
Becoming Grindelwald's Descendant and The Next Dark Lord

In a post-war wizarding world, where the Alliance Party—an organization that once stood for unity between magical beings—has fallen into obscurity, a young wizard named Wentworth emerges with a determination to resurrect its ideals. Wentworth's efforts to revive the Alliance Party are met with skepticism and resistance as old prejudices and grudges run deep within the wizarding community. However, his unwavering determination and ability to inspire hope gradually draw a diverse group of supporters to his cause. With Cedric by his side, Wentworth navigates through political intrigue, magical battles, and personal sacrifices. Ultimately, Wentworth’s journey is a testament to the enduring power of hope, resilience, and the belief that a united front can overcome even the darkest of odds. The Alliance Party’s revival becomes a symbol of progress, reminding all magical beings that their shared future is worth fighting for. This is a translated work with over 480 chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 178 "Looking For A Tutor"

Harry and Draco caught wind of a hushed whisper at that particular moment, "Professor McGonagall is here!"

They swiveled their heads to witness Professor McGonagall hastily emerging from Hogwarts Castle, striding purposefully toward them.

Draco leaned in close to Harry's ear and uttered in a hushed tone, "Tonight, I'll be waiting for you. I trust you won't disappoint me."

Subsequently, Professor McGonagall arrived and escorted Harry away.

As it happened, the spectacle of Harry rescuing Neville's memory ball mid-air had fortuitously caught the attention of Professor McGonagall, who was diligently at work in her office.

Afterward, McGonagall presented Harry to Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch team captain, "Mr. Wood, I believe you'll listen to what I say. I just witnessed this kid do a maneuver that totally spanned outside a freshman experience. I think he has talent in riding the broom!" and thus, Harry became the youngest Seeker in Gryffindor.

Upon returning to the Gryffindor common room, Harry relayed the details of Draco's proposition for a wizarding duel to Ron and Hermione.

In response to Harry's revelation, Hermione exclaimed, "Merlin's beard, Harry! Are you out of your mind? If a Professor or Filch catches you, you'll undoubtedly face severe punishment!"

However, Ron interjected beside Hermione, "Once Harry has accepted Draco's challenge, he has to go through with it. Wizard duels are sacred in the magical world, and all wizards will frown upon anyone who defiles this sanctity."

Upon hearing Ron's rationale, Hermione sighed and remarked, "If we must go, then count me in as well. I'd rather not wake up tomorrow to discover that Gryffindor has lost points due to our recklessness!"

Upon hearing Hermione's remark, Ron eagerly raised his hand, exclaiming, "Count me in! Let me tag along!"

Faced with such enthusiastic support from his friends, Harry found himself unable to refuse.

However, as the trio settled into the Gryffindor common room, a moment of contemplation ensued. After a brief pause, Harry voiced the pressing question, "Do any of you actually know how to duel?"

A collective silence enveloped the room, leaving the three friends momentarily lost in thought.

Eventually, Hermione broke the calm by expressing her uncertainty, "Harry, do you even know which spells are appropriate for a duel? I highly doubt Lumos or Wingardium Leviosa would suffice."

Her words prompted Harry and Ron to exchange uncertain glances, prolonging the thoughtful hush.

On the other side of Hogwarts, although Draco had proposed the duel, he harbored doubts about his ability to best Harry. Despite spending time with Harry and discovering no rumors about him, Draco faced a problem—he, too, was a novice in dueling.

Moreover, Harry boasted a notable history of defeating the Dark Lord, a fact unknown to Draco. In a moment of contemplation, Draco briefly entertained the idea of abandoning the duel. Yet, against all odds, he found himself unwilling to relinquish the challenge.

After much internal deliberation, Draco summoned the courage to approach Wentworth. "Wentworth, can I have a bit of your time?"

Wentworth, who was already aware of what was happening, looked at Draco and nodded, "Sure, what's been bothering you?"

"I got into a problem earlier today with Harry. Without even realizing it, I just asked him to have a duel with me..." Draco answered with a sorrowful tone.

Upon revealing his intention to duel Harry, Wentworth responded in surprise, "A duel with Harry Potter? Shouldn't you reconsider and cancel it, or ask for forgiveness? Isn't he a friend of yours? Oh well, if you don't want to forgive him, you can just always go to Filch and report it to him."

Hearing Wentworth's question widened Draco's eyes as he looked back and realized that this was the first time he ever had fun with someone his age... Wentworth's suggestion mirrored Draco's initial thoughts exactly.

In response, Draco was taken aback, his expression a mix of surprise and contemplation. He responded, "You also think I should abandon the duel? But reporting to Filch—wouldn't that be a bit excessive?"

Observing Draco lost in deep thought, Wentworth swiftly realized the shift in circumstances. It was evident that the dynamics had changed from the original scenario—Draco and Harry were now friends. Wentworth couldn't help but attribute this unexpected turn of events to his own actions.

With this realization, Wentworth cleared his throat discreetly before addressing Draco, "Of course, that was just a jest. Are you seriously considering reporting to Filch? This is a wizard duel, a sacred tradition! Are you prepared to tarnish the honor of your esteemed Malfoy family?"

Draco, feeling a flush of embarrassment, hastily replied, "No, certainly not! How could I even think of that? I just... I just don't know how to conduct a wizard duel!"

In response to Draco's admission, Wentworth quickly reassured him, "No worries, my boy! I'll teach you."

Subsequently, Wentworth guided Draco to the House of Requirement at Hogwarts. As Draco beheld the room that materialized before him, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he uttered in awe, "Good heavens, Hogwarts harbors such a magical room!"

Wentworth ushered Draco into the room, stating, "Hogwarts harbors more magic than you may have witnessed. You'll discover many wonders before you graduate. Let's set up your duel for tonight in this enchanted space!"

With a gesture, Wentworth prompted Draco to draw his wand. As Draco did so, Wentworth smiled and began imparting instructions, "I'll teach you the rules of wizard duels and introduce you to the most commonly used spell—the disarming spell. The incantation is simple: 'Expelliarmus!'"

Meanwhile, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who had been in quiet contemplation for a while, could no longer remain seated. Harry stood up decisively and declared, "Sitting here won't help. I'm going to find Wentworth. Considering he led Hufflepuff to victory against Slytherin in a wizarding duel last term, I'm sure he can help me defeat Draco."

With those words, Harry turned and headed out. Witnessing his determination, Hermione and Ron exchanged glances, promptly rising from their seats to follow Harry.

Nevertheless, when the trio reached the Hufflepuff common room, Cedric informed them that Draco had summoned Wentworth. Upon hearing this news, the three stood frozen, and Ron voiced their apprehension:

"It's done, it's all over now! Harry doesn't stand a chance if Draco has Wentworth's guidance!"

However, Hermione, quick to think, interjected with optimism, "Not necessarily! Even if Draco has Wentworth, if we can find someone more skilled than Wentworth, someone who can instruct Harry better, then Harry won't necessarily be outmatched by Draco."

Upon hearing Hermione's suggestion, Harry's eyes sparkled with hope, but Ron expressed skepticism, "Fine, then we'll need to find a higher-grade student. My brothers are at Hogwarts too, but after learning about Wentworth's accomplishments, I doubt my brothers can surpass him!"

Hermione, undeterred, grabbed Harry's arm and urged as they ran, "Who said anything about finding students? If we're looking for someone to ensure Harry's victory, aside from Headmaster Dumbledore, it's our Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts!"

Harry and Ron's realization dawned simultaneously at Hermione's words.

As the three sprinted through Hogwarts, their activities attracted the attention of many students. Unbeknownst to them, a pair of dispassionate and inscrutable eyes observed their movements.

After a while, the trio, panting, arrived at the door of Professor Quirrell's office.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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