
Attacked by a Car Accident Spirit

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Raise you, my *ss!

What kind of person will you grow up to be if you're already so shameless at such a young age?

With a dark expression, Zhou Kai ignored the little girl, turned, and left.

"Ah! Daddy, daddy. Don't leave. Boohoo… Don't abandon me. I will stop thinking of Mommy, I really will. Boohoo…"

He was about to evade the crowd and leave, when he suddenly felt someone hugging his thigh. Then, he heard crying. The voice that accompanied the crying was extremely loud.

Zhou Kai instantly felt numerous gazes landing on him.

He looked down at the shameless girl clinging to his thigh. She looked so pitiful with tears gushing down her cheeks.

Many people witnessed this scene, and their reprimanding gazes were like knives stabbing him, making him uncomfortable.

"What are you doing?"

"Raise me. If you don't, I will cling to you forever. Other people will reprimand you." The little girl threatened him softly, even though her eyes were filled with tears.

What the heck! I saved you, and this is how you repay me?

Zhou Kai was annoyed.

"Stop making a ruckus. I'll kick you far away once I become angry, even if you're such a cute little girl." Zhou Kai threatened back at her.

The little girl immediately bawled louder. "Daddy, don't hit me. Boohoo… I was wrong, I was wrong."

"What is wrong with you, punk? You call yourself a parent?"

"That's right. Even if you prefer boys over girls, you can simply have one more child. There is no need to treat your daughter this way."

"All men are *ssholes."

The people who were criticizing him with their gazes started to attack him verbally.

With an extremely dark expression, Zhou Kai looked at the proud little girl. Then, he suddenly chuckled.

He lifted the little girl and left without a word.

People were very good at criticizing others verbally, but no one would actually confront him physically if he left the place.

The proud little girl was stunned instantly. When she spotted the sneer on Zhou Kai's face, she felt afraid.

"I was wrong, Big Brother. Let me off, please."

Zhou Kai gave her a fake smile. "Weren't you calling me Daddy happily just now? Why are you addressing me as Big Brother now? You're messing up with the seniority."

"I was wrong. Boohoo… I'm quite pitiful. Don't hurt me…" The little girl pleaded with him.

"Pitiful? The person who was protecting you must have been the truly pitiful one. He died for you, yet you are causing trouble here. Do you not have a conscience?" Zhou Kai jeered.

The little girl hastily replied, "No, that was not a living human in the first place."


Zhou Kai stopped walking.

The little girl then added, "It was a corpse slave. The body was a corpse I encountered on the mountains when I was leaving. I used magic to conceal its identity so that it could help me come to the human realm to steal…. I mean, buy things. Unexpectedly, I encountered a spirit the Fox Spirit Lady was controlling, which wanted to capture me."

Zhou Kai looked at the little girl suspiciously. "You came from the mountains?'

The little girl nodded and looked at Zhou Kai pitifully. "I haven't eaten anything in the past three days. Boohoo… I don't know where my mother went, but she abandoned me. I was hungry so I came here."

Zhou Kai was speechless.

"Big Brother, raise…. I mean, take care of me for some time, okay? I will definitely not disturb you when my mother comes back. My mother will offer you many, many benefits as well." The little girl saw that Zhou Kai seemed to have softened. Therefore, she spoke timidly, her bright eyes blinking and making her look insanely cute.

Zhou Kai did not object this time. He fell silent for a moment before saying, "What kind of person is the Fox Spirit Lady?"

The little girl stated, "The Fox Spirit Lady is not a person. She is an evil anomaly."

"An evil anomaly? What is that?" Zhou Kai was even more confused.

The little girl did not know how to answer that question. She thought for a while before replying, "I'm not so sure myself, for I only know what my mother told me. She said that these things are very scary. They cannot be easily killed, so it is best not to incur their wrath."

Cannot be killed? It is best not to incur their wrath indeed!

Zhou Kai said, "Didn't you say that the Fox Spirit Lady will not forgive me because I killed the spirit? What should I do then?"

The little girl, who did not know what to say, kept stammering.

Zhou Kai was enraged. "So you were just trying to bluff."

"I was not. If you take good care of me, when my mother comes back, she will protect you. The Fox Spirit Lady will not dare to provoke you." The little girl slapped her chest and spoke confidently.

Zhou Kai was caught between laughter and tears. This is the solution you were speaking of? I…

They had yet to finish speaking when a piercing glare suddenly shone on them, forcing him to squint.

Then, Zhou Kai discovered that a car was speeding in the lane ahead. By the time he looked over, the car was already in front of them and was about to crash into them.

F*ck! I'm going to die!

Zhou Kai jumped out of his skin.

There was no time left to evade it. Zhou Kai subconsciously pushed the little girl aside.

The car passed though his body with a swoosh and a beam of blue light.

Instantly, Zhou Kai felt excruciating pain, as though something had slammed against his chest. Pain ricocheted throughout his body, causing his muscles to tremble. His neck seemed to be forcibly ripped into two, while his head was flying away. He felt a strong wave of dizziness, and his vision turned black.

"Ding-Dong: A car accident spirit attacked you. Intent +1."

"Ding-Dong: A car accident spirit attacked you. Intent +1."

"Ding-Dong: A car accident spirit attacked you. Intent +1."

Suddenly, he heard the 'Ding-Dong' sound again. It rang three consecutive times in a rapid manner.

Then, he discovered that the pain he had felt had disappeared all of a sudden.

However, his muscles were still trembling and all his strength seemed to have left his body. In addition, he was drenched in sweat as though he was in a sauna.

Sh*t! That scared me!

That was a spirit car, not a real one!

Zhou Kai had yet to fully get his bearings when he noticed that spirit car making a U-turn several dozen meters away. It sped over once more, seemingly with the intent to hit him again.

Zhou Kai's eyebrows rose, and he glared angrily at the spirit car.

Why should I be afraid of a spirit car?

Since his intent had become stronger, this meant that the spirit car had hit him to make him hallucinate, falsely giving him an intensely painful experience that would have caused his intent to perish.

Zhou Kai chuckled coldly with blazing eyes.

With a swoosh, the spirit car passed through his body once again.

This time, however, Zhou Kai felt no pain thanks to his fortified intent. Instead, he focused the instant the car passed through him and saw a headless figure within the vehicle.

Then, Zhou Kai opened his mouth subconsciously, spitting out a black-red ball of fire that hit that headless figure.

With a bang, the ball of fire exploded and the spirit car dissipated into spirit lights.

In the same waterside villa several miles away, another pitch-black wooden tablet with a red character on it shattered inside the strangely-decorated room.

The red-robed old lady praying and lighting incense under the god's statue instantly paused. Her eyes then turned greener.