
Becca's Love

When Jackie and his Crew get called for a job to take down Mila Tech, they meet David, Rebecca, and Lucy. Liam doesn't like to fight, but he is super good at it and only got into this life to try and save his sister, who died in his arms. When his cyber wear is like Kiwi major hacker and loves to help with, he can with the homeless.

GhostWriter1996 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

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David hated losing so many people.. Lucy was not part of the crew anymore. David was getting cyber work done until he was all swole. He called Becca for a job, and she brought Liam. Liam looks at him. "Shit, dude," he said. Becca was on Liam's lap. "I know, right," she said. They got to the place. Liam hacked everything as they moved in; they got the girl and saved everyone else. "See you around, David. Oh, dude, chill on the cyber wear. You will snap just like Main," he said. Becca looked at David. "Please, David, listen to us and relax," she said as she went with Liam. Liam was at his shop setting up. Becca hugs him. Liam hugs back and pins her against the wall, and kisses her passionately. She loved it. She kissed back and slid her arms around his neck. He lifts her. Becca's legs go around his waist. He grins and kisses her neck. Her hand goes threw his hair, and she moans, feeling it. "Becca, let's leave this place," he said. Becca looks. "Where would we go, Liam," she said. "Back in time," he said. Becca sighs. "Baby, that is just a rumor," she said. "I saw it in the deep dive, Becs; we can do it," he said. "To a better, safer life," he said. Becca nods. Liam got to work on finding out more about it. Becca was helping when she could. She got to pick the year. He pulled her and hit the button, and a bright light happened, and they landed in Gotham City. He looks around, and they find an empty apartment and move in. He finds an old tattoo shop and buys it, and sets everything up. Becca was helping. He smiles and kisses her deeply. She kisses back happily. He held her and slowly started to dance. She smiles happily. He picks her up, kissing her, sliding his tongue into her mouth. She moans, feeling it, not knowing the time jump messed with their DNA. When they both finished, they had pink sparks covering their bodies. Liam thought it odd but shrugged it off and lit a smoke. Becca was sound asleep. He smiled, seeing her. "We are safe, and we can start a family," he said softly. He kissed her head and fell asleep. Becca woke up and ran to the bathroom, and threw up. Liam walked over and held her hair, and rubbed her back. "If I am pregnant, you have to quit smoking," she said. His eyes widen he nods. "Yes, mam," he said and rushed for a test. He came back and handed it to her. She sighed and took all four. All were positive. He pulled out his smokes and tossed them in the trash, and put a patch on his chest. She smiles, seeing it.