
Becoming A Dragon Knight

Jax has always been a quite guy, keeping to himself. His life was mediocre at best, not ever being able to have fame or fortune. But he thought his luck was turning around when he won the lottery. He only made the mistake of telling a friend, because that friend kills him for his lottery money. As his life slips away he wishes for another chance to have a better life. As his soul is starting its journey to the path of reincarnation, a figure appears in front of his soul and says “Your wish will be granted, you will have another chance to have an extraordinary life, but it will come with many dangers!” As soon as he finishes speaking, the figure opens a golden portal and gingerly tosses Jax’s soul into it…. **This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please give it a shot. Thank you!** ***I do not own the cover! if asked too take down I will***

Dbzplayer86 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Coming of Age Ceremony & The King's Test (1)

Before Jacob or the others could say a word or move from their spot a booming, yet curious and cordial voice reached their ears and said, "Welcome to my home miss Sarah and the young man Jax, that my daughter wouldn't stop talking about. Welcome back to you Jacob, it's nice to see you in good health. Please, come have a seat so we can talk about why your here. I'm sure you have many questions, knowing your personality."

The Grand Hall, as people who lived in the palace liked to call it, was a very massive room, that by itself took up most of the ground floor of the palace. It was lined with several long tables with benches, that easily seated multiple people. There was a kitchen, food storage rooms, servant's quarters, bath and shower rooms and also rooms for the guards to rest and sleep when they were off duty, that were located all around the Grand Hall in an almost circular manner.

The guards living quarters were stationed all around so that there'd always be men to defend every area of the palace. The other facilities were simply built wherever they could provide the most convenance for that particular job. If they needed a water pump, then they'd build a water pump, if they needed another storage room, well then, they'd build it.

"Thank you for your hospitality sire, it's good to be back and to see you in good health as well. As promised, it's almost time for my sons coming of age, so I have brought him to meet you, my King." said Jacob with a bow.

With the King's word, Jacob and the others find an empty bench to sit at, that's not too far away from the King and his family members, but also not too close. Once everyone is seated, the King looks over at Jax, who looked a little disappointed after looking around the room and says, "Worry not dear boy, my daughter will join us shortly. She hasn't stopped talking about you since she got back. She did as you asked and delivered your message. I must confess, I wasn't surprised by it at all, you are your father's son after all. HAHA."

"However, I would advise that in the future, when dealing with royalty and people with a higher stature than yourself, that you speak with tact and try to not be so curt with your words. Words have power, a power that can be wielded to do terrible things with the best of intentions in mind." said the King after welcoming his guests.

As the King was finishing his little speech, the doors of the Grand Hall opened and in walked a beautiful young woman, and she said, "True words such as those are rarely spoken Father! Not only must one be capable of protecting hearth and home, but they must also be capable of avoiding conflict altogether!" the young lady, who was Alice, said as she entered the room.

"Alice, my beautiful daughter, I'm delighted to have you join us finally. Tell me, did you really spend this long getting ready? The young man you couldn't stop speaking about has been waiting here patiently for you for some time now. What do you have to say?" said the King with a wink and a mischievous grin.


At this point, Alice had begun to turn a deep shade of red. It started at the base of her neck and rose all the way to the top of her ears. She looked as though she was going to spout steam at any moment, she turns towards her father and does her best to be mad while also being embarrassed.

"Father why would you ask a lady such a thing? You tell him he should use tact all the while you have none yourself. Ha, you're just a big bully to pick on me during a time of high and new emotions that I've yet to experience." said Alice

"I'm sorry my dear, this old man couldn't help teasing you a little. It's been too long since I've seen you smile, so it brings me great joy to see you so happy and we have this young man to thank for that." Said the King.

He then turns to Jax and says, "You have my thanks and gratitude young man. You don't know what a relief it is to me to see my daughter smile and blush again, with this I'm not so scared of the future anymore."

Hearing the genuine feeling behind the Kings words, Jax begins to feel a little embarrassed, so he makes a quick decision to try and show the King how he really feels about Alice. He stands up from his seat and makes his way between the tables so that he's standing directly in front the King and the other Royals.

He then makes a bow towards the King, then bows again towards Alice, while keeping eye contact with her for the entire bow. Afterwards, he looks back to the King and says, "Your Highness, your gratitude is unneeded, but I will gladly accept it. I wanted to clarify something, my next words are not meant to woo or sway in any way, I just felt the need to describe my thoughts when myself and the Lady Alice met earlier today."

"I never in a million lifetimes would have guessed I'd meet someone I felt could be my soulmate, but today I was shocked and surprised beyond anything I've ever experienced. The moment my eyes met hers, I felt something in me settle into place, something I didn't even know existed within myself. When I heard her speak, my mind, body and soul froze, and I found myself in the most beautiful meadow backed by the biggest waterfall I'd ever seen."

"I can honestly say I did not expect this to happen, but I am truly glad it did. So, to prove to you and everyone present here today, that I'm true to my word and fully believe in myself and the way that I feel, I am prepared to wait as long as it takes to gain your approval. I will also face any challenge or test you deem fit to give me, just know, I will not stop until I'm worthy of her and gain her hand in marriage. This I do swear on my name, Jax Talen!"

A/N - Thank you everyone who is still reading after so long not having a new chap. I won't ask for power stones, but I would like to ask people to leave reviews, like and follow or leave comments and let me know your thoughts.

Also, reader John_Carlo_Jalasco_9672, I would like to thank you for all the power stones you gave before I went away. You and all the other who have given power stones or left comments or reviews, I just wanted you to know I greatly appreciate everything you all have done. You guys kept me wanting to finish this story and not give up on it, so thank you very much!!!!!!

Hey readers, hears a new chapter. Im sorry the chapter is shorter than normal, but for the time being they will all be around 1000 to 1200 words, until i'm back to 100%!

Will try to have a chapter a day from now on but we will see how it goes. I really wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone whos stuck around this long after not having any new chaps for a while.

I appericiate you all

As always Thank you and Blessed Be

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