
Becoming an evil god in the cultivation world

Upon meeting an untimely demise, Rex transcends into a realm of immortal cultivation, reborn as Su Chen. Confronting the harsh realities of this new world, Su Chen employs his system to unveil the chilling extent of his existence to all. ................ This marks my debut novel, so I welcome your insights in the comments. English isn't my native language, so there might be some imperfections. ::Support if you like the story::

aerial_hiest · Eastern
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

[ Semi Immortality: A Pervasive Skill Amongst the Godly Malevolence. Granting them an eternal existence, this ability preserves an ageless soul, defying the ravages of time.]

[Blade of Madness: Forged by the touch of Nyarlathotep, this blade not only drains your sanity upon contact but also inflicts unending madness upon opponents , ensnaring them in a perpetual spiral of insanity.]

Discovering the capabilities of both skills, Su Chen felt endless joy. The Blade of Madness, despite its impact on sanity, stood out as a formidable weapon, given sanity restore over time. While Semi Immortality offered ageless existence, though susceptibility to damage and mortal peril remained.


Upon hearing this, Su Chen mentally recited 'status':


Name : Su Chen(Rex)

Age : 15 Years(35 years)

Species : Homo Sapiens

Looks : above medium

Talents : Semi Immortality

Skills : None

Qualification : *#$@*$#*(Earth-medium)

Cultivation : None

Template : None

Comment: A human with strength inferior to a demonic ant, yet harboring the potential to surpass every so-called immortal.


Observing his status, Su Chen felt content. Possessing Earth-medium qualifications, while not the best, proved sufficient for an ordinary immortal. Qualifications typically comprise five parts: Yellow, Earth, Sky, Heaven, and Immortal, each with low, mid, high, and best segments.

Given his qualifications, Su Chen would begin as an outer disciple, as qualifications influence the speed at which one absorbs spiritual energy. After inspecting his weapon in the system storage, he stepped outside his room.

Stepping outside his room, Su Chen made his way to the old, worn-out dining table where his sister had placed some bread and soy milk. Su Chen's sister sat across from him, eyeing the food hungrily, eagerly awaiting him to start eating.

Observing his sister's emotions, Su Chen felt the urge to laugh. While encouraging her to start eating, he began devouring the breakfast.

After finishing their meal, Su Chen and his sister headed to the town center for the qualification test. The bustling scene was filled with parents coming with their children. Sensing his sister's nervousness, Su Chen looked at her, attempting to lighten the mood. They waited for about half an hour, during which Su Chen engaged in conversation to ease her tension. Suddenly, five individuals led by a kind looking middle-aged man in blue-white sect attire descended from the sky standing on a huge eagle.

Descending, the middle-aged man extracted a device from his ring and began summoning 15-year-old children. A frail-looking boy approached him.

"Place your hand on this device."


As the boy touched the device, three portions lit up.

"Yellow-high," the middle-aged man announced to another person recording the result while mentioning the boy to stand at other side.

""Next," the middle-aged man declared. A cute-looking girl stepped forward.

"No qualifications," he stated flatly, looking at the unlit device.

Ignoring the tearful expression of the girl, he swiftly moved on to the next children. This process continued until a red-haired boy initiated his test.

Examining the device, the middle-aged man joyfully declared, "Sky-peak," directing the boy to stand behind him, separate from the other selected individuals.

Soon it was Su Chen's turn. Looking at expected "Earth-medium", he silently went with other selected people.

After the qualification test, Qin Shao, introducing himself, directed them to return to their families, preparing for their journey to the sect the following day. Those with qualifications surpassing Earth-low were privileged to bring along another person, as they were destined to become outer disciples.

Upon returning home, Su Chen and his sister commenced packing their belongings. The next morning, they, along with the other selected individuals, gathered at the town center. Many children were accompanied by servants, while others stood alone. In the midst of the crowd, Su Chen and his sister stood out, appearing distinct from the rest.

Qin Shao and his followers arrived on a massive eagle. Instructing the total of 16 selected children and their six accompanying individuals to board the eagle, he waited until everyone was on board before allowing it to take off.

As they soared through the air, a thin protective shield enveloped them, mitigating the impact of the oncoming wind. Peering down from the eagle, Su Chen and many others couldn't contain their excitement. However, some well-dressed children wore contemptuous expressions as they observed the enthusiastic ones. Within a few minutes, the town became a distant speck, thanks to the rapid flight of the eagle.

After what felt like hours, Su Chen heard his sister's excited voice, "Look, brother, we have arrived at the sect." Following her direction, Su Chen discovered a vast area enveloped in a fairy-like mist. As they approached, Qin Shao took out a token, causing the mist to part, creating a path for the eagle to pass through.

Observing the expressions of others, Qin Shao explained that it was the sect's protective formation. It could only be traversed with the respective token or by applying force beyond its tolerance threshold.

After passing through mist what greets them was a huge mountain peak surrounded by dozens of other smaller peaks and they could occasionally see people flying from one peak to other.

Witnessing this spectacle, everyone's mouths hung open. As they neared one of the peaks, they spotted two individuals at the base who, upon seeing Qin Shao, respectfully exclaimed, "Welcome back, Deacon Qin."

Deacon Qin efficiently led all the people to a pavilion at the base of the peak. Once there, he instructed them to register and collect their basic necessities before proceeding. With that, he left them to their tasks.

After Deacon Qin departed, everyone headed towards the pavilion. The person in charge rechecked their qualifications and then assigned outer disciple tokens , basic knowledge manual and basic medication to those at or above Earth-low, while those below received miscellaneous disciple tokens and same manuals.

While perusing the basic knowledge manual, Su Chen proceeded to the house registration area, as instructed. There, along with the others, he was assigned a two-person house as an outer disciple while miscellaneous disciples were assigned one person House.

After reaching their designated houses, Su Chen placed all his and his sister's belongings there. He then delved into the basic instructions and discovered that Taiyi Sect, their current location, was situated in the northern part of the eastern continent. The larger realm they were in was known as the Yuan World, divided into five continents: Eastern, Western, Southern, Northern, and Central.