone?" "May the Maker have mercy upon my enemy, Because I won`t" - Ned, Becoming Legend.

Neorealist · Fantasy
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465 Chs

Meeting the Queen

At first, Ned was reluctant to name the queen. But after seeing her at close distance, he was sure, Kon Sas Koron was an elf—or was once an elf.

"Human," Kon Sas Koron said with her eyes boring Ned. Deep and dark eyes as if seeing all things.

For a moment, Ned felt a chilling aura. An aura he was well accustomed to.

The two beasts, on both Ned's sides, took a step farther away from the queen.

The queen used a skill that would make any weak-minded beings succumb to great depression. Not even his beasts could take on the skill directly.

But not Ned. He was way beyond that. He remained standing on his spot as the chilling aura engulfed him, then the air around him, then the whole chamber.

A loud clank of metal against leather echoed behind Ned. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Cotilis on both his knees, while Moloatiss shrunk as if squeezed of any liquid off his body.