
Become a God at The Beginning

Dane was reincarnated as a boy from America. At first, he thought this was another ordinary rebirth story and had already figured out in his mind how to make a big splash in the stock market in the future. Until that night when he boarded the subway home and was taken to a gloomy cave... "Hold this scepter and read after me, Shazam!"

BlackGoku222 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 008: How many steps are needed to form the Justice League? (2)

Martha felt more at ease knowing that Dane was special like her son.

Regardless of Clark's stop, she got into the van at the door and went to the supermarket to do some shopping.

"Alright, why the rush? That spaceship has been under Arctic ice for 20,000 years, it won't hurt to wait another day or two."

Upon hearing what she said, Clark calmed his anxiety.

"But you have to say something before you go. The first time you insert the key, it's better to let the AI block the spaceship's signal first, to prevent Zod from finding out the news in advance."

This is what it should mean, Clark nodded, curiously asking:

"What are you going to do after this? Keep it hidden?"

Clark didn't know that Dane's real age was only fifteen years old and that his physical age had increased thanks to the power of Shazam.

He saw that Dane had a mature face and a sense of sophistication in his words and actions.

Moreover, Dane said he was a "god," he thought he had lived for a long time.

As for what Dane said earlier about soon becoming a god, he also automatically understood it as the vague sense of time of long-lived species.

So, unconsciously, he thought that Dane had been hiding in human society like him.

Dane nodded and then shook his head again.

"It's not time to take the stage yet, so I'll probably continue hiding, but I think there's something to be done."

Dane just realized one thing: since Zod's invasion of Earth is a global disaster, why did he choose to fight Superman alone?

No one stipulated that the Justice League had to wait until Steppenwolf was formed, he could have set up the platform first!

But in terms of candidates, they have to be carefully chosen. First and foremost, Wonder Woman must be incorporated. Her combat power should not be underestimated.

Most importantly, Wonder Woman does not know the benevolence of women and is very quick to kill when the time comes to kill.

Then there's Batman, who is eight years older than Superman, and at this moment he should be in the prime of his life.

But this guy is naturally suspicious, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to invite him.

Aquaman Arthur Curry, if I remember correctly, currently Aquaman is only 19 years old, younger than Clark.

Although Zod only arrived in 2013, to be honest, Arthur's ability is probably just a trick in the Zod matter, to be determined.

Flash, Barry Allen, is too young now and his ability won't be acquired until 2013, and he hasn't even had time to adapt to push the human boy into the battlefield.

Not even Dane can do it, it's still to be determined.

Cyborg Victor Stone, the situation is similar to that of The Flash, to be determined first.

Martian Manhunter, this Martian is a bit confused, can you try to invite him, anyway, he won't lose his flesh.

Green Lantern Hal Jordan, well...

Although the DCEU has kicked him out of this circle, considering that this is the real world, Dane has to consider the possibility of playing with Green Lantern.

As long as more than three Green Lantern Corps are not allowed to gather, they are quite reliable.

And if Green Lantern shows up, then it is said that he is facing the first global disaster in the true sense of Earth.

Finally, there's Superman, Dane doesn't even need to ask, if Clark is still the person he remembers, he will definitely say yes.

So Dane didn't play with those empty heads, he directly invited Superman.

"Clark, there are actually many people like us in the world."

"I was thinking if it's possible to gather them all and when they face some major disasters that can't be solved with individual strength, they can come together and cooperate to solve the problems together."

"It's a great idea!"

Clark immediately agreed and the first thing he thought of was Zod's question.

After hearing Dane's explanation, he knew that Zod had a group of elite Kryptonians. Even if he and Dane could solve the problem in the end, how many innocent civilians would die?

"So, would you like to join?" Dane asked.

"What are you talking about? I definitely want to be the first to join!"

Alright, the first member is in.

"Do you have other options?"

"Yes, but it will be a bit troublesome to find out and they may not agree."

Clark nodded understandingly, knowing very well that not everyone is willing to use their own powers to do good things.

Dane told him about the general situation of various members of the Justice League in the future, and Clark started thinking after listening.

"Let's forget about Barry Allen and Victor Stone for now, they are still kids and having superpowers is not necessarily a good thing for them."

Clark definitely has a voice and vote on this point, knowing that to hide his ability, his adoptive father Jonathan didn't even allow him to save himself.

Dane nodded in understanding, "I believe that too, so I think the first target should be Diana."

"As the first superheroine in the world, she should understand our philosophy."

Diana has been active in human society since World War I and chivalry is a daily routine for her.

She even participated in World War II and is a true war hero.

She should be the first superheroine in the world, but after entering the new millennium, Wonder Woman's activities decreased.







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