
Become Boss When Vest Off

An outlier who hides in the security team, a scum who joins a wealthy family, and an outlier who becomes a big boss when he takes off his vest.

Mystery_Writer_W · Urban
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80 Chs

Yours is Yours, Mine is Also Yours

"You could say that. Not only does my brother not know, but my parents don't either. So, be cautious. Xiao Chen, from now on, you're Su Mei's assistant."

"Huh? Even your parents don't know? What's going on?"

"It's a long story. Now's not the time to explain. We need to go pick up the bride."

"Yes, let's take care of the main task first," Su Mei quickly added.

"Right, Mei Jie, remember, you're not just the owner of this money now, but also these cars."

"Ah! I couldn't afford so many cars," Su Mei joked.

She was indeed joking. Though Ye Chen didn't know her true identity or wealth, someone who spent over ten million yuan a year on rent couldn't possibly not afford these cars.

"Alright, enough talk. Let's go."


Xiao Chen got into Su Mei's car, while Ye Chen got into the lead car, which Xiao Chen had thoughtfully decorated as a wedding car.

The convoy of luxury cars caused quite a stir as they entered the village, with many onlookers taking out their phones to film the scene.

As expected, after receiving the money, Hao Lina's parents released her.

While they were busy checking the money, Ye Chen had the convoy leave, except for five Mazda 6s, which he left behind on purpose. By the time Hao Lina's parents came out after securing the money, the convoy was long gone.

Left with no choice, they could only get into the Mazda 6s, as they had to attend the wedding.

"Are you Ye Chen's employee?" On the way to Tongzhou, Su Mei glanced at Xiao Chen.

"No, I'm Mr. Ye's property manager."

"Property manager? What kind of job is that?" Su Mei asked, puzzled.

"Actually, I work for the I Love My Home real estate agency, helping to manage Mr. Ye's rental properties. The house you rented was personally leased to you by Mr. Ye."

"Oh, I see! Got it."

Meanwhile, in the lead wedding car, Hao Lina turned to the chubby guy and said, "Why are you so silly? Didn't I send someone to tell you not to give them money?"

The chubby guy scratched his head. "You know I'm silly. Thirty thousand yuan is a lot, but compared to you, it's nothing. I can earn it back in two years, but if I lost you, I'd never recover."

"You...what should I say to you?" Hao Lina poked his forehead and then took out a bank card from a hidden pocket in her bag.

She handed it to him, saying, "This is the money I've secretly saved over the years, plus bonuses. It's over a hundred thousand yuan. Give it to Dad later to pay off some debts."

Hao Lina thought the thirty thousand yuan the chubby guy brought was borrowed by Guo Dad, as she knew their family's situation.

"No, I can't take this money. You should keep it."

"Why not?"

"How can I take your money? What would that make me?"

"What do you mean yours and mine? Yours is yours, and mine is also yours. Take it and pay off as much as you can. We'll work hard and pay off the rest soon." Hao Lina shoved the card into his hand.

"Wife, I..."

"Don't say anything. Meeting you in this life is my blessing. I'll treat your parents as my own and take care of them with you."

"Thank you, wife. You're the best." The chubby guy kissed her forehead.

Fortunately, there was a partition between the car and the driver's seat, so the driver couldn't see or hear their conversation.

When the convoy arrived at the house, preparations were almost complete. Seeing over twenty luxury cars arriving, the lively scene fell silent.

It wasn't until Ye Chen got out of a car and opened the door for Dabo and Hao Lina that the crowd became lively again.

"Son, what's going on?" Ye Dad pulled Ye Chen aside and asked.

"I'll explain later. I need to take care of some things now."

Guo Dad also wanted to ask, but with the bride back, the wedding had to proceed according to custom, despite the bride's parents not being there. Missing the auspicious time was not an option. They could catch up later, and the bride's parents could join the ceremony whenever they arrived.

In the countryside, unlike the city where both parents are formally honored, only the groom's parents are honored here. The bride's parents had already been honored at the bride's house, but they had been too focused on the money to follow the customs.

Ye Chen, as the best man, stood beside the chubby guy, while a girl from the chubby guy's company, a close friend of Hao Lina, stood as the bridesmaid.

The wedding proceeded with the emcees offering blessings and congratulations. The ceremony took about half an hour, and by then, the guests had already taken their seats.

Despite being held at home, the food was plentiful and of good quality, costing less than half of what it would at a restaurant. Everyone enjoyed the meal, including the chubby guy's colleagues.