
Becoming A Dragon Knight

Jax has always been a quite guy, keeping to himself. His life was mediocre at best, not ever being able to have fame or fortune. But he thought his luck was turning around when he won the lottery. He only made the mistake of telling a friend, because that friend kills him for his lottery money. As his life slips away he wishes for another chance to have a better life. As his soul is starting its journey to the path of reincarnation, a figure appears in front of his soul and says “Your wish will be granted, you will have another chance to have an extraordinary life, but it will come with many dangers!” As soon as he finishes speaking, the figure opens a golden portal and gingerly tosses Jax’s soul into it…. **This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please give it a shot. Thank you!** ***I do not own the cover! if asked too take down I will***

Dbzplayer86 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Coming of Age Ceremony & The King's Test (2)

"I can honestly say I did not expect this to happen, but I am truly glad it did. So, to prove to you and everyone present here today, that I'm true to my word and fully believe in myself and the way that I feel, I am prepared to wait as long as it takes to gain your approval. I will also face any challenge or test you deem fit to give me, just know, I will not stop until I'm worthy of her and gain her hand in marriage. This I do swear on my name, Jax Talen!"

After Jax gave his speech, he bowed again to the King and Alice before returning to his seat. He was proud of himself for speaking his heart and mind, but he also thought he might have gone a little too far letting loose his emotions. All he could do know was wait and see what the King had to say about his declaration.

Jacob and Sarah were greatly shocked when Jax stood and addressed the Royals, Jacob had an idea of what his son might do, but what he actually did made him speechless. He had thought that Jax would just ask the King for some kind of highly difficult mission or some such, not straight up vow to become the young lady's husband no matter what!

Sarah wasn't any better either, from the moment Jax stood up to when he sat back down, she was extremely nervous and couldn't calm her racing heart because she didn't know how the Royals would react. After Jax returned to his seat, Sarah looked to see the expression on any of the Royals faces. She mainly wanted to see the reaction of the King and Alice, but she kept an eye on the others as well.

After Jax had giving his vow, Alice felt her heart melting even more. Not only had they only met a few hours ago but they both were still very young. They have plenty of time to grow and explore the world before making such choices, but deep-down Alice knew, from the moment she looked into his eyes, she wouldn't ever want anyone else to spend her life with.

She didn't understand why she felt this way, but when she thought of anyone else, she didn't have the same feelings. This situation scared and actually excited her a little, she didn't know where these feelings were coming from but was determined to find the source and that lead back to Jax.

The King was torn in his feelings over Jaxs vow, on one hand he was impressed someone of his age would go so far. On the other hand, he was a little worried he had seen countless young men and women make vows and oaths to heaven and on the honor of their name, only to fail and become nothing. He did not want that kind of character in his daughter's life, and he would never agree to their union. So, with this thought he cleared his throat and put forth a question to Jax.


"I must say I'm moved by your words and judging from my daughter's flushed face that she is as well. However, being a father and a ruler of the people, I've come to see and know all kinds of people in this world and realized that trust shouldn't just be given. Therefore, I came up with a single question that will tell me if someone is truly an honest man."

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to ask you this question before I say any more, what do you say Jax?" Asked the King while locking eyes with Jax

Jax stands and says, "It would be my honor, your highness." He also decides to remain standing, not daring to look away from the King. In a way, he took this as a test of his resolve and of his trustworthiness.

The King notices Jaxs decisions to remain standing and not back down from his stare and is even more impressed with this young man. It is common for even his soldiers and some generals, who are fully grown adults and trained to kill, to break eye contact with him in similar situations!

He felt that if this young man had the right temperament and way of thinking, there was no way to know the limits of his potential to grow, 'Now to test him and see if my feelings about him are right.' thought the King

"My question is this, what do you wish to gain from this marriage?"

Jax takes a deep breath and says, "My goal by coming here was to ask for early admission to the academy and even came with proof that would almost guarantee that I got it. I had no idea I would come across someone that would make me want to make a vow for them. However, once I did, I knew I'd have to change my original intentions."

"Now, all I want is to win Alice's hand in marriage. Getting into the academy, becoming a royal through marriage or anything else honestly doesn't matter to me at this point in my life. If I was to gain her hand in marriage, I'd like to complete my studies and find my career path before we actually marry. Besides, I'm only sixteen right now, so I know it's too soon, we're both to young right now, plus I don't have any means to provide at the moment."

"I do odd jobs and quests with my father when I'm not helping mother around the house, plus I have a friend, Herschel that gives me jobs from time to time. After my coming-of-age ceremony, I had hoped to be in the academy so I can study and start getting stronger. My career goal is to become a Knight, so I will need a few years to make that a reality. I just wanted your approval because that would keep all others away until we do get married."

Jax was out of breath after letting out all his thought and emotions, he done his very best to speak true and from the heart, with that he hoped the King would understand his feelings. He finally broke eye contact and bowed, then he returned to his seat to await the King's decision.

During the time Jax was giving his answer, the King was checking his body with his aura. This way he would know if the boy spoke from the heart or was just coming up with an answer that just sounded good. Again, he was impressed by this young man, every word he spoke came from the very center of his being. The King couldn't find any fluctuations in Jaxs aura at all, at this point he didn't think the boy could surprise him anymore.

"With everything I have learned about you here today, and from your father before, I must say that if this is the wish of my daughter that I will give my approval for this union! What do you say my daughter, after all you've heard today, is this what you want?"

A/N - Here is the next chap readers, hope you enjoy!

Hey readers, we have one more chapter of heavy dialouge then we'll get into revealing Jaxs potential and affinity!

After that we get back into some more action, so stay tuned for the next couple chaps, I'm excited to write them so I hope you'll be excited to read them!

Again, thank you to everyone that is still reading and that comments and things, it's greatly appreciated!

As always, Thank you and Blessed be

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