
Becoming a Director in a mysterious world

Transmigrated to a parallel world, just wanted to film some movies to make money, but Litch had awakened the system, as long as he completed the mission, he could receive a reward. Good! Wait, there's someone under the bed at 12 midnight? A theater that has been abandoned for twenty years has the sound of a piano inside? Fine art exhibition artist suddenly disappears? When Litch completed these missions, he felt like this world really had ghosts! This system is inappropriate. He discovered that the system not only let him go on all kinds of forbidden explorations, but also recorded all of his experiences and turned them into video documents. Later, it even directly threw Litch into an indescribable different world! “Ah, so if I edit these videos into a movie, wouldn't it be the best horror movie?” Litch gradually understood it all. Thus, in this New World, legends related to the Great Old One and the indescribable horror began to circulate.——

Litch_Mei · Horror
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11 Chs


[ Soul signature detected. Inspection completed ]

[Congratulations for becoming the 233rd Silent Chosen One ]

[The system is loading...]

[System has been imposed on you]

[This system is only about improving the host's living conditions, improving the entertainment level, and enriching and perfecting life]

[All system functions are free, no need to recharge, please be alert to any fraudulent information about any form of recharge]

[ Arrange time appropriately, enjoy a healthy life ]

[ Wish you a happy life ]

Standing outside the filming room, the script had just been rejected for the 6th time. Litch was dumbfounded.

The writing on his script suddenly changed, twisting the beautiful handwriting to form a series of lines.

Litch pulled his attention away from his "Written" script and looked at the writing above.

There were people coming and going around the filming room, actors wearing various costumes, and the group of actors and actresses kept coming and going, but the writing on the script still did not disappear.

It's not an illusion.

After three months of Transmigration to this world, Litch finally obtained the system.

Regardless of whether before the Transmigration or after the Transmigration, Litch considers himself an ordinary person.

He doesn't have a girlfriend, doesn't smoke, seriously focused on his studies, and takes steps through life.

Litch felt like there was nothing unusual about himself.

His only hobby is probably watching movies.

Main characters in movies are not common, even supporting characters have their own [ Story ].

As a normal person, Litch really admires them.

This world and his old world have some differences, some works such as movies, novels, anime are nowhere to be found or some have changed shape.

Relying on professional university knowledge of television and cinema and memories of past lives. He wrote several famous scripts in the old world. He did not write these things because he wanted to use them to climb to the top of the entertainment world.

It's purely because Litch loves movies.

If he couldn't see those famous movies in this world, he would always feel a pity.

But his actions soon encountered difficulties.

First of all, he wrote the script based on his memory, so it cannot be completely identical.

Second, if a film is loved in another world, it is unlikely that it will also be welcomed in this world.

In the end, he was just a normal graduate student.

After trying it several times, Litch finally chose the script of a classic horror movie, hoping to attract the director.


Should I definitely try another option?

My beauty is not bad, should I find a rich woman, then let the other person invest in my movie?

That way isn't bad.....

Right at the moment when such a thought appeared, Litch had awakened the system.

Very good.

Litch exclaimed.

He casually found a shaded place to sit down, spread out the script in front of him. His attention was focused on those strange words.

Litch's thoughts changed a little, the words also changed accordingly.

[Start setup]

"Does this system have beginner instructions?"

Litch used his index finger to gently touch these words.

Like a wandering fog, the writing changed shape.

[Profession Selection ]

Pressing on this text, a large group of densely written words suddenly burst out from the script in Litch's hand.

He unconsciously leaned back, only the cold wall gave him real feeling.

Litch carefully examined these words.

[ Actor ],[ Programmer ] ,[ Reporter ] ,[ Private detective ] ,[ Library manager ], [ Archaeologist ] ,[ Folklorist ], [ Master of deception ] ,[ Undertaker ],.....

These things seemed to have their own will, luring Litch into choosing.

This want me to select Profession?

Without any explanation, Litch could only figure it out for himself.

He chose [Director], this profession.

Just as his thoughts confirmed this Profession, Litch saw that the eye-catching writing disappeared and was replaced by something like an interface on the script.

[Name: Litch ]

[Profession: Director ]

[Qualification: University]


[Strength: 55]

[Physical: 65]

[Flexibility : 60]

[Agility: 70]

[ Appearance: 90]

[Intelligence: 65]

[Will: 80]

[Educate: 70]

[Lucky: 20]

[Sanity: 80]

This is the interface attribute.

It's just that... Why does this attribute look a little strange on the surface?

Isn't that usually music, art, literature, skill attribute?

This system is a bit weird.

Litch continued to scroll down, at the bottom of all attributes, there was only one confirmation criterion.

He gently caressed that mark.

[ Successful setup ]

[ Chosen One, welcome to A Quiet Place ]

[Starting newbie Quest...]


[Load completed]

[As a creator, absorbing inspiration is the most important thing. Before starting your creation, please first come into contact with the wider world]

[Please complete the newbie quest and receive the newbie reward]

Along with the new lines of writing that are gradually appearing, in the script in Litch's hand, three oil paintings suddenly appear, forming three different doors.


These doors seemed to be made of bronze, heavy, rusty, cold, revealing an ancient aura, the door was half open, as if it could be completely opened with just one push of my hand.

This is obviously just on paper!

In the middle of the door, Litch could see colorful mist, dark silence, and twisted chaos.

At this moment, Litch felt like the bustling movie city was leaving him. The surroundings became quiet like a dreamland. Only those three doors attracted all of his attention.

He stared intently, above the door, three lines of writing appeared.

[ Fellow Travelers ]

[When traveling at night, do you feel lonely? Don't be afraid, I'm with you.]

This is the writing on the left that flashes on the door. This door is colorless and quiet. In the crack of the door, there is a heavy shadow, the ink color is like a tide, little by little, the door is clawed.

Litch looked towards the door in the middle, this door gave him a strange feeling of distortion, just looking closely, he felt the intricately decorated upper door moving.

[ Friends Under The Bed ]

[Having lived together for so many years, let's say hello to your "neighbor", I mean the one under the bed.]

Above there is such writing.

As for the last one, surrounded by gray mist, the half-open door was filled with bright rainbow ordinary light, becoming the most ordinary door among them.

[ Can't Look Back Alley ]

[Legend is that in the bustling square, there is a small alley that you are not allowed to look back when walking, so be brave and go through it!]


Litch had a question mark on his head.

This system clearly has a problem.