
Becoming Grindelwald's Descendant and The Next Dark Lord

In a post-war wizarding world, where the Alliance Party—an organization that once stood for unity between magical beings—has fallen into obscurity, a young wizard named Wentworth emerges with a determination to resurrect its ideals. Wentworth's efforts to revive the Alliance Party are met with skepticism and resistance as old prejudices and grudges run deep within the wizarding community. However, his unwavering determination and ability to inspire hope gradually draw a diverse group of supporters to his cause. With Cedric by his side, Wentworth navigates through political intrigue, magical battles, and personal sacrifices. Ultimately, Wentworth’s journey is a testament to the enduring power of hope, resilience, and the belief that a united front can overcome even the darkest of odds. The Alliance Party’s revival becomes a symbol of progress, reminding all magical beings that their shared future is worth fighting for. This is a translated work with over 480 chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 231 "Failed Assault"

A spell was cast from Wentworth's back straight toward the mysterious figure, brushing through Wentworth's hair as it soared toward the mysterious man in the cloak. The mysterious man, however, appeared completely unprepared for this turn of events, standing motionless.

As the spell approached its target, Draco's initial joy turned into disbelief at the subsequent turn of events. The mysterious man simply raised his hand and flicked his finger, causing Draco's spell to dissipate into thin air.

"No way! It can't be…" Draco muttered.

Wentworth, who had tumbled to the ground, was now rolling backward. Upon regaining his footing, he hastily stood up, wand in hand, and aimed it at the mysterious man.

However, he couldn't help but witness Draco's spell being effortlessly dissolved by their adversary.

In contrast to Draco's shock, Wentworth remained relatively composed in the face of this spectacle. After all, was it reasonable to anticipate that a spell cast by an ordinary freshman could harm a Professor specialized in the Defense Against the Dark Arts, let alone the Dark Lord?

"Are we in serious trouble this time, Wentworth?" Standing behind him, Draco displayed clear signs of distress after witnessing the recent events and addressed Wentworth with a despairing expression. "If just I have my fa--- No, if just I am stronger..."

With the current situation given, Wentworth can't blame Draco for thinking that far...

Without acknowledging Draco behind him, Wentworth extended his wand straight ahead and softly uttered, "Don't be fooled! Voldemort has no shadow."

This concealed trump card, guarded by Wentworth all along, was Snape's proud creation—a form of dark magic comparable to the Unforgivable Curses. Perhaps.

Upon witnessing Wentworth's determined stance, Draco, standing behind him, saw a glimmer of hope rekindling in his eyes.

Yet, Draco couldn't help but be puzzled when Wentworth, in the foreground, appeared to have cast a spell without any response from his wand—no beams, sparks, or threads of light emanated from it. Draco wondered if Wentworth's spell had failed.

However, their speculation was soon dispelled by a piercing scream that shattered the stillness of the night. The sound emanated from the mysterious figure opposite them.


Draco quickly shifted his gaze forward, only to witness the cloaked mysterious man clutching his abdomen, convulsing as if in intense pain.

Under the moonlight, Draco discerned something luminous flowing from between the fingers of the mysterious man, who continued to grasp his stomach.

A circle of flame soon appeared near the mysterious figure. As his body was in excruciating pain, Wentworth had cast an advanced form of Incendio which circles the mysterious figure in burning flame as he kneeled and held his abdomen.

Witnessing the unfolding events, Draco exclaimed in disbelief, "What did you just do, Wentworth? Did we actually manage to defeat him?"

Simultaneously, the mysterious figure opposite them, evidently incensed by Wentworth's actions, delved into his robes and retrieved his wand for the first time that night.

Observing this, Wentworth, undeterred, launched another spell without hesitation, declaring, "Expelliarmus!"

However, this spell proved ineffective, blocked by the adept opponent. Just as Wentworth was poised for another attempt, a melodic phoenix call resonated through the Forbidden Forest, echoing in everyone's ears.

While Draco was still pondering the source of the sound, Wentworth, ahead of him, exclaimed in surprise, "A phoenix? It's a phoenix! Professor Dumbledore is here!"

With the arrival of Fawkes, the mysterious cloaked man appeared to confront a natural adversary. Instinctively, he took a few steps back, retreating from the fiery circle that Wentworth had drawn. Seizing the moment, Wentworth acted swiftly and declared, "Incarcerous!"

Wentworth launched a sudden attack, aiming to catch the opponent off guard. Unfortunately, the spell was once again thwarted by the mysterious figure. However, Wentworth's Spell served as a successful block, depriving the opponent of the chance to counterattack.

Without hesitation, the cloaked figure swiftly turned and fled toward the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Recognizing the escape attempt, Draco urgently instructed Wentworth, "Wentworth, he's trying to run. Stop him!"

In response to Draco's plea, Wentworth turned, cast an exasperated look at Draco, and retorted, "Why don't you ask him to stop, then?"

Draco, frustrated, shook his head in response. "Come on, Wentworth! You know you are better than me in this context!"

In a sudden burst of flames, Dumbledore materialized before Wentworth and Draco. Perched on Dumbledore's shoulder was a fiery phoenix, attentively grooming his hair. Witnessing Dumbledore's arrival, Wentworth felt a wave of relief.

To Wentworth's surprise, instead of immediately checking on Harry's condition, Dumbledore approached him first and inquired, "Are you alright, Wentworth?"

On the moonlit night, Dumbledore's face displayed a visible tension, a detail that caught Wentworth by surprise.

Quickly collecting himself, Wentworth shook his head and assured Dumbledore, "I'm fine, Professor, but unfortunately the perpetrator has escaped!"

Dumbledore gently shook his head and responded casually, "He won't escape, as long as I have what he wants."

Wentworth concurred with a nod, silently cursing in his mind, "This sly old fox!"

Meanwhile, Draco sat on the ground, using his thighs as a makeshift pillow, cradling Harry, who was leaning on him.

Urgently, Draco called out, "Harry! Harry Potter! Wake up! Wake up!" He shook Harry's body while trying to confirm whether Harry was still alive by slapping him.

Perhaps due to Voldemort's departure, their connection weakened, and with Draco's second call, Harry gradually emerged from unconsciousness.

At that moment, both Dumbledore and Wentworth rushed over, witnessing Harry waking up.

"Ughh, I am awake Draco… No need to keep slapping me…" Harry replied with a pained expression.

"Thanks Merlin! Harry, you are fine!" Draco shouted before he hugged him tight.

Harry clutched his forehead and surveyed his surroundings with a bewildered expression, reminiscent of a post-night-out hangover or the grogginess after just waking up.

Upon spotting Dumbledore, Harry quickly rose and expressed his gratitude, saying, "Professor Dumbledore, thank you for saving me!"

To Harry's surprise, Dumbledore waved his hand and redirected the credit to Wentworth beside him, remarking, "No, Harry, you're mistaken. I've only just arrived. In reality, Wentworth risked his life to save you!"

Draco, standing nearby, chimed in, gesturing animatedly, "Yeah, Harry, you should've seen how impressive Wentworth was just now! With his wand, he conjured a protective charm around us with a simple flick. Even when someone aimed a spell, Wentworth's wand didn't seem to respond, yet the opponent ended up with a hole in their Defense!"

Upon hearing this, Harry turned to Wentworth and expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Wentworth, for saving me once again!"

However, Wentworth merely waved his hand dismissively, choosing to remain silent.

Wentworth still contemplates what purpose the mysterious figure came for…

If it's truly Voldemort, then why did he come here right now when the security is at all time high?

He couldn't help but think this assault feels kind of forced, which means there will be more to come in the future.


Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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