
Become AI

When the Earth exploded, I became an artificial intelligence, looking for the truth about the explosion of the Earth in the universe

Maneke · Sci-fi
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103 Chs

Departure, ε Eridani B

Because ε Eri a is locked by ε Eri gravity, the back of ε Eri a will be eternally dark. Hawke will be under the cover of this dark night to start another booming era of great construction.

This time, Hawk made up his mind, before having enough self-protection ability, absolutely no longer leave the ε Eri star system with unlimited resources.

The universe, it is too dangerous. Not to mention the various natural formation of dangerous areas, such as supernova explosions, black holes, neutron stars and other territories, only to say that a variety of alien civilizations, has been enough to make Hawk fear.

Hawk is like a toddler, walking in the dangerous, full of all kinds of beasts in the jungle of the baby, every step needs to be careful, a careless, will be captured by the beasts, turned into nourishment.

"In order to survive, in order to pass ... human civilization on, I have to live." Hawk thought silently, manipulating the new flagship, the ε Eri released about two hundred satellites to make signal coverage for the ε Eri a.

Hawk then inhabited the ε Eri, remotely controlled the more than two hundred thousand robots on the ground, and began the construction of the base.

The surface of ε Eri a is generally flat, but in detail, it is filled with many, many impact craters. The formation of such impact craters is inevitable, a star system is always chaotic in the early stages of formation, full of all kinds of headless and mindless asteroids, they rampage through the interior of the galaxy, catching whoever hit.

The initial accumulation of material on a planet is accomplished by such asteroid impacts, and it is foreseeable that ε Eri a will gradually increase in size and mass in the long years to come, but just not at the same rate as ε Eri c.

These asteroids, for ε Eri a brought a rich variety of minerals, so that Hawk construction of various spaceships, bases and other sources of raw materials to have a guarantee.

The first thing that Hawk built was a huge and incomparable scientific research institute. In this scientific research institute, Hawke will carry out research on various aspects including hyper-range communication, energy cannons, energy shields, more advanced nanobots, more efficient fusion engines, etc. At the same time, the central scientific research institute is the radiation source.

At the same time, the Central Scientific Research Institute as the radiation point, Hawk launched a large-scale address exploration activities, in the ε Eri a above the search for the various elements they need, and in the mining site began to build a large-scale mining base. The minerals collected will be used by Hawk to build the Ring ε Eri Large Particle Collider.

At the same time, Hawk also launched a large-scale space battery construction work. Rampant asteroids, although for ε Eri a will bring a variety of rich minerals, but there are some unblinking asteroids, but also to Hawk's construction work will bring some trouble. For example, if the impact point of the asteroid happens to be in the Central Science Institute, then the trouble will be big.

In order to prevent such a situation, as well as some Hawke heart hidden worry, Hawke completely according to the highest capacity and the highest standard to build these space turrets. These space turrets, in addition to being equipped with conventional high-powered laser cannons, are also equipped with Hawke's latest developed energy weapons, and, Hawke intends to build such space turrets, a full 10,000 out.

Such quantity as well as quality, it is difficult to say whether it is to prevent the asteroid impact, or to prevent the alien fleet attack to build.

It must be said that the dark universe law, although it is still impossible to determine the authenticity, but the process of fighting with the lizardman civilization, has left enough psychological shadow to Hawk.

In addition to the Central Academy of Sciences, as well as mining bases, construction bases, space turrets, Hawke also built a huge and incomparable building.

In Hawke's planning, such a building, after completion, will be hundreds of meters high, the number of tens of thousands of tens of thousands, according to some mechanical laws, distributed in the ε Eri a of the equator, the poles, day and night border line and so on.

This is the ... planetary engine.

In Hawk's comprehensive plan, the ring ε Eri large particle collider, will be built at a distance of ε Eri thirty-eight million kilometers from the orbit, from the fuel replenishment, construction materials transportation, energy access and other comprehensive considerations, construction in this place is the most appropriate.

However, if it is built in this place, ε Eri a will cause serious gravitational disturbance to this giant instrument and will destroy its orbit. Therefore, on the one hand, in order to exclude the gravitational influence of ε Eri a, on the other hand, also in order to field verify the construction of their own high-power fusion engine idea, Hawk decided to play a big one.

That is ... by building tens of thousands of large planetary engines, Hawk decided, will ε Eri a orbit, push ε Eri 10 million kilometers closer. The orbit of ε Eri a will then, from the current distance of ε Eri thirty million kilometers, become twenty million kilometers.

This is an extremely amazing project, such a project, placed on top of the previous Earth, is unimaginable. But Hawk has now mastered enough large fusion engine construction technology, and has a deep enough understanding of celestial mechanics, etc., such a huge project, in theory, is completely buildable.

In the middle of the construction, Hawk can also check each of the technologies they have mastered item by item, but also to obtain countless test data, which is a very huge benefit to Hawk to fully grasp the current technology. This project, it is equivalent to an examination to assess the current level of technology Hawk.

If this project is finally completed, Hawk's technology, will produce a huge leap in the technical level, then, Hawk will be able to navigate the current speed, from a maximum of nine hundred kilometers per second, to fifteen hundred kilometers per second.

The principle of pushing close to the planetary orbit is very simple, that is, through these planetary engines, to slow down for it, and then, its orbital speed will not be enough to offset the gravitational force of ε Eri on it, and it will fall down towards ε Eri. Then, after ε Eri a falls into a suitable orbit, these planetary engines will start to accelerate ε Eri a to give it a suitable orbit speed.

Of course, this process will be extremely slow. The whole process, in Hawk's planning, will be completed in ten years.

In general, except for special examples like the barren star, a naturally formed planet always has some minerals, no matter how many. ε Eri a is a typical example of this, no matter how much or little reserves, in short, Hawk found all the elements he needed on ε Eri a. And then, the big bang, the big bang, the big bang.

The company's main business is the construction of a new building, the central scientific research institute and a variety of mining base construction, Hawk began the construction of ground parts processing plant, and then, based on these parts processing plant, Hawk began to build ground ship plant and space elevator, and up to 500 space elevator construction is completed, Hawk immediately began to build the space dock, and then wait for all the preparations to complete After that, there was a steady stream of new ships being built.

After the new ships were built, Hawk immediately organized a long-range fuel collection brigade consisting of the ε Eri, 50 country-class ships, and 300 village-class ships.

Because of the fact that the hyper-range communication technology had not yet been developed, this first collection of raw materials had to be led by Hawk himself, because only in this way would Hawk be able to fully grasp the entire collection process and then be able to compile the corresponding automatic program.

With the dazzling and piercing ε Eri as the background, Hawke's more than 300 ships launched bright blue flames from the tail at the same time and began to set off towards ε Eri b.

The orbit of ε Eri b is 400 million kilometers away from the orbit of ε Eri a. Of course, this 400 million kilometers is the shortest distance, and now, because of the different orbital positions of the two planets, the distance has expanded to 500 million kilometers. With Hawk's current speed of nine hundred kilometers per second, it only takes six and a half days to reach, counting the acceleration and deceleration time, no more than seven days.

On the way, Hawk can be counted to see what is called youthful vitality, ε Eri galaxy within the density of matter, at least than the solar system to dozens of hundreds of times, almost every period of time, Hawk can encounter a diameter of more than five meters of large meteorites, in the interstellar space within the arrogant whistling to and fro. Some irrelevant meteorites are fine, but meteorites that happen to occupy the forward orbit of Hawk's fleet, only to launch laser cannons to destroy them, along the way, such meteorites let Hawk not tired of.

This is a common feature of young stars. A stable galaxy like our solar system will take at least a few billion years to form slowly amidst the gravitational battles of the major planets as well as the main star. During this process, asteroids are either expelled from the inner solar system, such as the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud, or clustered into stable orbits, such as the asteroid belt, or attracted to the large planets by collisions, which slowly form a stable situation after several billion years.

Obviously, ε Eri, a star less than a billion years old, dominates a galaxy that is still some time away from forming such a stable situation.

Such a meteorite attack reached its climax when Hawk reached the asteroid belt. The solar system's asteroid belt is just a false appearance, in which wandering for a hundred years may not be able to see things, but ε Eri's asteroid belt is true to its name, where a random telescope, in any direction, you can see thousands of meteorite blocks. This density of meteorites, even with Hawk's current level of technology, are not afraid to break through.

There is no way, Hawk only manipulated the fleet to slow down, laser cannons fired in all directions, only stumbled through the asteroid belt.

By the time they reached ε Eri b, eight days had passed, one day longer than the scheduled time. Hawk cursed and remeasured the difficulty of mining ε Eri b again before plunging headlong into the atmosphere of ε Eri b.