
Becoming God in The omniverse

The normal man exits, man reincarnate, man become op xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I will be using the real world Greek mythos or at least on my knowledge, There will be other gods pantheon again on my knowledge. ( don't worry though, I am going to do my best with researching all the religion on this and making sure all of them have a fair representation.) "if you are too religious don't read it" - GodOfGreedAs This story is influenced by him and it is a great story. The Mc will travel the multiverse, no conform universes but all the universe where there are gods he will be present. If you want a world just join discord. CODE: ejchVRnmxf xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1. Personal world 2. Naruto (short arc, very short one, only because i want experience) 3. i am a spider so what? 4. High school dxd + devil is a part timer + oshi no ko

dragon_god_123 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 29

Well, since no one responded to my post. I decided to take the liberty of choosing a power category for myself, (by that I mean I rolled the dice on this one.) Go to status to see his power, it doesn't matter all you need to know is that he omnipotent. Anyway, as for those who don't have discord answer in the comments then as I don't see any way you can join in otherwise.


Aqua after getting the orb fell unconscious as his body is integrating his power, I caught him and gently laid him on the bed as Ai took his head on her lap. I turned to Ruby as she has eagerly been waiting for her power, I said "You will not get a Longinus as you already have a scared gear in you, I will awaken it and also help you put it under control" 

Although she was disappointed, she was nonetheless very excited for her power. I tapped her head as I entered into her subconscious, it was field of park where every turn show a new memory. I walked down the field till I found the dragon that was about get destroyed. 

The movement I entered the corner of where the dragon was to resided, the entire landscape and all of the other things were thrown in a chaotic maelstrom. My mind was penetrated and not only is my subconscious but my very existence was being lost in the chaos that is pursuing. In just an instant, I have went through everything that I went through. I was finally set free of this emotional strain on my body as I have been enlightened to a certain degree. I now know of the reason for my failure to keep my emotions in check.

No one in this omniverse is suppose to be good at everything, what I done is that I gain omnipotence over and over again that they began to override each other as infinity can't cancel infinity, it was beginning to take a toll on my existence it self. I collected my thoughts and decided to merge all this infinity into something new, A power beyond omnipotence; The new omnipotence as I sat down in a meditation position to and began to fuse them one by one. 

It was a pain in the ass to do so as it is like you have a bunch of tangled up wires and you need to untangle them without breaking any balance within them as then it will be "not good". I collected all the unnecessary power to create 2 new scared gear this will be named later. I first focused on my system.

"System, show me my current status." I said as the familiar blue screen came up.

[ Power:

Ultipotence: it's the raw ability to "truly possess unlimited power and potential" that solely centers the power aspect/basics of Omnipotence/Nigh-Omnipotence. The user possesses limitless power so great it can infinitely exceed everyone and everything else in their setting allowing them to potentially achieve anything and everything which also depends on how much knowledge and control they have over their power just as much as having a clarity of ideals in what they want to achieve and how they will do it. As a result, the user has access to unlimited means at their disposal to create and manipulate any/everything they desire.

To summarize: Ultipotence is the potential to do anything.

Applications (Possibly achievable):

Eternal Transcendence: Users are in a state of constant and endless transcendence, transcending one's unique state of being, existence, nature, capabilities, abilities, etc., to the infinity with no limit or restriction to their potential. Users are continuously transcending things like concepts and/or the various levels of reality endlessly, breaking free from the laws, principles, or rules that make up any reality, seeing all lower levels of reality as if they were nonexistent fiction and all transcended concepts as if they're meaningless.

Irrational Indeterminacy: Beyond all scaling and definition, which can extend to various attributes of their being, such as power, speed, strength, stamina, intelligence, etc. User's existence would break logic, as they are beyond every concept that could anchor them, even infinity and whatever is beyond that as well.

Metakinesis: The power to be able to replicate any power and use it whenever they desire, without any time limit., ability, summon characters from the same verse to assist them and keep the summoned characters by their side for an unlimited duration,, allows for the creation of unique combinations of powers and abilities from different universes, resulting in a vast array of possibilities limited only by the user's imagination.

Absolute Potential: user can freely control and manipulate their own potential, including skills, abilities, personal preferences, capacity for growth and learning, the range of options they are given in life, etc. The range of options that are available are defined only by the user's personal preferences.

Ultimate Power: The user wields ultimate power; a unique and ultimate force of limitless power that dwells within them, where users can ascend themselves and their inner power to their pinnacle as they are forever bonded and infused with such infinite power that they have the unlimited potential to do anything, as they can exceed anyone and anything in their in their respective universes by having a tremendous amount and variant kinds of abilities alongside unique energies and elements at their disposal that can classify them as the most powerful beings in existence.

Applications (Current):

Omni Distortion: Can distort, twist and warp everything, including matter, energy, space, time, vectors, distance/location, reality, logic, perspectives, identity, variables, physics, concepts, powers/skills, rules/laws, paradoxes, etc.

Selective Transcendence: Users are able to manipulate their personal boundaries, transcendence, Hierarchy, and limitations, allowing them to transcend into any higher state of being by removing their natural limitations, weaknesses, and boundaries or closing them if the user has a desire for simplicity. These limitations, weaknesses, and boundaries could range from being physical, mental, spiritual.


I got up as the power was surging in me as a steady stream, it was much more peaceful and alive even then the feeling of just summoning a phenomenon. I then turn to the last of my agenda today as after this I will revisit my roots. The scared gears, I took a 60% chunk of my left over power and her original scared gear, chaotic vortex, to make the Chaos Gear. It is now the second 2rd most powerful scared gear and a Longinus at that. 

That spear is the only thing that can possibly come close to even harming the user that is in the armor if Rudy were to reach balance breaker. I exited her subconscious as it was not a second passed in the real life as soon as I got out, Rudy began to glow purple before her right hand was covered in a black gauntlet with a purple Ord in the middle. 

" That is really a great gear you got, I used my power to modify it a little so it is now a scared gear too. It is called the chaos gear and it turn all damage and buffs into power to strengthen strength, speed, stamina and etc. Once you reach balance breaker you can go toe to toe with some higher level gods." I said as inspected the gear as I turned to aqua who just woke up, I continued

"Aqua, how was you meeting with the red lizard?" I said 

"He was good, he kept calling me partner. I feel like we are going to be great as partners." He said with some difficulty as I can guess that the lizard is throwing a tantrum on being called a lizard.

"Good, the red lizard ability is power level infinitum basically boasting yourself to infinite power but it is not really use full if you lack the ability to handle it. Come here" I said as he walked towards me as I put the Ord inside him again and said

"This 40% of my power with this you power level infinitum transformed into ability infinitum as now you can develop new abilities but it will be at the rate of 30 minutes and they will be fairly weak. Until you reach balance breaker at which point you will gain power to match high level gods." 

"Wait you said the same thing to me, I got a higher percentage of you power though." Rudy said 

"well, the red dragon was already a scared gear and your needed to be upgraded into one." I said and continued "You will be enrolled in Kuoh Academy, well aqua will Rudy will be home schooled." I said to which Rudy threw a tantrum but I don't give a fuck and ignored her as I said

"It is too dangerous for you, there are a lot of forces gathered in kuoh and the only reason I am allowing aqua to go is so that he will be able to train quicker. Plus, the world is not really kind to girls as harem is a common thing so no Rudy no matter what I will not allow you to get any close to going to the supernatural."

"Is that really how it is?" AI, who has been quit for the most chimed in looking worried.

"Yes" I said with a nod.

"Then what about you?" She asked with a deadly glare as sweat started forming in the back of my neck, 

"I am different, I have no other fem- human wife" I said, she looked with scrutiny after a while she huffed and left. 

I survived as I left I saw Rudy and Aqua give a glare as to the reason I did not know yet. But I have a feeling that I made a mistake


Join my discord pls if you can

I hope you like the chapter please be sure to comment if you did.

Also, this is the question I posted in discord. For my fanfic world of fiction, the mc is going to Ninjago first as it is a unique place that not many have visited and I want to give him elemental power. Which one do you think fits the category?

1. Aether

2. Balance

3. Chaos

4. Toa ( also know as six path or yin yang)

5. Space