
Becoming Invincible With My Revenant System

After dying in an explosion. Lin Min, an ordinary man with and extraordinary hidden past travels to a world unlike any other, a world filled with many mysteries and realities. Since time innumerable humans and beasts alike from this strange world have harnessed 'Vibes' energy to acquire immortality and unimaginable power. As fate would have it Lin Min's new body had limited talent and could be considered utter trash incapable of cultivating. Luckily he hears a Whisper from within and awaken a God-like system with the ability to seize chattel of the dead including cultivation talent. Walk with Lin Min as he starts his cultivation journey side by side with the Revenant system while experiencing the terror and cruelty of this new world and discovering the mystery of his Prodigious past Until he becomes Invincible in the Myriad realms!.

Pizza_overlord · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Awakening in another world

Chapter one: Awakening in another world.

Forsaken land, Azure sky forest.

The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun, .

Gigantic trees as high as Mountains towered into the sky blocking out the magnificent radiance of the sun, In a Ravine, lush trees and a sea of thousands of flowers and spiritual grasses formed a forest. Colored butterflies danced around, various birds sang different soothing melodies, and a fragrance of flowers filled the air like a mini-universe.

Compared to these beautiful lush greenery, a not so looking little chubby boy was lying at the bottom of a towering oak Tree, his robes were tattered and torn apart revealing his frail tender skin stained with red blood oozing out of dozens of various forms of injuries that he was afflicted with from his head to his toes.

The corner of his lips was covered with blood, his chubby face was swollen like a pig face, worse of all his eye sockets were empty and were bleeding endlessly clearly showing his eyeballs have been gouged out not long ago.

His condition looked critical and rather pitiful as he lay in his pool of blood, his life and death remain unknown.

"Let's get going already" A faded time worm voice, seemingly belonging to an old man his sixties sounded like a bell that shook the eardrums of the young man jolting him awake from his endless slumber.

'What?, where am I?" the young man thought in puzzlement, moments ago he was exploring a hidden cave alone, then he entered a cold room and what he saw numbed him for a while.

The room was Dimly lit, the room gave an eerie vibe as if it was the passage way to death itself but in the middle of all that murkiness and the only ray of light came from a translucent book glowing resplendent light that brightened its immediate enclosing.

As an explorer he immediately became curious when his eyes fell on the illusionary like book, and then he ignored his instinct madly warning him to stay away and touched the book.

Immediately his hands touched the book he heard a loud explosion and then his consciousness was pulled into an abyss of nothingness and he roamed there all alone.

It was unknown how much time had passed in the river of time before he heard the voice of an old man.

He quickly tried to raise his head to ask the old man what was going on, only to discover his entire body was frozen in place by a mysterious force, it was as if the entire sky collapsed and was pressing down on him, luckily the mysterious force didn't hurt him but only restricted his movements.

As the chubby boy with fat cheeks was making sense of his current predicament another voice echoed not too far from him.

"How dare say that old foggy Xi Wen, don't you recall our masters warning us to bury the body at least twenty feet beneath the earth before return returning, aren't you afraid of the punishment our masters would inflict on us" the voice sounded deep like a river and contain a trace of mockery.

The owner of the other voice, an old grey-haired man eyes his eyes flashed a furious light when he heard the muscular man and he harshly berated "Are youngsters nowadays all foolish, So what if they find out, with all the rewards we'll get after this mission can't we just go into hiding and never return"

"besides it's already so dark now in the forest and many terrifying beasts will be active soon do you think they'll let this dead body off or do you think his body will suddenly stand up and run away from these hungry beasts....., you know what? ... if you want to stay and bury him at the risk of getting eaten by a random beast, be my guest but I'm not going to accompany you in such a foolish act Xi Lei"

Immediately the grey head old man, Xi Min finished his words he turned around and began to run as fast as his legs could carry him not caring about his companion's opinion anymore, his face showed apprehension, evidently showing how bad he wanted to get away from here before dark.

Seeing the old man decisively leaving, the muscular man, Xi Lei couldn't help but rethink his decision, "Ehm.... now that you put it like that..."

He paused for a moment to listen to his surroundings again and he could hear the sounds of terrifying beasts awakening from their slumbers, hair raising roars reaching his ear now sending shivers to his spine.

Although he could do almost anything to please his masters, risking his life just to bury a dead body wasn't something he was willing to do, more so it didn't sit well with him that he will be all alone in that act since the old man, Xi min was hell-bent on leaving.

It didn't take long for Xi lei to decide he couldn't stay here in dark alone with all sort of beasts, with that thought in mind he immediately rushed forward and called out to Xi Min's disappearing silhouette while shamelessly saying, "wait for me I'm coming!, although it is indeed inappropriate to leave his body out in the open like this, what you said is true wandering beasts will appear soon and get rid of the evidence for us, I'm sure our young miss would not fault our actions."

"it's good that you haven't completely lost your mind yet, otherwise you would have ended up like that chubby trash, nothing but food for beasts!" Hearing him coming, Xi min didn't slow down but teased his companion.

With expeditious footsteps, the figures of both men's silhouettes rapidly disappeared from the forest leaving only the presumed dead body in the forest alone.

Not long after they left, a weak relieved voice echoed from beneath the oak tree, "They finally left"

This Fatty under the oak tree mumbled under his breath know there was no one around to hear him, he felt the mysterious pressure bearing down on him dissipate as if it was never there.

Then he tried to make sense if his experience since he entered the cave.

And at the same time he regained his sense of pain and was in for a lot of it.

While the Xi men duo were here, his mind was verwhelmed with the sense of fear of being buried causing his brain to subconsciously block out the sense of pain from his injuries but now that they were gone, it was as if the flood gates of hell had opened and he his exploded with excruciating pain, his entire body ached from head to toe, he felt a staving pain in his chest as if he had been stabbed by a sword, he felt like every bone in his body was broken, he was shedding blood all around dying the soil red.

And worse of all was the pain coming from his eyes or... where is eyes used to be used to be.

He felt like his eyelids were being devoured by a million ants and a million sword lights stabbing his eyelids

It was painful!

It was heart-wrenching

Lin Min couldn't take it anymore and started rolling on the ground in agony, his hand firmly holding his bleeding empty eyelids.

At the same time, turbulent waves raged in his mind and a wave of foreign memories emerging in his mind causing him to have a preliminary understanding of the utter chaos he had fallen into.