
Becoming Grindelwald's Descendant and The Next Dark Lord

In a post-war wizarding world, where the Alliance Party—an organization that once stood for unity between magical beings—has fallen into obscurity, a young wizard named Wentworth emerges with a determination to resurrect its ideals. Wentworth's efforts to revive the Alliance Party are met with skepticism and resistance as old prejudices and grudges run deep within the wizarding community. However, his unwavering determination and ability to inspire hope gradually draw a diverse group of supporters to his cause. With Cedric by his side, Wentworth navigates through political intrigue, magical battles, and personal sacrifices. Ultimately, Wentworth’s journey is a testament to the enduring power of hope, resilience, and the belief that a united front can overcome even the darkest of odds. The Alliance Party’s revival becomes a symbol of progress, reminding all magical beings that their shared future is worth fighting for. This is a translated work with over 480 chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 213 "Gringotts Hogsmeade Branch"

During the festive Christmas season, Hogsmeade transformed into a picturesque scene reminiscent of a holiday card.

Thatched cottages and shops adorned with a fresh layer of snow, holly wreaths adorning the doors, and trees adorned with strings of enchanted candles created a magical atmosphere.

Wentworth accompanied Cassandra to the Fancy Wizard's Outfitters, where the usually reserved Cassandra exhibited a fiery enthusiasm. As she browsed through the clothing, there was a spark in her eyes, and Wentworth couldn't help but notice the change in her demeanor.

Trying on various outfits, Cassandra would glance at herself in the mirror before walking past Wentworth with an air of indifference, as if assessing the fit.

Wentworth, in response, observed her every move silently. As Cassandra passed by him, Wentworth would occasionally exaggerate his exclamations, adding a playful touch to the shopping experience.

Conversely, there were moments when Cassandra would shake her head disapprovingly as she walked past Wentworth, prompting her to return the chosen outfits to the clerk without further consideration.

After selecting a few outfits at Fancy Wizard's Outfitters, Cassandra arranged for the clerk to package and deliver them to Hogwarts. The duo continued to explore the festive charm of Hogsmeade, reveling in the joyous atmosphere of the holiday season.

Observing Cassandra completing her clothing selection, Wentworth was ready to leave but found himself unexpectedly tugged back by the edge of Cassandra's garment.

Puzzled, Wentworth looked at her, only to have a man's dress thrust onto his chest by Cassandra, accompanied by a straightforward command:

"Give this one a try!" She said while forcing a cloth into Wentworth.

There was no room for negotiation.

Reluctantly, Wentworth began shuttling between the dressing room and the main hall of the clothing store. Each time he emerged from the fitting room, Cassandra would scrutinize him, offering concise directives:

"Pack this one!"

"Next one, please!"

Although Cassandra wasted no time, Wentworth realized he spent more time in the clothing store than Cassandra did. As he finally stepped out of Fancy Wizard's Outfitters, memories of the dread associated with being dominated by shopping in his past life crossed his mind.

Later, as they passed by the Zonko's Joke Shop, Wentworth insisted on dragging her inside, ignoring Cassandra's objections.

After thoroughly enjoying their time at the Zonko's Joke Shop, Wentworth reveled in Cassandra's disapproving glances, showcasing what it meant to embrace boyish fun until adulthood.

Despite Wentworth's youthful appearance as a teenager, he truly embraced the joy of the moment.

The playful antics continued until Wentworth, munching on burp candy, "accidentally" hurled a nose-biting teacup at Cassandra, resulting in an unexpected, teacup-induced nose bite. This prompted Cassandra to promptly exit Zonko's Joke Shop.

As they left the store, Wentworth loudly instructed the clerk:

"Please deliver the ones I've picked earlier straight into Hogwarts!"

Wentworth and Cassandra found themselves hungry after the playful fittings and pranks at the Zonko's Joke Shop. However, the two disagreed on where to have their meal.

Cassandra was determined to dine at the Hog's Head Inn, eager to experience the unique atmosphere of dining with masks or capes.

She also expressed curiosity about the renowned butterbeer and the Hog's Head Bar.

Yet, Wentworth was aware that the owner of the Hog's Head Inn was none other than Aberforth Dumbledore, the younger brother of his headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

Defying the Hogwarts school rules and taking a female classmate to a bar owned by the headmaster's relative seemed too audacious for Wentworth.

Though he is capable of getting away with something like this with a light punishment from Professor Dumbledore, Wentworth prefers that they start their Christmas without any problem.

He insisted on going to the Three Broomsticks, claiming that he simply wanted to try the unique red currant rum there and had no interest whatsoever in the bar's 40-something owner, Madam Rosmerta.

Cassandra vehemently opposed, refusing to accept any of Wentworth's explanations. Despite Wentworth's efforts to compromise, Cassandra remained steadfast in her disagreement.

Eventually, in a moment of desperation, they settled for a compromise. Instead of choosing between the Hog's Head Bar or the Three Broomsticks Inn, they opted for Madam Puddifoot Teahouse in Hogsmeade Village.

As Wentworth and Cassandra arrived at Madam Puddifoot's Teahouse, passing by the chubby golden angels occasionally tossing candies to the crowd, they beheld the small, misty teahouse before them. Seated inside, the lace-trimmed surroundings reflected in their eyes, creating an ambiance of elegance.

Surveying the teahouse, all that met their eyes were young couples seated in pairs, with many of them leaning foreheads or shoulders, engaged in hushed conversations.

The atmosphere was charged with ambiguity, and Cassandra's cheeks seemed to flush even rosier while Wentworth couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment.

"See, this is why I suggested Hog's Head instead of this place..." Wentworth voiced his complain.

"Well, do you want to change places then? I'd rather have other places than the one you suggest!" Cassandra replied.

Despite the suggestive atmosphere, neither of them suggested changing locations. They proceeded to enjoy their lunch in the teahouse, navigating the intimate surroundings with a semblance of composure.

As they finished their meal and prepared to leave, Mrs. Puddifoot, the teahouse owner, greeted them at the door with a warm smile.

She handed Wentworth and Cassandra heart-shaped cloud candies, adding a sweet touch to their day.

Walking through the streets of Hogsmeade, each of them holding a heart-shaped cloud candy, they appeared as if clutching a red heart, capturing the attention of many passersby.

Just as they were headed to Honeyduke Candy Shop to purchase some sweets before returning to Hogwarts, they were taken aback by the sight of a newly constructed marble building undergoing renovations not far from the candy store.

Wentworth and Cassandra were both astonished by the sudden emergence of a marble building in the midst of the quaint wooden-thatched wizarding village.

Moreover, a sense of déjà vu overwhelmed them as they realized they had seen this construction before. Their amazement reached its peak when two goblins emerged from the building, directing the workers below.

Simultaneously, Wentworth and Cassandra exclaimed, "Worker from Gringotts?!"

Upon reaching Honeydukes Candy Shop and inquiring with the clerk, the duo confirmed that the building opposite was indeed a branch of Gringotts, specifically in the center of Hogsmeade.

Despite its deviation from the original book's narrative, after careful consideration, Wentworth accepted the idea of Gringotts establishing a branch in Hogsmeade Village, given its status as the largest wizarding gathering place in the UK.

Satisfying their curiosity, the two ventured into Honeydukes Candy Shop, making substantial candy purchases. Following their sweet expedition, Wentworth, taking Cassandra with him, discreetly returned to Hogwarts through the secret passage near the Shrieking Shack.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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