
Becoming Human (DEMO VERSION)

(THIS IS NOT THE FULL VERSION) Aurora has been an orphan her entire life with no clue of who she really is and where she came from. Aurora has been abused in the orphanage ever since she was conceived, and undeniably tossed there to rot away. With hope finally diminishing from her heart, Aurora at the age of 18, decides to leave the foster care, thus becoming homeless. A dreadful reality had hit her after a few months that nothing interesting or good would ever come to her in life. Until...she finds an android.

KawaiiExpertise · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Calmly, Jeonguk scanned his environment to see which way Aurora headed. She was definitely somewhere, but Jeonguk had to search greatly to find his master. Heading down to the V Train platform, he sprinted as fast as he could, startling those walking by. They wondered where was he running off to. He headed back up the stairs once he reached the last exit, and then went up an escalator. Turning his head, he saw Aurora being manhandled aggressively by a cop that caught her. She screamed, begging the officer to let her go because he was hurting her. But he refused. Everyone walking by stopped, frightened by what they were seeing. Charging at the cop, the officer pulled out his gun, pointing it at Jeonguk.

Aurora was shocked to see Jeonguk coming after her. She whispered his name with relief and smiled weakly.

"What do you think you're doing—" Before the cop could finish his sentence, Jeonguk gave the man a hard shove, sending him flying into a column. Aurora gaped with horror.

Glaring at Jeonguk she cried, "You almost killed him!"

Ignoring Aurora's criticisms, Jeonguk snatched her up. He ran with her in his arms, heading straight out of the subway. They were now in unknown territory. Looking around, Jeonguk tried to assess where they were. Aurora was terrified. She's been chased by cops many times, but not by this many. She felt like a dangerous criminal roaming the Earth. Aurora could already see it—WANTED signs put up all over York Seoul City, demanding that she be found immediately for a wealthy amount of money—something that she needed.

Aurora tugged Jeonguk's shirt. Jeonguk looked at her. "Are you okay?"

Aurora clang to his shirt, nodding her head. "…don't do that again, please."

"Don't do what?"

"Scare me like how you did just now."

"What do you mean?" Jeonguk asked as he carried her down the street.

"You allowed them to arrest you…I thought they were going to take you away for good…or worse…"

"Or worse, what?"

"…return you to your owner."

Jeonguk didn't say a word.

They were going to, right…? Aurora thought gloomily.

Jeonguk eventually stopped their journeying. Before them was an Italian restaurant. Jeonguk processed this moment as a time in need of comfort. Aurora needed it tremendously. "Let's eat."

"…what?" Aurora asked disbelievingly. "But, I don't have any money."

Jeonguk assured Aurora that it was fine. Taking her inside, Jeonguk approached the waiter behind the desk requesting a seat for two. Looking at them, the waiter smiled. "A date, I see?"

Aurora blushed, shaking her head. "No, I'm his…" Aurora looked at him, hesitating to finish her sentence.

"She is my master." Jeonguk finished.

"Oh, I see," The waiter gasped with acknowledgement. "Well," He leaned on the counter, looking left and right. Leaning in, he whispered to them. "Ain't nothing wrong with a little AI action," He winks, clucking his tongue. "Right?"

"Ew, gross!" Aurora stuck her tongue out.

Jeonguk didn't understand the innuendo. "What is AI action?"

"Ignore him!" Aurora demanded.

The waiter cackled. "Step this way. There is a stall over here for you, madame.

Aurora and Jeonguk followed behind. There were faces turning, giving them unwanted attention. Aurora walked up a bit faster, walking side by side with Jeonguk. He glanced down at her, seeing that she was uncomfortable. He gently touched her back. "It's okay."

Aurora nodded sheepishly.

The waiter steps aside, presenting the fixed table to them.

"Do you mind finding us a stall that is away from the windows?" Jeonguk requested. Looking around the restaurant, he saw more stalls that were in the back. "Perhaps, over there?" He points.

"Now you want dark AI action?" The waiter bounced his eyebrows up and down. "Okay, right this way." He took them to the table Jeonguk requested, stepping aside. "Enjoy, I'll have someone come and tend to you two."

"Thank you." Jeonguk replies as he sits across from Aurora.

Eyeing her, he watched as she exhaled. She sounded stressed. Aurora pushed her golden strands of hair behind her ear, looking at the menu and flipped the page. He took in every movement, every breath and every vibe he received from her just sitting in front of him. He was amazed by how delicate a girl with such a fiery heart like her can possibly be. Feeling eyes on her, she looks at Jeonguk. He never looked away.

"Is…there a reason why you're staring at me like that?"

"You're tense." He responded.

Aurora didn't deny his accusation. "Jeonguk," She began. "You and I both know that we don't have any money…how are we going to pay?"

Jeonguk didn't say a word.

Aurora discreetly got up, but he took her hand. "Please, sit down. I'll take care of it."

"I don't want you to hurt anyone else anymore, do you understand me?"


Aurora couldn't tell whether Jeonguk was lying or not. He always had the same facial expressions most of the time. She sighed, sitting back down. "What do you plan on doing?"

"Find something you would like to eat."

Aurora frowned, annoyed that he was dodging her concerns. Rolling her eyes, she looked at the menu once more. She became more frustrated as she turned the pages being that she was not familiar with Italian dishes. She didn't know the first thing of being Italian or knowing how to choose the right meal if it's her first time trying it out. "I don't know what to get."

"How about Lasagna?" Jeonguk suggested. "It's delicious."

Aurora furrowed an eyebrow. "How would you know?"

"My owner used to eat it all the time."

"Ah," Aurora looked for Lasagna as a choice. "They have…bow-la-guh-knees…?"

"Bolognese Lasagna."

"Yeah, that."

"That's pretty good, too."

"Why do you seem to know all this?"

Jeonguk tilted his head in disbelief.

"Ah, right. Your original owner."

A waitress soon arrived with pen and paper ready in hand. "Hello, my name is Cindy, and I'll be serving you both today. How can I be of service to you two?"

"Ah crap, I didn't even choose a drink!" Aurora blurted out. Embarrassed, she slapped her hand over her mouth.

"That's fine," Cindy lowered her pen from her paper. "Would you like extra time."

"A Shirley Temple for her, and a glass of electrolyte fruit juice."

"Oh, you're an AI?" Cindy smiled.

Jeonguk nodded. "Yes."

"Alright, a Shirley Temple and electrolytes, coming right up." Taking their menus and leaving them, Aurora turned to Jeonguk.

"You know, you don't have to make it obvious that you're an AI."

"Why not?"

"Because…" Aurora lowered her head, mumbling. "…it's not of their business."

"I'm sorry." Jeonguk said.

"It's fine."

As time went on, Aurora ordered the Bolognese Lasagna, with Jeonguk ordering the same thing. She was shocked to see that he was ordering food for himself. When Cindy left once again, she questioned his actions.

"Didn't you know?" Jeonguk queries. "AIs can eat, too."

Aurora was definitely in the twilight zone. She never knew that AIs actually had the capacity to eat meals like a normal human being. "Has technology really become this developed…?" She whispered in awe.

When the meal arrived, they stared down at their plates. Aurora became self-conscious. Being that she's never been in such a sophisticated environment, she's never even been taught eating etiquettes. Embarrassed, she pretended to pray for her meal.

"What are you praying for?" Jeonguk asked.

Dumbfounded by how quick he caught on, Aurora exhaled. "…nothing."

Jeonguk picked up his fork and knife and began cutting away at the pasta. His swift movements captivated Aurora's attention. She watched how he ran the knife back and forth in the pasta, and took a bite out of the cheesy delight. Jeonguk chewed thoroughly before swallowing. Seeing that Aurora was staring at him in a daze, he waved his hand in her face. "Are you okay?"

Aurora nodded, smiling. She decided to copy what he did. Picking up her knife and fork, she held them awkwardly. "Um…"

Jeonguk placed his down, and helped her reassemble the utensils. Once she got it, he told her to slice gently so that she wouldn't damage the plate or hurt her fingers and wrists from too much force. She quickly caught on and smiled excitedly. Jeonguk continuously stared at her hands.

"I did it!" She exclaimed, lifting her fork into the air.

Some nearby couples glanced at her, looking at each other and shrugged.

Jeonguk nodded. "Good, now eat."

Obediently, Aurora took a huge bite and chewed happily. She moaned with satisfaction, holding her cheek. "Wow! This is actually delicious!"

"I told you."

Aurora gave Jeonguk a challenging smirk. "Yeah, yeah, you did."

After those exchange of words, they never said a thing to each other. Instead, they calmly ate their meal, savoring the juices and how hot and tender the tomato paste was. The pasta wasn't too hard or too soft. The cheese melted gracefully on top of the pasta, followed with cilantro and Bolognese sauce drizzling down the sides. The meaty beef was blended within the entire concoction. Aurora was too hypnotized by such a beautiful meal to let this moment go. "I wish I had a phone to record this moment…" Aurora smiled timidly. "…this was…fun."

Jeonguk turned to see out the window. Although it was a bit far from their table, he made sure that there was no dangers lurking. He looked at Aurora, asking her to taste the drink.

Aurora had totally forgotten about it. Lifting it with her whole hand, Jeonguk corrected her. "Hold the glass like this," He took her glass, wedging it between her middle and ring finger.

Aurora was amazed by this.

"Now you look classier." Jeonguk kidded.

"Haha, very funny." Aurora took a sip, licking her lips. "This is really good, too."

Jeonguk drank his electrolytes very smoothly. "I'm glad you are enjoying this meal." He says. "Would you like a meal like this every day?"

"Is that even possible?"

"I can make it happen."

Shocked by his bold claim, Aurora became nervous. "Jeonguk, I don't want you to hurt people to help me."

"Why are you telling me this again?"

A little intimidated by his question, Aurora puts her drink down. "Because if we bring too much attention to ourselves…then we won't ever be able to live anywhere in peace."

Jeonguk sat there meditating deeply. "So…self-control?"

Aurora nodded. "Yes, for me, please?"

Jeonguk looked at her silently.

The girl finished her drink serenely. She tried to keep her mind off of the bad things that would most likely be going on once they left the restaurant. When she finished, Jeonguk's eyes lit up. Aurora glanced at him worriedly. "Is something wrong?"

"It's time for us to go." He says.

"What? Why?" Aurora frowned disappointedly. "You didn't even finish your meal!"

Jeonguk hastily ate his food, wiping his mouth with his napkin. Putting it on the table, he looked for the waitress to return. Aurora didn't understand what was going on. "Are…we in trouble again, or something?"

Jeonguk reassured her that everything would be okay. Aurora's heart began to beat a little harder. His mysterious concerns and actions were making her feel insecure. When Cindy was in the area, he made an immediate request for her to come to them. Happily, she asked if they wanted anything else.

Before Jeonguk spoke up, he paused, looking at Aurora. She was distant with this look of anxiety clouding her pretty face. Jeonguk calculated that as some sort of depression. It moved his artificial heart to be patient. "Would you like dessert?" He asked.

"…huh?" Aurora was puzzled by his sudden demeanor.

"What desserts are available here?" Jeonguk inquired Cindy.

"Well," Cindy tapped her pen on her chin. "We have our special Italian Tiramisu, Bombolone, which are donuts, Zuppa Inglese, Struffoli, Semifreddo and Cannoli."

Aurora gawked at those options. She's never heard of any of those sweets before.

"We would like the Tiramisu, please."

"Two, right?"

"Just one." Jeonguk corrected.

"Alright, I'll be back."

Aurora and Jeonguk looked at each other. "I don't even know what that is." She glowered.

"It's delicious. Trust me."

Cindy came back with the cute little plate. "Enjoy,"

"Thank you," Jeonguk bowed his head.

Once Cindy left again, Aurora leaned in to whisper. "This is so tiny."

"You're also tiny."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Aurora asks a bit defensively.

"Nothing bad," Jeonguk handed her the dessert fork. "Enjoy it."

Eyeing him a certain way, she accepted the fork. She took a piece of the cake and ate it. Her taste buds leapt for joy. "Woah! This is good!"

Jeonguk never shows his happiness, but he was satisfied to see Aurora enjoying herself. She happily tore the treat apart. Letting her eat in peace, Jeonguk observed other couples who were enjoying the pleasures of eating their meals. Once couple were getting ready to leave. The man stood up, placing one arm behind his back. Holding his other arm forward, he allowed the woman to humbly take his arm and lifts her up. Hand in arm, they took their leave. Jeonguk took in his scenery.

Feeling terrible, Aurora realized that she didn't even offer Jeonguk a piece of the tiramisu.

"It's fine. I didn't want any."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Jeonguk requested for Cindy to return back. "I'm ready for the bill."

"My, a gentleman, are you?" Cindy smirked putting her hand on her hip. She looked at Aurora and winked. "You got a nice AI on your hand.

Unsure of what to say, Aurora blushes and nods.

"Okay, I'll be back with your bill, hold on tight."

Once Aurora heard 'bill', her heart jumped. "B-Bill?!" She knew that eating at a restaurant like this meant real money. "Jeonguk!!!" She cried.

Jeonguk got up, folding his arm behind his back, Jeonguk held his other arm out toward Aurora. She was taken back by his gesture. "May I?" He requests.

Hesitantly, Aurora slowly reached for his arm. He lifts her up. "We need to leave now, before she returns."

"Wait, but—" Tugging her along, Jeonguk walked swiftly towards the entrance.

"Aww, you both are leaving?" The waiter from earlier says as they go their merry way.

"Yes," Jeonguk looks back. "Thank you for your hospitality." With that, he took Aurora away.

"No problem, come again!" He grins ear to ear. Once they were out of sight, his smile weakened.

"Hey!" Cindy came running to him. "Have you seen a girl in a red dress and an M AI?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"They didn't pay for the food!" She cried.

"Don't worry," He assures her. "The cops will find them." He smirks menacingly as he glanced up at the television news. "They'll find them soon enough."