
Becoming Grindelwald's Descendant and The Next Dark Lord

In a post-war wizarding world, where the Alliance Party—an organization that once stood for unity between magical beings—has fallen into obscurity, a young wizard named Wentworth emerges with a determination to resurrect its ideals. Wentworth's efforts to revive the Alliance Party are met with skepticism and resistance as old prejudices and grudges run deep within the wizarding community. However, his unwavering determination and ability to inspire hope gradually draw a diverse group of supporters to his cause. With Cedric by his side, Wentworth navigates through political intrigue, magical battles, and personal sacrifices. Ultimately, Wentworth’s journey is a testament to the enduring power of hope, resilience, and the belief that a united front can overcome even the darkest of odds. The Alliance Party’s revival becomes a symbol of progress, reminding all magical beings that their shared future is worth fighting for. This is a translated work with over 480 chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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374 Chs

Chapter 369 "Rose In A Barren Land"

After a moment of silence, Wentworth suddenly laughed softly, "Joseph? His dueling skills are average, but his escape skills are quite impressive!"

At this point, Auston, who had been standing quietly nearby, began to speak, "Master... are yo--"

"Master! I am glad you are fine! Do you want me to tend to your injuries?" A weary voice interrupted from behind Wentworth.

Turning around, Wentworth saw Jimon supporting Wenna as they slowly approached. Wenna was smiling as they approach Wentworth, although her body is ready to give in, but she is trying her hardest just to take another step toward Wentworth.

The tired voice belonged to Wenna. Auston frowned at hearing Wenna's address to Wentworth but remained silent after seeing Wentworth's lack of reaction.

Noticing Wenna's expression who seems like forcing a smile, Wentworth could feel there is a genuine worry lying underneath her tone.

Jimon helped Wenna to Wentworth's side. Wentworth turned his attention to Jimon, who nodded subtly. Satisfied, Wentworth shifted his focus to Wenna with a smile, "Congratulations, Wenna Coney. Since you survived, as promised, you can come back to Europe with me. I will keep you by my side. No one will dare to put their hands on you. Not even the Coney tribe will be foolish enough to take you back!"

Leaning in closer, Wentworth whispered in a voice only Wenna could hear, "Welcome to the bright world I promised. You will not only witness the dawn but also bask in the full daylight."

Hearing Wentworth's words, Wenna, who had initially felt a bit embarrassed, suddenly lit up with excitement. She managed to restrain herself and said to Wentworth, "Master, I know how Joseph escaped under the noses of so many wizards!"

Wentworth nodded slightly, responding nonchalantly, "Was it because he is an Animagus?"

Wenna was momentarily stunned when she knew that Wentworth had already figured out Joseph's true power, then quickly nodded, "Yes, master, he is an Animagus. Joseph's Animagus form is a hummingbird!"

Wentworth chuckled, unfazed by the revelation. "It doesn't matter. Let him run. There's an old saying in the Far East: 'Even if you run from a monk, you can't run away from the temple.'"

With that, Wentworth turned his attention to Rosier, "Isn't that right, Grandma Rosier?"

Rosier then nodded in reply, "That's right Wentworth, it doesn't even matter if he chooses to hide. We will drag him to you."

Jimon and Wenna, who were nearby, were surprised to hear the word from Rosier's mouth. They knew Wentworth, but they never knew the people behind them...

They have many questions in their head, but they decide it is better to keep quiet for now.

At that moment, the wizards of the Alliance, who were busy cleaning up the aftermath, suddenly became agitated. Many of them drew their wands and assumed defensive stances.


Wentworth looked in the direction their wands were pointing and saw Professor Dumbledore, dressed in a white wizarding robe, slowly approaching.

"Oh my, Wentworth! I was just thinking of checking on you, it seems like you don't even need my help anymore. This old man was already eager of fighting anyone who dares to harm my grandson!" Dumbledore exclaimed with a wide grin.

Wentworth motioned to the wizards around him to lower their wands and then greeted Dumbledore himself, "Professor Dumbledore, you've put me through quite a trial! Did you know about the situation here all along and deliberately left me to clean up this mess?" He said with an annoying expression, demanding an explanation from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore, observing the cautious witches and wizards around him, couldn't help but twitch slightly before responding with a hint of exasperation, "Wentworth, you've been at Hogwarts for quite some time, and I've never seen you come out on the losing end. Look at the bright side; you have gained a lot this time!"

Wentworth waved his hands in denial, trying to explain, but Dumbledore didn't give him the chance. Instead, Dumbledore looked around and asked, "Where is Laila? How is she?"

Wentworth quickly made a gesture of "please" and led Dumbledore toward Uagadou's headmaster's room.

After Wentworth and Dumbledore departed, Auston approached Wenna, scrutinizing her closely. Seeing this, Wenna offered a friendly smile.

However, Auston smiled disdainfully and said, "I'm not interested in who you are, but I warn you, don't presume you can call him whatever you want. You haven't joined the Alliance yet, have you? You are not qualified to call him master!"

Hearing Auston's words, Wenna put away her friendly expression, pushed away Jimon who was supporting her, and said with a nonchalant smile, "What I call my master has nothing to do with you! Even if I am not a member of the Alliance, he is my master!"

Auston's expression changed, and he was about to reprimand her, but Wenna spoke first. "Because I have sworn to be his partner! And the master did not refuse!"

Auston was stunned by her declaration and didn't know how to respond.

Nearby, Rosier, who had been listening to the conversation, walked over with a smile.

Seeing this, Wenna immediately bowed and saluted, having witnessed everything that had happened and understanding the deference Wentworth showed Rosier.

Rosier approached Wenna and looked her up and down. Seeing Wenna lower her head, Rosier gently lifted her chin, looked directly into her eyes, and said slowly, "Wenna? Someone from the Coney tribe, I assume?"

Wenna quickly nodded in agreement. Rosier smiled and said, "We don't need useless people to act as a burden around Wentworth, do you understand?"

Wenna nodded repeatedly before replying, "I understand, miss. I've always been in the top three in Uagadou's class, and I'm also a European expert, once..."


However, before Wenna could finish speaking, Rosier shook his head and interrupted her. Leaning in front of Wenna, she said slowly, "Those are not important. Useful people must have strength, but powerful people may not be useful. Now, there's a chance to prove to me that you are a useful person."

With that, Rosier looked behind her. Following her gaze, Wenna saw many wizards from the Coney tribe, who had once been classmates and family, now squatting on the ground, guarded closely by several witches and wizards.

Seeing this, Wenna's heartbeat quickened, but she bit her lip and nodded in agreement.

Observing Wenna's reaction, Rosier nodded in satisfaction and released his hand from her chin. Before rising, he whispered softly in her ear, "I look forward to it. You can become a warm rose in the barren land."

Upon hearing Rosier's words, Wenna's breath caught in her throat, and she nodded earnestly.

Meanwhile Auston slowly backs off with a smile on his face, "It's your people, deal with them and prove your worth!" He remarked.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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