
Becoming Immortal

Reborn into the Twilight world 4,000 years before the start of the story. With powerful abilities, and a ruthless ambition. Aster will stop at nothing in his rise to power and immortality. -------------------------------------------------- Cover image is not mine.

SpareTire · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


The pain of the transformation kept me conscious throughout the entire process. I could feel as the venom slowly made its way through the rest of my body breaking it apart and then building it back up.

I had no true concept of the passing time, just the burning pain of the change.

The venom consumed everything until only my heart was left, and with one final stuttering beat it stopped, along with the pain.

Opening my eyes, I was overwhelmed with what I could now see. Everything was so much clearer, so much more defined. I can see the tiny individual specks of pollen floating in the breeze. Insects unnoticeable to me before, stood out clearly as they skittered along the surrounding tree leaves.

I can smell and hear everything in this forest. Birds nesting in the tree tops, a deer drinking from a stream, and the wolf preparing to attack it.

But most importantly I can feel the new power in my body, unnatural strength coursing trough my veins.

I no longer have that core of power in my chest, instead it feels as if my entire body is the core instead. As if I am fire. I feel a connection to it that I have never thought possible.

I raise my pale glittering hand into the air and call on my power.

My hand does not just erupt into flames it literally turns into fire. A construct of fire shaped into a hand. I pass my other hand through the flames that the other had become. Completely fire, nothing solid. And I'm still fire proof.

Just as easily I will it to return to normal, and I'm once again left with a solid hand.

Amazing. It seems during my change when the venom broke apart my core, it didn't just disappear it fused into my body, and the resulting transformation only heightened that aspect.

Turning my body into living flames, or nonliving flames as it were.

All my power, all my plans, and I was nothing in front of a real vampire. Just a toy to be played with. At the end of the day, a human is still just a human, no matter how many tricks they learn.

That's just the undeniable truth of this world I live in.

Her powers though, some sort of mental and physical paralysis with a type of pathokinesis thrown in there for that calming effect she forced onto me?

It's terrifying how close to a true death I had come to.

I once again look down at my hand, sparkling in the sunlight. That's not very ideal, but I might be able to do something about it.

I concentrate on my hand, on the light bouncing off of my skin. And I can feel it, I can control it. As soon as the sunlight meets my skin it's absorbed instead of refracting outward. No more glittering, though there is still a type of unnatural glow about me, but that's more manageable than how it was before.

The only thing to worry about is my eyes. But I know as long as I add animal blood to my diet on top of the human, instead of red eyes they will become amber. Not exactly the gold of a full vegetarian, but much less unnatural than crimson red. But that's still months away.

I do feel a new strong connection, that leads up to the sky. I call upon that power, slowly but steadily clouds form and then darken, the wind picks up in speed, and a light drizzle of rain starts to fall.

I keep my power running until its a downpour of rain, and then I can hear the rumble of thunder, I can feel it, it's a part of me.

I focus on a location outside the clearing I'm in, and I will all that power I can feel up in the clouds and skies to come down to the ground. Instantly, a giant bolt of lightning comes streaking down from the clouds striking the ground with an ear shattering crack.

It's marvelous. I cant exactly direct the lighting after its been released, but I have all the time in the world to hone this power and develop it into something more.

I cut off my power and watch as the clouds clear up and the skies turn back blue.

Ever since my change there has been a slight burning sensation in the back of my throat. I'v been able to mostly ignore it, but its not wise to let that keep going. It seems my mental training as a human has helped me in keeping control of myself and not going into a feeding frenzy. I wonder if it has developed into anything more?

I will need to find some blood, and some clothes. That lightning strike that saved my life also destroyed all my clothing.

I dive into my senses, tasting and smelling the air, hearing the sounds of the forest, feeling the heat source of the living beings.

I find a suitable a prey. The wolf I sensed earlier, just now finishing up it's deer.

I race through the woods, taking in every detail as I make my way to my meal. Perfect clarity.

And then I'm there, the wolf hasn't noticed my arrival. the scent of blood is overpoweringly strong, but not as desirable as I thought it would be, probably because it belongs to an animal.

Instantly I leap for the wolf landing on his back my mouth at its throat, teeth sinking in. It tried to struggle, but my grip was unbreakable. The taste was wrong in someway, but it slightly quenched the burning in my throat.

I found and drained two more wolves before I felt full. And after a quick rinse in a nearby stream I was free of any bloodstains and dirt.

I should be okay now to go into town and steal some clothes. Most likely my ship has already left without me, but it should not be difficult to make my way back to Crete. I imagine I can swim there myself and still be back before the ship arrives.

Finally Immortal.

Now my story truly begins.