
Become Boss When Vest Off

An outlier who hides in the security team, a scum who joins a wealthy family, and an outlier who becomes a big boss when he takes off his vest.

Mystery_Writer_W · Urban
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80 Chs

Unable to Control Himself

"I understand."

"I've arrived now. When will you come?"

"I'll be there soon, within half an hour."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the main gate."


She wasn't a resident, so the security wouldn't let her in. She had no choice but to wait at the gate for Ye Chen.

"Brother Chen, are you heading out?"

"Yeah, I've got something to take care of. Don't worry, I'll be back before work."

"Oh, okay."

Ye Chen quickly returned to the dormitory to change out of his security uniform. Although he didn't have fancy clothes, anything was better than going dressed as a security guard.

He didn't go straight to Xuanwu's Shanshui Villa but took a taxi to Fengsheng Garden instead. He needed the property deed, which was still in the car, as renting out a place required it. Moreover, showing up in a car would make a better impression.

A short taxi ride later, Ye Chen arrived at Fengsheng Garden, retrieved his Lamborghini, and drove to Shanshui Villa.

At the entrance of Shanshui Villa's gated community, he spotted a rose gold limited edition Mercedes sports car. He guessed it belonged to the person looking to rent.

Ye Chen parked behind the Mercedes and got out of his car. As he did, a woman got out of the Mercedes. Strictly speaking, she was an incredibly beautiful woman in her thirties, exuding a captivating charm with every move. Seeing her face gave Ye Chen a shiver; she was bewitching.

"Hello! Are you the one looking to rent a house?"

As Ye Chen sized her up, she was also assessing him. Seeing Ye Chen dressed so plainly, she seemed momentarily surprised.

Hearing his question, she snapped back to attention and said, "Yes, that's me. Can I see the house first?"

"Of course. Let's go," Ye Chen said, quickly getting back into his car, fearing he might lose control if he spoke to her any longer.

Normally, Ye Chen had excellent self-control, but today something was off. It wasn't his fault; any man might react the same way after seeing and speaking with this woman. In fact, many might not even handle it as well as Ye Chen did.

The woman was stunningly alluring from head to toe.

Seeing Ye Chen get into his car, she got back into her own. Ye Chen steered his car to pass the Mercedes and drove into the villa complex.

The security guards, having noticed Ye Chen earlier, had already opened the gate for him. After he drove in, the woman followed in her Mercedes without being stopped.

Both cars soon arrived at Villa 10. Ye Chen got out, opened the gate, then drove his car inside. The woman did the same. Ye Chen got out of his car and opened the villa's door.

"Please, come in."

"Thank you!"

Before entering, the woman had no particular feelings. However, once inside, she was stunned into silence.

Turning to Ye Chen, she asked, "Mr. Ye, are you sure you want to rent out this villa?"

"Yes. Ever since it was renovated, no one has lived here. Leaving it empty is a waste, so I'd rather rent it out."

"But…" She hesitated, looking at the antiques and luxurious furnishings.

This villa, located in the city center, must be incredibly valuable. Given the land it occupied, each square meter must be worth at least 500,000 yuan. Buying this villa would cost around 700 million yuan, plus the extravagant renovation, bringing the total to over 800 million yuan.

Not counting the furniture and antiques, even at 700,000 yuan per month, it would take a century to recoup the cost.

She couldn't understand why Ye Chen would rent it out at such a low price.

But Ye Chen had no choice. He still owed property management fees. Without renting it out, he couldn't pay those fees. While 700,000 yuan a month was low, it at least alleviated his immediate financial burden.

He would rent it out for as low as 100,000 yuan a month if it meant covering the property fees.

Such was the plight of the poor!

"Is there a problem?" Ye Chen asked.

The woman quickly shook her head. "No, no problem. Mr. Ye, since you don't need this house, have you considered selling it?"

"Sorry, no." Ye Chen immediately refused without thinking.

He knew the house wasn't really his. He was just a nominal owner, and while he could rent it out, selling was out of the question. He wasn't sure if the real owner would ever come looking for it.