
Becoming Dungeon Fodder

[WPC 318- Dungeon] The world became a mess, with various gates opening everywhere. When special squads made by the government went in there, they could find different creatures inside it; some looked humanoid, while some were the embodiment of true beasts. There was panic everywhere, but it all went away when the special squads returned with a unique gift; they had started manifesting powers; some became very strong, while others had unbelievable powers looking like magic in real life. It all happened by killing the creatures inside the gates that humanity came to call 'dungeons.' After that, people started getting a 'system' telling them how strong they were. Just like that, several centuries passed, with humanity gaining superiority again. Kyle was also an ordinary evolver until a lousy situation led him to become a completely different entity he had never imagined. Follow his journey of unveiling the mysteries behind the so-called 'System'

sahejRocks · Fantasy
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173 Chs


The third floor was not much, there were about 20 high-level zombies. Kyle's gaze fell on a level 6. The zombie had a height of six feet and a chiseled body with only a single cloth on its groin.

All the zombie's gazes fell on Alicia as she was the only one with 'eatable' flesh. A level 4 couldn't wait and ran towards Alicia. She was unfazed and looked at the zombie with indifference.



An arrow flew towards the level 4 zombie's head and pierced it.

[ +4 Dungeon Points]

"Your archery has improved." kyle said while trying to whistle but nothing came out due to the lack of a tongue.

"It's at level 2, but it's too damn easy to hit a straight target. The zombies are so dumb that they don't even evade the upcoming arrow." Alicia said while giggling.

"That's good, Giant 2, Fuck them up!"

Giant 2 looked toward Kyle with an indifferent look. Kyle facepalmed and resaid the phrase.

"Sigh....go kill them."

The Giant went running towards a level 5. Its level was now 3 making his good strength stat better than before. the zombie saw him approaching and ran too with its mouth wide open as if coming for a bite.

They both clashed with the giant trying to hit its sword at the zombie's head. The zombie in turn only concentrated on biting. It bit the giant at the coming hand which was holding the sword.




The arm came off with the sword hitting the ground with it. kyle's eyes flickered in surprise. It was the first time it saw the tough bones on the Giant being damaged by something other than him and Gaint 1.


The giant didn't bother whining about its hand and punched the zombie's head with all its might. The sound of bone cracking resounded as the zombie's face became deformed. The jaw was at a totally different angle and some of the rotten flesh came out with the graze of the bony fist.

The zombie had sharp teeth, it would have not done much if its enemy too was a level 5 but Giant 2 here was a not-so-weak level 3.

"Fucking hell....how will I fix it now?" Kyle pondered.

"What do you mean?" Alicia asked while tilting her head.

"We get extra mana when we are in my dungeon, you get 20 while I 70. But that buff doesn't work here. And I don't even have enough mana to renew a normal skeleton."

Alicia's eyes shone with understanding. She looked at her status and saw her previous mana stat showing.

[+5 Dungeon Points]

Kyle looked at the zombie on the ground with its head inside out. It seemed Giant 2 took the command of hitting the head too seriously.

The other zombies were trying to get past the three skeletons but they were doing a really good keeping the zombies at bay without getting damage.

"It's my turn now, cover my ass, Alicia," Kyle said and dashed towards the level 5s. Alicia looked at his flat bony ass moving and tried not to laugh. She shot one of the zombies in the gut.

'It will not kill it, but I can get a little EXP from them too this way.'

The fight went on for a while, Alicia kept hitting the zombies with the arrows. She had around fifty more in her arsenal. Kyle on the other hand was in a trance thinking something while fighting savagely.

'I feel like my fighting style is not good enough. It takes too much fucking time to even kill someone my own level. Gotta do something about it.' He thought while bashing one of the heads with his hands. His style of fighting was too primal. A lot of his movements were unnecessary.

About thirty minutes later, all of them were dead, Kyle got a hundred EXP while all his skeletons were halfway level 3. Alicia was doing great too, kyle saw her status and her archery proficiency had increased to level 3. Her aim was good now hitting one or two heads.

"Kyle, I know you don't need rest, but I need to rest for a while."

Kyle looked at her and saw she really was tired. Her sweat had made the blue robe stick to her skin making the curves look more enticing. Her red hair was messy with no comb or water to make them properly set again.

Kyle ruffled her hair and nodded. He had many things to think about too.

He opened the system and went looking for some techniques, there were many in the technique section and it was different than getting skills from the shop.

In the skills section, when Kyle buys a skill, he learns the lowest level of it on its own, and the record shows in the status. But the techniques were different, they were given in the form of books. Kyle had to buy the book and then learn it manually on his own.


Demon's Genocide

The technique helps the user in obtaining the power of utter demolition of both surroundings and the enemy. The weapon that uses this technique sucks the enemy's blood making it stronger. The stronger the blood, the more legendary the records will become for the weapon.

Note- A very difficult technique, takes years to master.

Price- 100,000 Dungeon Points


'I like this technique, but this price will make me wait for months if not years.'

"Hey, Alicia." He went to the little girl who was sitting and looking at the roof all this while.


"Do you know anywhere outside where I can get techniques for sword and fist?"

Alicia moved her index finger and tapped it on her lips as if thinking.

"There are many shops selling them, but the prominent organizations have the good grade techniques. They are available in the guild too."

"Can you go into the guild and buy some techniques for me?"

'Wait, what if she runs away? ....But she stays here voluntarily.' kyle went into another trance thinking whether he should send her or not. He did not even take her answer till now. Alicia's face was pale at the thought of going outside again.

'Fuck, I am not strong enough to face them.' She thought while biting her nails.



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