
Becoming a Magical Beast Trainer to Live in This New Era

This is a story about Evan Cross. A man that get a weird skill when he fall sick. With that skill he can understand the state of magical beast. Will he be able to use the skill to its full potential? Or will he be using the skill just to live easily? Follow his journey by reading the novel~!

Mouri · Realistic
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9 Chs

008 - Emergency

It is 2 AM when Evan hears a commotion from outside of his house. He is curious about what thing can make this big of a noise. He washes his face before going outside to the road just in front of his shop.

When he opens the front door, he can see some people wandering around the area. This many people at the time of the day are obviously weird.

Evan decided to ask one of them the reason why there are many people here. "Sorry, what is happening here? Why are there so many people here?"

A middle-aged man answered Evan. "Look south... There is a big fire there. There are many police and fire department cars running along this street. I think it is two kilometers from here, but I don't know the exact place. Does anyone know?" The middle-aged man asked other people if they have more information. No one can answer the question the middle-aged man throw.

"Thank you very much," said Evan.

Evan looked in the southern direction. There is a place where the sky is very bright. The light from that area illuminate the surroundings and lit up the sky.

Evan decided to also wait on the side of the street. It is not long before a fire department car with its siren turned on running full speed toward the south side of the city. A few seconds later another fire department car also runs in the same direction.

Seeing this Evan's sleepiness is blown away. Then, Evan started to get worried, he wonders about what is happening on the south side of the city. There might be another accident related to magical beasts.

"There is an incident on the south!" Someone in the crowd said with a little louder voice. His voice sounds stronger because there is no other noise source nearby, so everyone in this place can hear it. Evan can see that the man is playing with his phone. Following that, Evan also opens his phone.

Before Evan is able to search for a piece of information, someone shouted, "A magical beast is rampaging in the southern area! It is said that beast is moving to the north. Wake your family and evacuate!"

With that shout, many people started to go inside their homes to wake up their families. No one know what the actual situation is, but everyone started to panic.

Evan also decided to go inside his shop. He wanted to pick up a few important items and he also woke Milky up. Nothing is wrong to prepare for the worst.

As Evan has finished picking what he needs, he comes out of the shop. This time there are many officers from the police department. They are making a barricade right on the intersection nearby. Some of their personnel knock on the door of the resident. One of the officers walks toward Evan, he then said in a somewhat loud voice. "Please evacuate following the instruction."

"Uhm. Sorry, can you explain what is happening?" Evan wanted to know even if he only get a little explanation.

"There is a fight between magical beast. 1 km south of this place." The officer answered.

"One kilometer? That is still far right?" Evan muttered softly.

The officer heard what Evan said and answered, "We don't know what will happen, so we are preparing for the worst and making a layered containment. There are still two outer layers, so please evacuate immediately."

Evan decided to follow what the officer said and evacuate. He follows the other evacuating people. Evan walked from his pet shop 2 kilometers to the north area. There are two other checkpoints along the way before they all reach the evacuation place.

When Evan reached the evacuation place, there are around a thousand people in this place. There are many big temporary tents lined up on the street. These are all used to provide a temporary place for all people that evacuate. Many small children and elderly sleep in these tents as the day is still too early.

Evan also feels a little tired but he is more interested in this accident. He wanted to know what kind of magical beast started this. He walks around the evacuation place looking for someone that might know about this incident. There is an information board that is swarmed by people. Someone from the media also paid attention to that board.

Evan wanted to get closer to the information board. Before doing that, he used his phone to search if there is any information on the net.

As Evan expected, there are many media reports about this incident. All of those media have the same story.

The incident is caused by groups of wild cats that fight each other. In that group, there are some evolved cat magical beasts. Their fighting dealt much damage to the surrounding area. The detailed info of how many cats were in the group, or what started the fighting is still not known right now.

* * *

Two hours since Evan reached the evacuation place. Around 4 AM.

A tired policeman stands in the crowd with a megaphone in his hand.

"Good morning everyone. Can anyone hear me? Test test. Everyone, please hear me."

That policeman tried to gather everyone's attention to himself. He has an important announcement to make.

"We are sorry to have disturbed your sleep this night. We also want to thank all of you for following the evacuation process. Right now the situation can be said as controlled. We will open the containment after we checked that there is no other dangerous thing left. You are free to leave this evacuation place at that time."

He then asked another policeman that stands nearby, "Should we also tell the cause of the incident?" To which answered 'yes'.

"Uhm… So the cause of the incident today is a fight between two groups of cat-derived magical beasts. There are 3 Flame Cats in the fight. Those three cats burn something when they started to fight. That fire then spread to nearby properties and burn many of them.

"Other than Flame Cats, there is also a very strong cat that we have not identified. That cat is the one that makes this incident long.

"But don't worry, we have subdued all the cats that we believed were part of the fighting group.

"This is the first time an accident like this ever happened. We still don't know how big the fight between magical beasts will become. That is why we decided on a three-kilometer perimeter but looks like we took too much caution.

"So once again, we are sorry to disturb your night. Please wait for a little bit more before going back home. We will finish the last checking to ensure that all the danger has passed."

The man then moved toward some other place, leaving all the evacuated people.

The atmosphere here started to become noisy with everyone talking to each other. Everyone is tired because of this incident and can't help but wait for the time to go back home. In the end, the police finished all the checking in 30 minutes.

Evan looked around the place before walking back home. He planned to get more sleep when he reach home. Luckily, there is no more happening that day so Evan can get his delayed sleep.