
Becoming a pirate in a world filled with futa and traps

Klaus is killed then brought to a world that is filled with pirates (not one piece) with wishes but little did he know that world would be filled with a little surprise

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4 Chs

Ross R-18*

Opening the jail cell Klaus walked in and locked the door behind him.

"What are you doing," Ross asked backing up.

"Have you heard of the phrase what goes around comes around?" Klaus asked sitting down.


"I will take that as a no, well it means the consequences of one's actions will have to be dealt with eventually," Klaus said.

"Why are you telling me this?" Ross asked getting nervous.

"Because since you want to treat people like slaves I will show you how it feels to be on the receiving end," Klaus said standing up and walking closer.

"W- what are you going to do to me".

"It's a surprise," Klaus said with a giant smirk.

Using his water control Klaus hung Ross in the air by her hands and feet.

"What are you doing let go of me now, do you know who I am," Ross said resisting.

"Yes I do, you're just a pet no, a toy for me to use however I feel like," Klaus said ripping her shirt off and making her boobs shake violently.

"You pervert," Ross said with disgust in her voice.

"Coming from the person that had her dick out for the world to see," Klaus said back.

Activating his lustful aurora and love touch Klaus started to caress Ross's boobs

"Don't touch me let me go now!" Ross yelled with a flushed face.

Ignoring her Kluas grabbed both of her boobs at started to squeeze them and pinch her nipples.

"Ahhh" Ross moaned.

"Looks like your starting to enjoy it" Klaus laughed.

"Sh- shut up," Ross said through moans.

Activating his love nectar Klaus lifted up Ross's chin and started to kiss her deeply forcing his tongue and saliva into her mouth. After a few minutes, Klaus stops for a breath of air.

"Why did you stop," Ross said breathing heavily

"I thought you said for me not to touch you," Klaus said

"But worry we're only getting started," Klaus said turning her around

"Damn I couldn't see before but you have an amazing ass," Klaus said grabbing it.

"AHHH" Moaned Ross

"Shall we get started"

Raising his hand Klaus made multiple tentacles out of water.

"What are those," Ross said getting nervous

"Don't worry about what they are, you should worry about what they can do" Klaus said smiling

Using his love nectar and loving touch on the water Klaus watched as it turned into a purple slime. Using the slime Klaus started to wrap it around ross's body.

"What kind of water is this" Ross said squirming

Not responding Klaus made the slime cover her breast and her dick.

"AHHH, what are you doing don't touch there, " Ross said shocked

Ignoring her Klaus started to suck on her nipples and stroke her dick with the slime.

'What's with this water it feels so good, even better than all the other slaves I used' Ross thought while moaning

Making two more slimes that were bigger than the rest Klaus started to tease her pussy and asshole.

"Stop teasing me and put it in I can't handle it anymore," Ross said while breathing roughly.

"Ask and you shall receive," Klaus said before shoving the two tentacles in her.

"Mhmmmmmm" Ross moaned from pleasure.

'If this keep's going I'm going to cum' Ross thought

"More... faster... put it deeper in me" Ross begged

Hearing that Klaus made another tentacle and forced it into her pussy. After a few minutes of aggressively fucking Ross, Klaus spoke up.

"For someone who was so against it before you look like your enjoying your self"

"It's so good, I'm going to cum " Ross said with a loud moan and dick silly face

"Not so fast, you don't get to do that yet," Klaus said before removing all his tentacles

"No, why did you stop I was so close, please I need more" Ross begged with lust in her eyes.

"I don't think you understand I decide when you get to cum, maybe if you're good enough I will let you, but for now that's all you get," Klaus said looking down at Ross

Using his water control Klaus made a puppet out of the slime.

"Keep stroking her dick and fucking her but don't let her cum" Klaus said

"Yes master," said the slime

Leaving the cell Klaus walked up the stairs and back to the deck.

"Good look's like we're moving," Klaus said seeing Hare steering the ship

"Yes, Captain but there is one problem, we don't have enough of a crew to properly take care of the ship until we land," Abigail said

"Yea your right give me one second," Klaus said before making ten water puppets

"You guys help around the ship you will listen to the both of them" Klaus ordered.

"Yes, master," said the puppets in unison.

"I'm going to my room don't disturb me unless it's necessary," Klaus said before walking away.

Going into the room Klaus looked around to see that the room was covered with BDSM gear, latex suits, chains, and cages

"Crazy woman," Klaus thought before placing it all in his inventory

Sitting down on the bed Klaus got a notification from the system

[You've Gained skill erotic slime Lv.1]

[You've Gained skill water puppet Lv.1]

[You've Gained 2000 Lust Points]

[You've Gained 1000 Bouns Lust Points]

[New slave Ross Barbossa Loyalty 5/100 Lust 100/100]

[New ship The Black Pearl Rank-1]

[New crew member Harloke Valdic Loyalty 60/100 Lust 60/100]

[New crew member Abigail Wiggins Loyalty 30/100 Lust 50/100]

"Ross Barbossa, system does ross have any connection with captain Barbossa, who also owned the black pearl," Klaus asked

[Yes, Ross Barbossa is the great-granddaughter of the now late Captian Barbossa]

"Good to know if I can get her loyalty to 100 I can probably be able to use her connections

"Also system why is Hare's lust all the way at 60" Klaus wondered

[That's because the host did not turn off his skill]

"Oh, I forgot about that," Klaus said turning off his skills

"Now system show me my status"


Name: Klaus D. Roger

Title: Captain of the Black Pearl

Lust Points: 3000

Race: Incubus

HP: 600/600


STR: 50

AGL: 55

END: 55

DEX: 30


CRM: 100

Skill: Water Control Lv.7/Animal Speech Lv.1/Improved endurance Lv.1/Lust Lv.2/Adabtable Penis Lv.1/Love touch Lv.2/Love nectar Lv.2/Insatiable stare Lv.1/Lustfull aurora Lv. 3/Recovery Lv.5/ Conquerors Haki Lv.2/Erotic Slime Lv.2/ Water Puppet Lv.1

"System why did my stats do up so much," Klaus asked

[When the host engages in sexual the host's strength will rise exponentially]

"So that's why, now I have another reason to keep Ross around," Klaus thought grinning

"System show me the black pearl stats," Klaus asked


[Black Pearl Rank-1]

The legendary ship used by Captain Barbossa and Captain Jack sparrow

[Health: 5000/5000]

[Speed: 30 Knots]

[Cargo Capacity: 1700 tons]

[Size: 50 meters]

[Weaponry: 32 cannons]

[Crew: 13/60]

[Worth: 200,000 Gold coins]

[Upgrade cost: 10,000 Gold coins/200 silver ingots/1000 wood planks]

"This is good, but it's going to cost a lot to upgrade it, system shows me the store," Klaus said after looking at the stats.


[Low-grade Health potion- Recovers 100 Health-10 LP]

[Low-grade Mana Potion- Recovers 100 Mana- 10 LP]

[Flintlock Pistol- Old fashion pistol must-have for a pirate- 50 LP]

[Pirate captain clothing- if you're going to be a pirate you have to look the part - 50 LP]

[Pirate trap clothing- Clothing for a trap who's also a pirate- 50 LP

[Penis enlargement- Increases Penis size by 3 inches -300 LP]

[Last resort- When in danger will transport you to a safe location- 1500 LP]

[Sea Rune- Incease's ability to control water and allows the user to breathe and fight underwater as if on land- 5000LP]

"System buy ten of the health and mana potions a flintlock pistol and pirate captains clothing, and pirate trap clothing" Klaus ordered

[Items Purchased - 350LP]

Drinking the mana potions and putting on his new clothes and weapon Klaus left his room.

"Captain your back, and you changed your clothes look good," Hare said with a smile

"Yea, now go put these on I can't have, vice-captain in rags," Klaus said handing her the cloths

Passing Hare his clothes Klaus proceeded to use 200 mana to make twenty more puppets. After a few minutes later Hare came out of his room in his new clothes.

"Thank you, Captain," Hare said giving Klaus a hug

"Yea no problem," Klaus said backing up

'Not good after seeing ross and now Hare in his skin-tight clothes I don't know how much longer I can hold back' Klaus thought walking to the edge of the ship.

A/N: I'm sorry if you did not enjoy the lemon and that I made it short but I did try, and hopefully I will get better as time goes on