
Becoming a Vampire in The Space

A story about James, who works as a guard in the space, would have himself turning into a vampire after getting captured by aliens, and would have find himself in a foreign planet, dragged in a struggle between two races.

EroJaki · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


James closed his eyes and held his breaths, trying his best not to alert the large-bodied green human-like.

His mind didn't wander about how aliens exist, or why are they here. He knew that their intents aren't good, and that was enough for him.

All he wanted to do is to survive.

But where to escape, this is the space.

'Okay, it seems that she armoured, except the head; between 8ft to 9ft tall, and probably she is trained as well. Well, closer combat seems to be impossible. And she has a weapon as it seems.'

James opened his eyes and started to look around, looking for something in this secured room, so it may help him survive this situation.

All he could do is to sigh in disappointment. Other than some kits that are made for researches, there is only these walls and a red serum injection in the middle of the room and something else he couldn't see due to the fact that his eyes almost met with hers.


Hiding behind the pillar, James was breathing so slowly. Each step he heard was heavy and made a sound that made his heart sink. But he didn't panic. As someone who was trained by a military company to be a guard, he, at least, can make out his way between 3 people who are fighting in street. Yes, three average people.

But again, the difference in size and muscle mass, besides the metallic armour around her body made it seems to be a silly idea to make such risk. Not to mention, there is that weapon around her wrist that shoot beams.

*Bang* *Bang*

The footsteps got louder. The alien was looking around as she heard a voice from earlier; however, she couldn't locate it. Walking around while raising her weapon in guard, she made a long leap toward the opposite wall.

She stopped and it seems that her face frowned as she looked at one direction.

There, the source of the sound, behind that gate that seemed to be opened slightly.

James, looking at the direction she was walking to, could tell where she was going.

Damn it, Roy must had panicked so hard that he attracted attention. After all that talk about movies and the first reason to die. James knew that this isn't time to yell in frustration.

Maybe it was a very bad idea to bring Roy here. However, James knew that he wouldn't change his decision to help Roy, as he isn't an inhuman person to abandon his mate.

'I'm doomed as well,' James closed his eyes, looked around to the kits.

There, there is a sharp small knife, which should be used in surgeries that would be occurred in the experiments on the animals.

But it was so small and he wasn't sure that he can hit the slit in her Armour with it, and he would need to land a blow on that head.

Wait for a second, on that table, there...

James closed his eyes; just what the heck wrong these scientists. Were they cooking or working here.

"Sera Sera," said the feminine voice again, like It smelled fear.

The green woman aimed with her hand toward one direction. Around the covered area of her wrist, which was calved in armour, there was a slit on her armoured wrist that started to glow blue.

"D- D- dd-dd."

Roy, who was put down by James on the other side of this vast room, had held his breaths too long that he couldn't hold them anymore, and they became so loud to attract attention.

Upon hearing the footsteps, his panic became stronger.

Roy lifted his head and looked at the large green human-like person. Since it was a human face, except she had a light-green skin and was huge as well. From her facial expression, Roy could understand that she wasn't pleasant, or wasn't in a good mood.

Seeing that frown on the face that looked very human, Roy started to shake again, his teeth were producing an annoying voice.

"Sera sera," The alien woman aimed at Roy and talked in a weird language.

It seemed that she was waiting for an answer.

Roy opened his mouth and said "Sera, sera, I guess. Hi, did anyone told you you are pretty? The prettiest I've ever seen. "

Roy didn't know what to tell, but he decided to risk. Hey, at least he tried something.


Roy knew he messed up once she lifted her leg, a large foot calved in metallic shoe landed on his ribs, sending him sliding until he hit the wall.

"Aggh." Roy groaned in pain and rolled on the ground, crying, "how am I supposed to know what 'sera' means. I thought you said I'm handsome, Ha, God damn it."

The woman's face seemed to ease up as she was Roy close his eyes and crying. She aimed the shiny slit at Roy. It didn't need the genius to know that a beam would fly from there to kill him.

"Sera moka—" Before she could continue her words, she stopped as she sensed some breaths on her back. James appeared behind her.

He was holding a large metallic pan as he was slowly walking behind her.

As soon she stopped for a brief and turned her face slowly, James jumped high, as high as possible to match that hight of 8-9 ft long, lifting the pan, and drawing a serious expression on his face.

The light-green skinned woman seemed to be surprised when she turned to see a man lifting a pan in front of her face. The next thing that filled her vision was black.


James landed on the ground and lifted his head. The alien seemed to be stunned and dazed for a second, staring blankly in front of her.

"Time to slam dunk."

James knew that this was his chance, he jumped up again, very high. Damn, why did they have to be tall? He lifted his toned muscled arm and slammed down with the pan to her head.

The pan made a loud dinging sound.

"Portorara." She said, before falling on her back. Staring up to the roof, she closed her eyes when James gave her a third hit on her head.

"Bitch," James cursed before he looked around. Roy seemed to lose consciousness as he was holding his chest from pain. One can only imagine how strong the kick he took to his ribs to get knocked out from the pain.

James looked around and wished that there is a pod exists here. Unfortunately, there is no emergency pod, and the only way to go back to earth is by taking a small spaceship, which is like a small plane.

What shall he do, things are going different for him.

If he tried to escape, then they may chase him— they have a spaceship. If he hides here, there is no guarantee that he would live.

He looked at the woman who was closing her eyes and sleeping beside his leg. Seeing that figure, and remembering that her friends are here, James couldn't help but clicking his tongue.

What should he do? Should he run away with the pan and knock out each alien? No, all of them are having their helmets. And this woman was just a lucky shot he got. Luck doesn't repeat itself.

"Damn you, mom. All of this because you said, go to space; they pay better."

James cursed his mom at this moment. If not for her annoying him he would be in Earth. The only reason he is here, in space, is to pay the debt of his brother, who gambled and become in debt to the wrong people.

Though he was trained to be a guard, he wasn't obligated to go to space and fight aliens he didn't know about their existence.

He thought it was only a small profitable job, after all, he has to watch over nerds; at worse, a meteor can hit him. But no, it seems, an alien invasion is going on.

'Why did I come here.'

James cursed himself. As the older brother to a high school girl and a man in college, not to forget that his mother is a widow, he had taken the responsibility for everyone. Now, it seems that he is going to die because of it. Just, would things be different if he just worked as a beach guard? Definitely yes, but too late to regret.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

After hearing footsteps approaching this room, running and not walking, James lifted both of his hands and looked at the objects he held -- a pan and a red serum inside an injection

An army of huge aliens is coming here.

"Okay pan, you and me against them," James said as he looked at the pan.

Hitting every alien with a pan wasn't his best plan, but it was his best choice, his only choice.

At least the pan is more useful than Roy.

James was about to put the red serum injection on the belt of his waist.

But as he was in the middle of his action, a voice resonated in his ear, a feminine voice.

"Dimarto." The woman next to his feet yelled.

James quickly turned his head to see that green-skinned woman had opened her eyes. Before he could react, she stretched her long leg and waved it in an arc shape, hitting his leg, making him fly up.

James, at that moment, lost his balance, falling with both of the pan and the injection in his hand.


As he fell, the pan made a dinging sound and slipped away from his hand.

However, the needle of the red serum had pierced his skin. As James fell on it, the pressure guaranteed from the falling had led the serum to be injected inside him.

James looked forward, seeing the green alien woman standing up to her full height. He tried to stand up, but he couldn't. His body refused to move. What's going on, he can't control his body.

She, instead of frowning as she did with Roy, gave him an approving smile before lifting her wrist to her mouth level, saying a few words. But James could hear none. She then aimed her wrist at where Roy was sleeping, and a blue beam, small like a bullet, left the slit on her wrist and hit Roy's chest.

After that she put it down, smiling at James again.

Why isn't he dead. Maybe because he landed a good hit on her head. Great, a sadistic woman, James thought. He would be tortured for sure now.

He struggled and moved his hand, trying to look for his pan, the only thing he can depend on, but it fell far over beyond his reach.

James saw more feet coming here. His vision started to get blurry, before getting dark completely.

His eyes felt heavier by the second.

The anxiety, the fear, and the emergency vibes had all disappeared as he slept peacefully.