
Becoming Grindelwald's Descendant and The Next Dark Lord

In a post-war wizarding world, where the Alliance Party—an organization that once stood for unity between magical beings—has fallen into obscurity, a young wizard named Wentworth emerges with a determination to resurrect its ideals. Wentworth's efforts to revive the Alliance Party are met with skepticism and resistance as old prejudices and grudges run deep within the wizarding community. However, his unwavering determination and ability to inspire hope gradually draw a diverse group of supporters to his cause. With Cedric by his side, Wentworth navigates through political intrigue, magical battles, and personal sacrifices. Ultimately, Wentworth’s journey is a testament to the enduring power of hope, resilience, and the belief that a united front can overcome even the darkest of odds. The Alliance Party’s revival becomes a symbol of progress, reminding all magical beings that their shared future is worth fighting for. This is a translated work with over 480 chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 367 "You Won"

At that moment, outside Uagadou's headmaster's room, the Coney tribe wizards watched intently as two beams of light converged and entwined, surging with magical power and casting a dazzling brilliance.

The streams of light emanated from the wands of Wentworth and Joseph, their magical duel reaching a climax.

Joseph, sweating but resolute, managed a wry smile. "As expected of a Dumbledore descendant, it seems I'm outmatched. I never would have thought you would have the kind of capabilities to push me to my limit..." he conceded.

Wentworth, advancing steadily with his wand in hand, exerted superior control over the duel. His spell gradually pushed back Joseph's, inching closer with each step.

Closing the gap between them, Wentworth addressed Joseph with a smile. "Joseph, you shared a secret with me about the Coney tribe's plans. Now, it's my turn. The truth is, Dumbledore isn't my real surname!"

Upon hearing Wentworth's revelation, Joseph froze in disbelief. But before he could process the revelation, Wentworth swiftly thrust his wand arm forward.

In an instant, Wentworth's wand gleamed brightly. Reacting on instinct, Joseph swiftly released his grip on his wand, somersaulted, and dodged to the side.

As he glanced back, Joseph witnessed his wand cleaved in two midair with a sharp "pop!" sound. With no time to mourn the loss of his longtime companion, he turned back to face Wentworth, his expression a mix of horror and disbelief.

"Who the hell are you then?!" Joseph demanded incredulously.

Wentworth responded with a smirk. "I am who I am, Wentworth, just not Dumbledore."

Slowly rising to his feet, Joseph eyed Wentworth with fear etched on his face. Then, rallying his bewildered fellow Coney tribe wizards, he bellowed, "Are you all blind?! Attack him together! I don't care whether he lives or dies! Our number one priority is to defeat him first."

With a sudden jolt, the Coney tribe wizards snapped out of their stupor, raising their wands and aiming them at Wentworth in unison.

Before the Coney tribe could unleash their spells, Wentworth abruptly pointed his wand downward, "Aeridura Silex!"

In an instant, the ground quivered beneath their feet. Within moments, a deluge of gravel ascended into the air, shrouding the area in a thick veil of dust.

As the Coney tribe members squinted, attempting to discern Wentworth's location amid the swirling debris, they found him gone.

Then, Wentworth's voice reverberated once more, "Totus Obscurum!"

Suddenly, the brilliance of the sun vanished, enveloping the space in disorienting darkness. Everyone had their vision stolen with them, feeling deprived of their senses they could only yell in confusion.

"Calm yourselves! This is just another trick from Wentworth!" Joseph warned while he slowly succumbed to the panic.

Within the obscurity, a Coney tribe wizard instinctively raised his wand, "Lumos!"

But before the fluorescent light could illuminate the surroundings, a mysterious spell hurtled toward him.

With a piercing scream, both the fluorescent glow and the wizard were flung into the air, vanishing amidst the darkness.

Seeing this, Joseph erupted in anger, "Idiot! How many times do I have to warn you?! Think calmly before you act or we will be playing right into his hands!"

As the realization dawned on him, Joseph's expression shifted, and he lowered his head in contemplation.

As Joseph crouched down, a scream pierced the air behind him, causing him to gulp nervously, fearing it might be aimed at him.

Simultaneously, the Coney Tribe members, now alert, remained frozen in place, unwilling to provoke any action.

A peculiar silence settled over the scene, broken only by the relentless howling of the sandstorm.

After a moment of contemplation, Joseph began to inch cautiously toward the source of the scream.

The eerie quietness persisted as he made his way, each movement deliberate and measured.

Eventually, Joseph reached the unconscious Coney Tribe wizard, carefully retrieving the fallen wand from his side. With a deep breath, he positioned the unconscious wizard in front of him.

"Everyone, follow me. Start casting protection spells for yourselves while treading carefully," Joseph declared, his voice echoing through the stillness.

With determination, he drove his wand forcefully into the ground. Almost immediately, another spell flew forth, striking the Coney Tribe wizard before him.

The unfortunate wizard convulsed briefly before falling into stillness, trapped in a deep and motionless slumber.

As the cry of Joseph resonated among the panicked members of the Coney tribe, they obediently followed his instructions, casting spells to quell the raging sandstorm.

Gradually, the storm subsided, and the brilliance of the sun bathed the land once more, rendering everything in sight blindingly bright.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Joseph suddenly felt a pressure against his temple.

His gaze darted sideways to find Wentworth standing beside him, a smile playing on his lips as he held a wand to Joseph's head.

"What a surprise for you to walk straight into the eye of the storm, Joseph. I thought you are smarter than this," Wentworth teased with his condescending tone.

In an instant, the rest of the Coney tribe reacted, brandishing their wands and encircling the pair. Yet, faced with Joseph's predicament, they hesitated, unsure of their next move.

Wentworth, with a composed demeanor, positioned himself behind Joseph, subtly using him as a shield.

From this vantage point, he addressed Joseph in a soft tone, his words laden with triumph, "Joseph, it appears I have emerged victorious in this duel. Call your tribe back now!"

Joseph responded with a wry smile, acknowledging Wentworth's victory. "You've won indeed. When I commanded them to act, the duel was already yours. However, Wentworth, though you may have won this duel, in the end, it's the Coney tribe that prevails. Forgive me for employing the tactic of quantity over quality!"

Surprised by Joseph's admission, Wentworth remarked, "Joseph, I never expected you to be willing to risk your own life." He said as his eyes widened in disbelief.

With a smile, Joseph raised his voice, commanding his tribe, "Everyone, stun him with your spells!"

Startled into action by Joseph's command, the Coney tribe members snapped out of their daze.

Meanwhile, Wentworth cursed under his breath as he shoved Joseph forward, "You fucking coward! I won't grant you an easy death, I promise that one thing Joseph! Protego!" swiftly evading the stun spells aimed at him and casting a protective charm around himself.

Joseph, propelled by Wentworth's push, fell silently to the ground after being struck by several stunning spells, "Let's see how you like this, Wentworth."

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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