
Becoming an All Star

Marvin is a kid who has a troubled past, he committed an act that would make most people the outcast of society, but when he becomes part of the Keppler family he has a new chance at life. He is now able to have the life of a normal kid but will he also be able to achieve his football potential while still living like a normal boy? Note: The first 5 chapters will be focused on Marvin before he becomes part of the Keppler family.

Jackson_Bare · Sports
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49 Chs


Austin was hunched over his desk, working on his math homework when he heard the truck rumble into the driveway. He could hear his parents and Marvin coming inside, their voices muffled but clear enough to catch his attention. It wasn't usual for him to listen in on adult conversations, but the tension in the house made him uneasy.

He quietly set his pencil down and crept closer to his door, making sure it was slightly ajar so he could hear better. The first sounds that reached him were Olivia's voice, noticeably strained.

"Joel told me a bit on the way home, but I didn't realize it was this bad," Olivia said, her tone laden with frustration and concern. "Marvin, what happened? This could really hurt your future."

Austin's heart began to race. He had always seen Marvin as a protective older brother, someone who looked out for him. Hearing that Marvin was in trouble again made him feel anxious and unsettled. He pressed his ear against the door, trying to make sense of the fragments of conversation he could catch.

Marvin's voice came through, strained and defensive. "I didn't mean for it to get this far. He started it, and I just—I couldn't back down."

Olivia's voice grew sharper. "You've been in trouble before, Marvin. We were trying to give you a fresh start, and now this. It's not just about you anymore—this affects the whole family."

Austin's stomach tightened. He knew Marvin had been through rough patches before, but this sounded more serious. Austin felt a pang of worry for his brother, feeling helpless and unsure about what was going to happen.

Joel's voice tried to offer some calm amidst the chaos. "Liv, let's focus on the next steps. Marvin needs to understand the gravity of the situation, but we need to handle it carefully."

Olivia's response was practical, yet filled with concern. "We need to approach this like any serious issue in my work. We should get legal advice and figure out the best way to handle the situation. This isn't just a school problem—it could have serious implications for Marvin's future."

Austin's heart sank further. He understood that Marvin was facing something bigger than just a school disciplinary issue. The mention of legal advice and serious implications made it clear that this was a significant problem. He couldn't help but think about how this would affect Marvin's future and the family as a whole.

Joel continued questioning Marvin, his voice firm yet supportive. Marvin's explanations were punctuated by heavy breaths, reflecting the strain of the situation. 

As Olivia discussed the need for legal advice and a professional approach, Austin felt overwhelmed. He knew that whatever happened next would not only impact Marvin but also the entire family. The stress in his parents' voices was palpable, and it made him feel anxious and helpless.

Austin backed away from the door, his mind racing. He sat back down at his desk but found it difficult to concentrate on his homework. The tension downstairs weighed heavily on him. Marvin was more than just a friend; he was family. Seeing his parents so stressed about the situation made him feel like he was on the edge of something big and troubling.

He glanced at the photo he had taken at the mall, he wasn't completely sure what would happen but he understood that things would be different from now on.


As Desmond's parents, Mike and Karen, burst into the emergency room, their faces were a mix of panic and anger. The smell of antiseptics filled the air, but it did nothing to calm their frazzled nerves. Desmond, barely conscious and battered, was wheeled into a treatment area. Mike and Karen rushed to follow, their eyes locked onto their injured son with frantic worry.

Mike, a solid man with a stern demeanor, spoke through gritted teeth to the receptionist. "Our son, Desmond. He was attacked at school. He needs to be seen right away."

The receptionist, trying to remain calm amidst the chaos, nodded and pointed them toward the waiting area. "The doctor will be with you soon. We're gonna be prioritizing his care."

Karen's face was pale, her hands trembling uncontrollably. "Oh my God, Mike, this is so awful," she gasped, clutching at her husband's arm. "What if he's seriously hurt? What if he never recovers, what happens to football, how's he going to play?"

Karen's anxiety mounted as she paced in circles. "This is a nightmare. How could they let this happen? I need answers now!" Her voice rose with each word, a mix of fear and anger. "Desmond could have been killed! We are not just letting this go!"

As they waited, every minute seemed to stretch into an eternity. Karen's distress was evident as she wrung her hands and bit her lip. "I can't stand this waiting. What if he's in more pain? What if something's happened that they haven't told us yet?" Her eyes welled up with tears, and she sniffled repeatedly, barely able to keep her composure.

After what felt like an eternity, Dr. Smith, a calm and composed physician, finally approached them. "I'm Dr. Smith. We've started treatment for Desmond. He has a concussion, a broken nose, and several bruised ribs. We're running additional tests to check for internal injuries."

Karen burst into sobs, her hands covering her face. "Oh my God, Mike! This is the end of me! They're saying he has internal injuries! What are we going to do?"

Mike tried to stay composed but his anger flared again. "Why wasn't the police called? This is a serious incident! We need to know how this was allowed to happen. This is more than just a school issue; it's a matter of safety and legal responsibility!"

Dr. Smith remained calm, attempting to de-escalate the situation. "I understand your concern. The police involvement is something you'll need to address with the school and the authorities. Our job here is to make sure Desmond gets the medical care he needs."

Karen, still visibly shaken, clutched at Mike's arm and looked desperately at the doctor. "You need to contact our lawyer immediately. We need to make sure this isn't ignored! We need to hold them responsible for all of this!"

As they spoke, Karen's distress was evident, her voice wavering with every word. The waiting room was filled with the sounds of her frantic pacing and occasional outbursts. The sounds of medical equipment and distant conversations in the ER were a stark reminder of the gravity of their situation.

As Dr. Smith returned to Desmond's side, Karen's distress turned into determination. She pulled out her phone and began dialing their lawyer, her hands still shaking. "We need to get on top of this right now, Mike. We can't let them think we're going to sit back and do nothing."

Mike nodded, his face set in a grim expression. "We'll call the school first thing in the morning and demand a meeting with the principal and that coach, Joel Keppler. They need to explain how this happened and what they're going to do about it."

Karen's conversation with their lawyer was filled with frantic details, her voice breaking as she described Desmond's injuries and the lack of immediate police involvement. "Yes, that's right, a concussion, a broken nose, and bruised ribs. The school didn't even call the police. We want to know our options. Can we press charges against the student who did this? Can we hold the school responsible?"

Her lawyer's response seemed to provide some reassurance, as Karen nodded and wiped her tears. "Okay, thank you. We'll be in touch as soon as we have more information."

As she hung up, Mike turned to her with a steely gaze. "We're going to fight this, Karen. We'll make sure everyone knows what happened to our son. They can't get away with this. Not after all we've given them"

Karen, though still visibly shaken, straightened up, her resolve solidifying. "You're right. We need to be strong for Desmond. We'll do whatever it takes to get justice."

They waited anxiously as Desmond was treated, the minutes dragging by as they worried about their son's condition and the path ahead. When Dr. Smith finally returned with an update, both parents leaned in, hanging on his every word.

"Desmond is stable for now," Dr. Smith began, his tone reassuring. "We're keeping him overnight for observation, but he's responsive and his injuries, while serious, are manageable. He's a tough kid."

Karen let out a shaky breath, relief mixing with her lingering anxiety. "Thank you, Doctor. Can we see him?"

Dr. Smith nodded. "Yes, but please be mindful that he needs rest. We've managed his pain, but he's still quite sore."

Mike and Karen followed the doctor to Desmond's room, their hearts heavy with worry and anger. As they entered, Desmond lay in the hospital bed, his face bruised and swollen, but his eyes opened and focused on them.

"Hey, buddy," Mike said softly, trying to keep his voice steady. "How are you feeling?"

Desmond managed a weak smile, though it was clear he was in pain. "Been better, Dad. But I'm okay."

Karen rushed to his side, tears streaming down her face as she gently touched his hand. "Oh, Desmond, we're so sorry this happened to you. We're going to make sure you're okay and that those responsible are held accountable."

Desmond nodded, his voice a little stronger. "I know, Mom. I just want to get better and get back at that punk Marvin. I can't believe they allowed him to do this to me. "

Mike's jaw tightened. "We'll deal with Marvin and the school, son. Right now, you focus on getting better. We're going to take care of everything."

As they sat by Desmond's bedside, the weight of the evening's events settled over them. Karen's initial panic had given way to a fierce determination, and Mike's anger had turned into a cold resolve. They knew the road ahead would be difficult, but they were united in their purpose: to seek justice for their son and ensure that such an incident never happened again.

Throughout the night, Karen kept a vigil by Desmond's side, her worry evident in every glance she cast at her son. Mike stepped outside to make more calls, contacting the school administration and documenting the incident thoroughly.

"We need to be prepared," he told Karen as he returned to Desmond's room. "We'll gather all the evidence we can and make sure we're ready for whatever comes next."

Karen nodded, her eyes never leaving Desmond. "We'll do whatever it takes, Mike. We'll protect our son and make sure this never happens to another student."

(A/N: I kinda feel bad for Marvin, he just got out of Juvie but it seems he'll be sliding right back in.)