
Becoming a female Alpha Queen

The girl in the white dress stood on top of a hill, looking out at her kingdom. She had been crowned queen not long ago and was still getting used to it all. Her people called her Queen Tiana—the first human woman ever to rule over them; she'd made history by becoming their leader. The other werewolves saw this as an opportunity for themselves: they wanted to be like humans too! But there weren't many of those around anymore... so when word spread that the new queen would take them into consideration, some wolves decided to go live with her anyway. They left behind their old pack leaders and became part of hers instead. This meant that more than half the population now belonged to her alone.

Bosy_Elselhdar · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The young lady clad in a white dress climbed to the peak of a nearby hill and gazed out over her domain. She had only recently been crowned queen and was still getting used to everything that came with the position. Her people referred to her as Queen Tiana; she was the first human woman in history to ever rule over them, and she made history when she became their chief. The remaining werewolves recognized this as a window of opportunity for themselves; indeed, all of them desired to attain human characteristics. However, there were not nearly as many of those around as there once were... which is why, when word got out that the new queen would take them into consideration, some wolves chose to go live with her regardless. They parted ways with the previous pack leaders and joined hers instead, becoming a part of it. This meant that she was solely responsible for more than half of the population at this point.

But despite the fact that the majority of them seemed content with being led by a human, some of them did not appear to be pleased in the least. Because these newcomers took away what little power they had, some of the more elderly ones who remembered living alongside humans in the past felt threatened or angry. After some of them learned how much influence Tiana held within their ranks, a few of them even tried to attack Tiana herself. It wasn't until that point that the queen understood how perilous things could become if she allowed anyone else to run amok among them without providing adequate supervision. As a result, she organized a specialized group whose responsibility it was to monitor the people she was in charge of. Because of this, the wolf would never risk attacking her again. These men had the physical prowess to ward off any danger to her life that may have arisen. And because each member of her security detail was armed with not one but two weapons, it did not make a difference which of the two sides came forward to defend her. If you had better luck than your opponent and managed to eliminate them first, then... well done. You won. In that case, I'm sorry, but you're also going to be dead meat.

Her bodyguards were all well-versed in hand-to-hand combat and ranged in age from twenty to sixty years old. They were all trained in the art. On the other hand, the majority of them appeared to be in their early twenties, which is probably due to the fact that they did the majority of their training inside rather than outside, where the sun could potentially damage their skin. They were able to move quickly and strike forcefully whenever it was necessary because of this. However, the exception to this rule was their leader. He always kept himself covered from head to toe, including his long hair, which hung down past his shoulders and was sometimes twisted into a topknot. He was known as King Liam, and he was the strongest living man at the time. Nobody was aware of the reason why he never bothered to trim his long locks. No one cared either, with the possible exception of the other soldiers in Tiana's army, who thought he was strange because he refused to conform to the appearance of the other soldiers. They respected him despite this, due to the fact that he was willing to sacrifice his life in order to safeguard the queen. Even if there had been more of them, there weren't very many of them left. In days gone by, there were potentially hundreds of thousands of them dispersed across each and every continent. These days, there are only 352 of them left in existence. hardly sufficient to ensure the safety of their invaluable queen.

A day came when King Liam decided to lead the group on a patrol through the forest that surrounded their castle. It was still early in the morning, and they had not yet observed anything that seemed suspicious. The sun was obscured here for the most part as a result of the tall and dense growth of the trees. As they walked along the path carved deeply into the earth, the sound of crunching leaves could be heard beneath their feet. They went by a little stream that was bubbling away merrily on either side of them as it made its way towards the lake that was up ahead. Then all of a sudden, they heard something rustling in the neighborhood. Everyone turned their heads to look up into the distance, where they saw a solitary figure standing still atop a tree branch. One of the soldiers moved forward and pulled out his sword as soon as he did so. "Who are you, exactly? Put in an appearance! "He yelled in a furious manner, ready to give chase if it was necessary. But then there was a third voice that chimed in.

"Don't kill me."

After a brief pause, the mysterious individual made a soft landing on the ground below. He touched down with very little noise and immediately went into a perfectly still position, staring at the king. The soldier slowly put down his weapon and cautiously asked the other person, "What do you want?"

The newcomer made a shaking motion with his head. "I have no intention of causing harm to anyone. I just need help."

King Liam made a frowning face. Who exactly did this guy believe he was communicating with? Why ought he to put his faith in him? "Instead of us coming down here, why don't we have our friend come? We can inquire about it on our own..."

He indicated the person who was lying on the floor next to him with his finger. It turned out to be a female werewolf. She was unresponsive and had significant blood loss due to the multiple wounds that covered her body. However, because none of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening, they chose not to delay in attending to her wounds and did so without wasting any time. Instead of that, they dragged both of them back inside the castle so that they could interrogate them.

The werewolf, who had been injured, opened her eyes as soon as the door had been closed behind them. As soon as she noticed King Liam standing nearby, she began pleading with him to spare her life as soon as possible. "Please! Don't just walk away and leave me to perish here by myself "She pleaded with her eyes watering.

Liam exhaled deeply before putting a soft hand on her shoulder and heaving a sigh. "You are no longer in danger. Just take it easy."

She was relieved that someone finally understood how terrified she really was, and she expressed her gratitude by giving a grateful nod. After that, he instructed her to detail everything that took place to them. After paying close attention to what was being said, he gave the order for the remaining guards to lead the unknown person outside. After everyone had arrived, King Liam gave an address to the assembled people. "Okay, pay close attention to what I say. I'm curious, what's your name?"

"My name is Zara. I am a tourist who is just passing through this area."

"How long ago was it that you first arrived at this location?"

Even the full moon hasn't appeared yet this month.

That took him by surprise. How was it that she had avoided turning into a monster during the night for such a significant portion of her life? He cast a quick glance at the others and discovered that they were similarly perplexed. Even the person who was supposed to heal couldn't believe what they were hearing. "Therefore, you have not developed in any way... Is that even a possibility?"

Zara shrugged. "Not at all, to be sure. However, my metamorphosis is not yet finished developing. At the very least, that is what I have been told."

The king cocked his eyebrows in confusion. "Then why aren't you already trying to get away from here?"

"Because I am aware of the dangers that lie in wait for me in the night. In addition to that, there is no place left to run away to."

They continued to look at her in complete confusion for an additional second before they finally understood what she was getting at. That shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. After all, she was a werewolf herself. He inquired with a sense of wonder, "Where exactly does this location belong to?"

"I really have no idea. Perhaps somewhere up in the north? My final recollection of my childhood home is of a mountain range that is located beyond that ridge. It's possible that's why I found myself in this place."

"And you've been by yourself the entire time you've been here?"

"Yes. Since both of my parents passed away."

Everyone let out a shocked gasp. They had no idea about her history before she showed up here, but it appeared as though she was being truthful about what she had been doing. It is no wonder that she was absolutely petrified. Did she genuinely believe that they would comprehend what she had been through? Okay, so maybe not the people who heal. They seemed to care less than anyone else about the torment that others were going through.

King Liam made an uncomfortable attempt to clear his throat. "Is it all right if we make an effort to locate a remedy for your predicament? For the time being, you should wait here and stay close to us."

After he finished speaking, he made a motion in the direction of the gate leading into the castle. Everyone did as they were told and slowly filed out of the building while keeping an eye on the newcomers. Zara remained behind and watched them depart with wide eyes and lips that were trembling. After that, she knelt down feebly and buried her face in the grass as she fell to her knees.