
Becoming A Mafia Queen

The thing about life is that it can change in the blink of an eye. You can be living an ordinary life until things come crashing down on you. Kayla Woods's life was easy. She grew up well even without having parents. Things started to change for Kayla when her ex-boyfriend cheated on her. Her life spiraled in a direction she didn’t think would be possible. Becoming a Mafia boss? while battling not only her new job but also love.

cc0213 · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Leo smiles to himself as he has Kayla in his arms, what he didn't expect when he walked into the building was Marge giggling like a school girl and her giving him a wink as she sent him upstairs. He owns this building, more so every building in this neighborhood. He comes here to unwind because it's quiet, with little traffic, and he likes the warm feeling it gives him.

Kayla's fierce personality has washed away with just one bottle of alcohol. Her guard is let down and surprisingly she is the flirty type. He smirks to himself as her body heat wraps around him. The scent from her hair tickles his scenes, he could stay like this for a bit longer. Though as much as he is enjoying having her in his arms, something is bugging him.

He glances at the window that looks over the street, the men that were assigned to her didn't bother coming inside. They are outside smoking, joking, and not paying attention. Leo walked inside the front door and they didn't even give him a second glance. This annoyed him to no end, she could be easily kidnapped, and someone could take her out. Leo grits his teeth together, he made the right call to assign her security detail.

It looks like Russo's men aren't taking her seriously, the more he thinks about her life being in danger the more Leo wants to just take her away. She is small, her fist isn't that very big and she stands about 5'4. He isn't sure if she can fight her away from a group of men and or women if they ambush her. She doesn't look like much of a fighter.


Leo stumbles a bit forward as Kayla leaves his arms, he looks startled as shooting pain erupts from his shin. Kayla smirks at him and she lunges at him, she grabs his arm around her chest and flips him over his shoulder. Leo lands on his back, he looks up shocked at what just happened. Kayla looks down at him, she is giggling uncontrollably.

"That felt great! I still can kick a man's a**! I should have done that to my d*mn ex." She squats down to Leo's level.

"You are super cute, I bet I caught you off guard." Kayla laughs even more, as tears of laughter roll down her face.

Leo is trying to comprehend what just happened. His hands were around her waist, she must of kick him in the shin, and he wasn't prepared to be thrown by such a small frail looking woman. Not many people could catch him off guard like that.

He finds himself smiling, d*mn, he really could fall in love with this woman. Kayla stands back up and sticks out her hand.

"Come on big boy, let me help you up." Her words are still very sluggish and she looks like she could fall over herself. He sticks out his arm and she wraps both of her tiny hands around his. Too bad she is drunk and probably won't remember this, but since she pulled a fast one on him. He wants to pay her back.

He yanks his arm down and she stumbles and falls on top of him, her blue eyes are blazing with anger and surprise as her mouth hangs open. She pushes her arms on his chest and tries to stand back up. She was able to womble to her feet and she glares at him, clearly p*ssed off.

"You are a b*astard!" She kicks him in the leg and storms off. Leo lays there looking up at the ceiling, he can feel the throbbing between his legs.

D*mn, she has really nice breasts.

* * *

Kayla staggers down the stairs, using one step at of time. She knew she has drunk too much, her face is burning red from embarrassment and anger. But as soon as that man pulled her down, she sobered up pretty fast. She doesn't remember much or what she said to him, but one thing she does know is, that she can never forget that handsome face.


Kayla reaches the last step, she storms out through the door and walks up to the car of guys that are cracking jokes and not looking serious enough. Kayla was beyond mad right now, she walks up to the group and they turn their attention to her.

The smiles that graced their faces drop and turn serious. She puts her hands on her hips and glares at each one of them.

"You know, I don't like how you guys are acting right now. Not only did you let a man walk inside, but you let that man touch me! I was hoping to have a nice drink, and unwind but no. I was interrupted by this unknown man. Y'all either start taking my safety seriously or we will have a god d*mn boxing match right here right now. Cause I can d*mn sure kick every one of your a*sses." Kayla huffs out a long exhausted breath and they all look at her, dumbfounded at her words. One of the guys that she is assuming in charge of the lot steps forward.

He bows to her as an apology. "I am sorry boss, we weren't vigilant and I will have some of our men scout the area and see if we can locate that guy." He lifts his head up, there was a glance of admiration as he looks into Kayla's eyes.

She was annoyed and walked towards the car that she arrived in, one of the guys open the door and she climbs inside. The one that was her assistant was nowhere to be seen, she is going to have to up her b*tch attitude if they keep walking over her like this.

One thing that annoyance Kayla more than anything is being looked down upon by men. They are all in for a rude awakening.

The guy she ran into twice now, is on her list of men that will regret messing with her. She can't remember what he is name was, but one thing is for sure. She is going to find out who he is and will rack havoc on his life.

She leans her head against the window, and as the car starts to take off she closes her eyes. For now, she needs a game plan

She needs to study as much as she can about the business that her grandfather ran, she needs to step up meetings and read every document that she can about everyone that works for her grandfather. As much as she doesn't want to, she will have to talk to Erza. Another man she rather avoids and not deal with.


Kayla snaps open her eyes and looks out the back window of the car. That man's name was Leo, she remembers now.

"That guy his name is Leo, I remember now. He has light brown hair and eyes, over 6 feet. He was wearing a fancy suit." Kayla declares in the car, proud that she is starting to remember while ignoring the sexual suggestions that she said to him. She will forget that she ever said such words.

The security guard that was riding the passenger looked behind her. His face grew a bit pale, but he clears his throat.

"Are you sure Ma'am?" He asks cautiously.

Kayla eagerly nods her head.

He turns back around and types some messages on his phone.

* * *

Erza was in a warehouse, it was dark, damp, and smelled awful. He sits down on a metal chair and looks down at his phone. A call came through a few minutes prior, not only did the men he assigned to watch over Kayla, fail to do so. Leo was able to sneak himself and f*cking touch her.

He squeezes his phone, he looks up at the man sitting across from him. He was dripping blood from his mouth, his eyes are swollen and his nose is broken.

"You know, I was pretty p*ssed when I found out that your little gang was going to attempt to take out our new boss. I was going to send you back to your little sh*t group to give everyone a warning. Now, I changed my mind. You see, I hate being f*cked with, I especially hate when someone f*cks with our boss." Ezra stands up and walks up to the man, even though his eyes are almost swollen shut, you can see the fear crossing his eyes. The feeling of fear and regret are all that can be felt around him.

He knew he f*cked up, he was paid to try to find an opening to get rid of Kayla. Word around the street is, that the Russo group is at its weakest. The one thing the man knew for sure is that he isn't going to survive this. He won't be walking away from Erza, that man is one sick f*ck.

Erza walks around the man, he leans into his ears. "You picked the wrong time to make a move." He takes out a knife and holds it against the man's throat.

"Lights out," Erza says with dark eyes that show glimpses of a man that enjoys this the most.