
Becoming a Mangaka in Another World

A Story about a Mangaka who gets transported in a strange world. There he meets her goddess the one responsible for transporting him in another world and provides him an affinity of the elements aswell as the special magic,"The ability to draw manga that comes to life" The story follows his journey as he discovers the new world, and how his ability to draw manga affects it.

Yamiru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

The Power of a Mangaka

"System, is there anything you can do besides talking?!"

"I'm afraid Athena-sama didn't enable my human form."

"Then we're screwed!"

They ran through the forest, being chased by a horde of goblins. Some of them were using magic spells, while others were wielding weapons such as swords, shields, and crossbows.

"What do we do?!"

Three hours ago before the chaos, Ryota Kaneko and System arrived safely in another world. They found themselves standing in the middle of a forest.

"Seems like we're in a good spot to spawn in!" Ryota looked around to see their surroundings. "Hey System, do you have a layout of this forest?"

"Do you want me to scan the entire area of the forest?" System asked.

"Yes, please! That would be helpful if we had a layout."

"As you wish, initiate scanning the layout. ETA 20 minutes." The iPad started flying in the sky as it began scanning the forest.

"Hmmm, now then, what should I do?" Ryota swiped the air and the console system screen popped up. The system showed the name, level, experience, mana, and inventory slot."

"Oh? What's this?" He clicked the pencil and the paper in his inventory slot. Then the pencil and the paper appeared in the air waiting to be picked up. "Ohhh! I can draw manga with these! Wait... I have 1000 papers in my inventory?! Ahhh... Good thing Miss Athena made them stack in one item, or else my inventory would be filled with papers."

Ryota sat down by the tree and observed the skies. "For now, I'm gonna draw a very simple cloud." The System slowly flew down, heading back to Ryota. "Master, I have finished scanning the whole forest."

Ryota then stopped drawing and put the pencil and the paper back into his inventory slot.

"Hm? Did you just call me Master?" Ryota looked at the iPad, then grabbed it to check the layout map.

"Yes, I did. Miss Athena told me to call you Master when she brought you to this world or would you prefer to call you Ryota-sama?"

"You're not allowed to call me 'Master' or 'Ryota-sama.' I only allow cosplayers who act like maids to call me those."

"As expected of Ryota-sama, a very degenerate person."

"Hey Hey, It's what you called "Culture" as an Otaku it is normal to be called Master or honorific "sama"."

"Ryota-sama, Do you know that Athena-sama also gave me a maid battlesuit?" Ryota then immediately looks at System. "You're not lying aren't you?"

"I see, Ryota-sama is a completely degenerate hopeless person."

"I only asked!"

Ryota sighs and noticed a red mark on the map. "System, Why did you put a red mark on this area?" Ryota points at the red mark on the map.

"Ryota-sama, There is a goblin camp in that area, I would recommend avoiding it since you are still a level 1."

"Then, Aren't goblins supposed to be a weak monsters?"

"Unfortunately, The goblins in the camp are level 50-60-100."

"Huh? Hold on a second.. Level 50-60-100? Why? Normally in MMORPGs, the goblins are supposed to be level 10 or 05."

"Apologies Ryota-sama, I forgot to say that there's also a goblin king and queen in that camp."

"Ohh.. I see then let's go kill them then."

System went confused for a second and shows an exclamation mark icon on her screen. "Ryota-sama, Are you saying you wanted to die early? Please remember that this is not a game but a reality."

"Well.. I already know that but hey! It's better to try. We can just run as soon as we get overpowered by them.

Ryota then proceeds to walk to the goblin camp and noticed the king and queen laying down the giant rock. Meanwhile, the other goblins are guarding the vicinity of the camp.

"Ryota-sama, Have you tried casting a spell?"

"Ohh. I forgot that Athena-sama gave me the affinity to every elemental magic."

"That's right.. So right now I want you to cast a Wind blade spell on the goblin right at the tower. It is an efficient and accurate way to kill them silently."

"I see, So how do i use it?"

"Then I would like you to please close your eyes and imagine the blade that can cut through flesh. That blade is Wind Blade. Simple magic but very efficient when it comes to speed and accuracy."

A wind starts to form into a blade shape as Ryota slowly opens his eyes.

"Ryota-sama, It is your turn." Ryota nodded and aimed for the goblin on the tower.

"Wind Magic: Wind Blade!"

The Wind Blade spell is cast and a wind-formed slice shape swiftly cuts the goblin's head off silently causing it to drop on the tower.

"Uwaa! It's so cool! I wanna try it again!"

After that Ryota starts slaughtering the goblins one by one then he accidentally aims for the Goblin King and Queen. It directly hit the queen's heading causing it to wake up and scream in pain and eventually die. The Goblin King wakes up from the queen's scream and noticed Ryota. The Goblin King grab his club and rushed toward Ryota. The Goblin King swings the club at him . "Woah!" Ryota managed to dodge the first swing. The Goblin King swings again as Ryota dodged it again.

"I'm sorry for killing your wife! I swear i didn't mean to!"

The Goblin King shouted at Ryota alerting the entire goblin in the vicinity.

"Ryota-sama, It seems that he alerted the entire goblins. I recommend running away as fast as we can."

"Wait! I'm not done yet!" Ryota kept dodging the Goblin King's swings. "Wind Blade!"

The Wind Blade spell is cast and a wind-formed slice shape directly hits the Goblin King's neck causing it to drop down.

The Goblin witnessed this and rages as they all rushed to Ryota.


Back to Present.

Ryota and System are still running throughout the woods as they are being chased by the goblins.

"Ryota-sama, Did you have to kill the king and queen? It seems you have attracted more goblins our way."

"Look, I had too much fun on the wind spell! I can't resist it!"

"Ryota-sama, I noticed that when you killed the Goblin King and Queen you leveled up. Would you mind if you show me your current stats?" System asked. Ryota swiped the area and let System show her his stats.

"I knew it, Ryota-sama. You have unspent 1300 points on your stats. I recommend balancing your stats for today."

Ryota slowly puts his fingers to Upgrade Status Points but he suddenly remembers Goddess Athena's words when they were about to be transported.

" I will give you the affinity of the elements, skills, and special magic especially made by me. So you better find out what that is okay?~" Athena says before they get transported.

"Special magic.. Could it be?"

"Ryota opens his inventory and grabbed the paper and pencil from his inventory slot. While running, he allocated all his points to magic, stamina, strength, and weapons, maxing them out. After that, an info message pops up.

"Congratulations, You have maxed your magic stats causing you to instantly learn every spell and became resistance to every such as illusions!"

"Congratulations, You have maxed out your stamina stats causing you to be agile and swift!"

"Congratulations, You have maxed out your weapon causing you to learn every fighting style, sword style, and fighting technique in this world!"

"Congratulations, You have maxed out your strength causing you to lift heavy things as well as increasing the damage of your attacks. You can use a custom scale to set it to high or low!"

Ryota starts to feel the change in his body, He looks at the lists of magic noticing a few useful magics that can help him in his current situation.

"Time Magic: The World!"

The whole world stopped, Ryota then stops and then uses this opportunity to draw. "A special magic that was made for me who was created from Athena. I already know that magic.. That is the magic to create a life out of drawing!"

The time resumed as the goblins slowly gets close to Ryota. He finally finished drawing on his paper. "Please work!!" He drew a Muramasa from his paper. The paper shines and a black sword appears in the air. Ryota immediately grabs the sword and unsheathed the blade.

"Sword Style: Blade Tempest!"

A sword technique that allows the user to create a powerful whirlwind of blades around it. Swinging sword in a circular motion, creating a powerful vortex of wind and blades that can slice through multiple enemies at once. The whirlwind can expand to cover a large area, allowing it to clear out entire groups of enemies with a single strike.

The whole goblin horde that chases Ryota and System gets sliced to pieces causing massive bloodshed in the woods. After that, he eventually passed out from exhaustion.

"Mind Zero." System says it as she is speechless from Ryota's powers. "So this is the power of a Mangaka, Huh.." System then flies down to Ryota who is laying down on the ground and makes a barrier around him to keep him safe from any dangers. "The power to create life from drawing.. You're right Athena-sama.. He is indeed an interesting person."