
Becoming A Mafia Queen

The thing about life is that it can change in the blink of an eye. You can be living an ordinary life until things come crashing down on you. Kayla Woods's life was easy. She grew up well even without having parents. Things started to change for Kayla when her ex-boyfriend cheated on her. Her life spiraled in a direction she didn’t think would be possible. Becoming a Mafia boss? while battling not only her new job but also love.

cc0213 · Urban
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9 Chs

Need you

Kayla didn't know what to say, anger and fear were all she can feel right now.

"What do you want Leo? Are you the one behind all of this?" She ask, but Leo can hear the fear in her voice, it was shaky and if he was there she was probably trembling too. He mentally curses himself, he wishes he could be there to protect her.

"I'm assuming you are in the safe room since you answered the phone. No, I am not the one behind this attack, I heard that a small group thought they could ambush the Russo group. I don't think anyone expected them to fall through with it. Right now, the Russo family is vulnerable. The word is out there that you are going to be the new boss. They want to take you out before you even get started." Leo huffs, he was pacing his office. He couldn't go to her, he couldn't help her right now. If he showed up, it would cause more harm than good.

"Listen to me Kayla, you are in good hands. As much as I can't stand the man, Erza won't let those goons come close to the house. From what I heard, they couldn't even make it to the front gate. You are okay love, I promise that I won't let anyone harm that pretty head of yours. Neither would Erza, he made seem like someone who jokes around a lot. He is a ruthless bastard when it comes down to it." He takes a deep breath, he can hear Kayla breathing and was waiting for her to snap him.

"I have thousands of questions and thoughts floating through my head. I don't know anything about you, and why you keep popping up in my life. But right now, I feel extremely alone. I'm scared, angry, confused, and worried. Can I live my life like this?" Kayla chocks on her words as she cries. She doesn't understand Leo, who is he, and what does he want with her? She can't hear anything from in the room, but she is still shaking. Kayla has never heard gunshots in real life, it was loud and the thought that she could die right now. That is terrifying her so much. More than anything right now, Leo's voice covered her in a warmth she didn't expect. It helped calm her down a bit.

"My intention may have come the wrong way, but I just want you to know that I am interested in you Kayla. You sparked something in me. I do need to hang up before Erza comes back, we are not on the best terms. Please don't tell him I called. I am glad you are safe." Leo hangs up the phone and lets out a long breath. Getting the call that someone was attempting to break through the gate, brought a feeling he didn't realize was possible. He was worried about someone else, other than himself.

The cops won't deal with the situation, they pretty much let the bigger families handle things on their own and only step in when civilians are brought into the mix. She is safe, that is all that matters.

Kayla places the phone back on the table and soaks in her surroundings. She was in a big room, it had furniture, a bathroom, and a small kitchen. She didn't pay much attention to it when she first walked in. Her mind wouldn't focus on anything else, but after talking to Leo. Her mind calmed down. She walks over to a leather sofa, she sits down. Now, if this is what her life will be like, she either needs to toughen up or leave the country.

She looks over to her right, on top of a glass table was a stack of what appears to be photo albums. Kayla shakes her head, this isn't the time to snoop. She looks over again, her curious nature got the better of her.

She picks up a thick black album, there was nothing on the cover of it. Kayla flips open the first page, there is a photo that is at least 20 years old on the first page. There was a man in his early 50s, he was standing in front of the house that Kayla is currently living in. That isn't what caught her eye, it was the baby he was holding.

He must be her grandfather, he had wrinkles around his eyes that spoke of laughter. He had scars on his arms, he had a tattoo on his left arm and his nose had seen better days. Though he screams mafia, Kayla's heart swells at the thought she was around him as a baby.

The door opens, snapping Kayla from her thoughts. She looks up and sees Erza walking in. She didn't expect him to look so relaxed, but the smile on his face threw her off.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asks him while standing up and sitting the album back down.

He nods his head, "I'm fine, those little pests were taken care of. You look better though, your color came back to your face. Are you going to tell me you want to give up your title and this life?" He titles his head while studying her face, anyone would want to pack their bags and get out of town if anyone was in her shoes.

She pauses for a moment, her mind is all over the place but one thing she knows now after seeing that picture, she knows what she wants to do.

"That isn't going to scare me away Erza, I'm fine. I'm going to be the best d*mn boss you will have ever seen." Kayla gives him a wink and walks past him.

"Thanks for your concern but I'll be okay." She pats him on his shoulder and heads back to her room.

Erza was left dumbfounded, the look in her eyes reminds him so much of the old man. He smirks, he hasn't had this much fun in years. At least he won't be bored while keeping Miss Kayla safe and sound.

Because every day her life will be in danger.

Kayla shuts the door to her room, walks over to the oversize bed, and flops onto her back. She was making mental notes in her head and tomorrow is going to be a long day for her. She can't live in fear anymore, so she must face her enemies head-on.

Her first task tomorrow is to see Leo.