
The Lucky Parchment

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Little Leopard Cat!"

Zhou Kai, who was shocked upon realizing that he had slept for two days, shouted.

"Coming." Little Leopard Cat ran in with hamburgers in her hands while chewing and puffing her cheeks. Anyone would want to rub her cheeks if they saw them.

Zhou Kai said, "I slept for two days. Why didn't you wake me up?"

While Little Leopard Cat swallowed, she said, "I tried, but you didn't wake up."

Zhou Kai was speechless.

He used to wake up with the slightest disturbance in the past when sleeping.

Now, he actually hadn't woken up despite the fact that someone had been shouting at him.

Had he been too exhausted after being attacked by the evil thoughts so many times? Was this the restriction of Big Boss Ding-Dong?

"Where did you get the hamburgers?" he asked in astonishment when he saw the food in Little Leopard Cat's hands.

"I bought them," Little Leopard Cat answered.

"You know how to buy things? Where did you get the money?" Zhou Kai side-eyed her.

Little Leopard Cat replied, "There's money in your wallet, and there's a hamburger store in the district across the river. I've been eating hamburgers for the past few days. They are really delicious. I really love them a lot." As Little Leopard Cat said that, she bit a mouthful of hamburger firmly with a satisfied expression.

Zhou Kai was speechless. "You stole my money."

Little Leopard Cat's expression froze before she retorted in dissatisfaction, "It's called taking, okay? I didn't steal it. Also, you still haven't given me my one million. Just deduct it from my share. I'm a little rich girl with one million. I don't even care about your few hundred dollars."

Zhou Kai was dumbfounded.

Where did she get 10… Oh, that's right. She has 10 million. I also have 500 million! I've made that money by suffering through all kinds of extremely ruthless pain and torture and putting my life at stake. It's hard-earned money.

When he came back to his senses, Zhou Kai quickly took his cell phone to check it.

Soon, he saw the bank's notification message, which included many zeros, causing Zhou Kai to burst with joy instantly.

500 million!

Now that he had all this money, he wouldn't have to worry about anything in the future. He could understand the mysterious world without any worries.

"Is the money in? Remember to get a bank card for me. You have to give me my one million," Little Leopard Cat said seriously upon seeing Zhou Kai's joyful expression.

Zhou Kai replied, "I'll do it right now. It's just one million. It's not a big deal."

Now that he had 500 million, Zhou Kai was conceited.

"Treasure! Treasure! It's here! I've found it! One million. My one million…"

The old district of Anyang used to be a prosperous sight, but its popularity had shifted, leaving behind old-fashioned rotten buildings while people waited for the unknown urban reformation plan.

There weren't many people on the street, and the ground was full of scattered, withered fallen leaves that had yet to be cleaned up. This place seemed to have been forgotten by the city.

A person walked around the corner of the street.

It was a young man around 20 years old. He was somewhat skinny and tired, he was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, and he was holding an old piece of parchment in his hands.

The man looked at the parchment as he walked and finally stopped somewhere before he muttered to himself excitedly.

On the unfolded parchment was a picture with some sentences that seemed to be part of a poem.

"The low walls are inhabited by night owls that have not gone home.

"The blazing sun doesn't stop shining with a fire-like afterglow.

"But time is frozen.

"If you are the lucky one who accepts God's guidance, you'll receive the treasure you have been yearning for day and night."

The man stopped in his tracks and looked up. There was a low wall in front of him that was very worn out and overgrown with weeds. A raven was standing on top of it.

Wasn't this jet-black raven the owl?

The words 'the blazing sun doesn't stop shining' referred to the fact that time didn't stop. It was now afternoon, and the horizon was red, which symbolized the afterglow.

Plus, time was frozen.

The man looked behind the low wall, only to find an abandoned church with a huge clock on the spire that was no longer working.

The man's gaze was burning, and his breathing became quicker. He jumped over the low wall and went inside without hesitation.

As time slowly ticked by, the man who had entered the church did not come out.

Meanwhile, on the seventh floor of an office building in the Anyang Development Zone…

Ling Luo walked out of the manager's office with both his hands clenched tightly, looking depressed and sullen. There was anger in his eyes that couldn't be concealed. It seemed as if he really wanted to turn back, go into the office, and give that fatty manager a beating.

However, at the thought of his rent and living expenses the following month, and given the fact that he had agreed to give his girlfriend a birthday surprise, he slowly suppressed his anger.

Life wasn't easy, and he couldn't lose his temper.

Just as he was about to fulfill the manager's crappy request to amend the proposal, his cell phone suddenly rang with an incoming message.

When he took it out to have a look, he saw that it was a message from an unknown person.

However, Ling Luo's eyes narrowed when he saw the content of the message and his expression became incredulous.

"Green trash bin at Hongxing Road. Throw it down, and I'll recycle it. 5:30. Be quick—Lucky Parchment(3)

At the moment, the time was 4:47.

After exiting the bank, Zhou Kai felt a little ecstatic.

Since he had 500 million in his card, he could do anything he wished.

Zhou Kai had received the best treatment from the bank when they had discovered the balance in his card. The beautiful manager had personally served him while he had drunk green tea and looked at her big chest. Then, she had given him her name card so that they could communicate at any time.

He wanted a second card to give Little Leopard Cat one million. When he'd said that this was pocket money, he had sensed a few wolf-like gazes on him that expressed the girls' desire for his coolness.

Unfortunately, Zhou Kai had high aims and very high standards. Hence, he didn't care about these ordinary women.

"Let's go. We'll have a great meal. I'll treat you. I can guarantee you'll be full."

Zhou Kai dashed toward a famous shop selling roasted whole lamb with Little Leopard Cat.

He had heard of this place several times. It was said that the lamb sold there came from the grassland, and so did the cook. Even the condiments were imported from there. Therefore, the food was very expensive due to its authentic taste.

After calling for Didi, the car stopped on Hongxing Road, where the shop selling the roasted whole lamb was. He looked up and saw that the shopfront took up a lot of space and the signboard was even bigger. The words 'Grassland Roasted Lamb' were written on it.

The name was very common, but their business was really thriving. The parking lots outside the shop were all occupied, and it was said that one had to make a reservation in advance and normally wait two to three days.

However, Zhou Kai didn't care about that, and neither would he queue up.

After all, he had money. Ha ha ha ha ha…

"Where is it? Where is it? I have to find it! It's the last one."

Just as Zhou Kai was about to enter the shop, a voice attracted his attention.

A man was rummaging through the trash bin by the side of the road. His movements were crude, and he looked crazy.

The green trash bin had been pushed over by him, spilling garbage all over the ground.

These actions attracted many people's attention.

Zhou Kai was dumbfounded.

F*ck. I've come across a crazy person.

When he was about to walk past him, the man suddenly picked up something. Looked ecstatic, he said with a hearty laugh, "I've found it! I've found it! Ha ha ha ha! I'm a lucky star! A million! I have a million!"

As the voice spread, the people around started to despise him and left one after another.

However, Zhou Kai froze suddenly upon hearing that.

This sounds familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere before.

Think. Think. Ah, I remember now! It's the lucky parchment!

Zhou Kai came to a realization.

The so-called lucky parchment was a treasure-hunting game.

Zhou Kai didn't know how the game had come about or who had manipulated it. However, he knew that a schoolmate had obtained the lucky parchment and had gone missing. He had not been found yet.

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