
Becca's Love

When Jackie and his Crew get called for a job to take down Mila Tech, they meet David, Rebecca, and Lucy. Liam doesn't like to fight, but he is super good at it and only got into this life to try and save his sister, who died in his arms. When his cyber wear is like Kiwi major hacker and loves to help with, he can with the homeless.

GhostWriter1996 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Becca stopped him. "Hey, stop; let's get your leg looked at, then we'll work out what happened," she said. Liam lays down in his tattoo chair. David and Lucy were checking the cam footage. Main was looking at the bullet. Becca was wrapping his leg. "What happened to make you two pull guns," she said. "He said my sister is alive and living with Faraday," he said. "but you said she died in your arms," Becca said. "She did. If she is alive, she would be 18, he said, touching his neck tattoo. "Fuck this. I am going to Faraday," he said. Becca grabs her gun and takes his hand. "Me too," she said. He drove off. He got to the room and stood there. Becca kicks the door in. "Yo Faraday, where you at, you slimy piece of shit," she yells. Liam walks in. "Lilly," he calls. A lovely girl with long black and blue hair with bright green eyes walks out. "Yes," she said. Liam stood there, dropping his gun. He fell to his knees. "Your alive," he said. She looks at him. "I am sorry, but do you know me," she asks. Becca walks over. "This is your brother, Liam," she says. She bends down and looks at him. "I am sorry, but I don't have a brother. I have a husband. His name is Faraday, but that is it," she said. Liam's soul was breaking. Becca felt it. She dragged him out. "David, I need help," Becca said. "Liam won't move, please; he is heavy," Becca said. David got there and picked him up. "What happened," he asked, loading him into the van. "Lilly has no memory of Liam," Becca said. "Liam wakes up," Becca said, slapping him. "I am pregnant," Becca said. Liam shook his head. "Huh, what," he said. "Jesus, you scared me," Becca said. Liam was shaking. "How is she alive" he mumbles. Becca sighed. "She looked more like cyber wear than a human baby," she said. Liam pulled Becca to him. "I have my family right here," He said. Becca smiles and hugs back. "Yeah, I am right here," she said. "Sorry to ask this right after, but can you do a deep dive for us, Liam," Main asks. Liam nodded. "Sure," he said. They get back, "Hold up, don't Kiwi normally do you? Deep dive," he asks, undressing. "yeah, but this idiot pulled her out." Dorio said, looking at Main. "Shut it," Main said. David sighed. "Yeah, and Lucy isn't okay with it," David said. "Becca Jack, me in," he said. Becca nods and jacks him in as he gets in the ice bath. Becca loads him in. David waited. "So Becca, you get a little rough, huh," he said, noticing the bruising and the nail marks on his back. "have you ever had your G spot hit over and over again? It feels amazing," Becca said. "G spot," he said. Lucy sighs. "You hit once," she said. Becca sinkers. "Maybe Liam can help you when he is finished," Becca said. David sighs. "I don't need help," he said. Becca's smile touched Liam's face. "He is so good in bed and sweet and plays guitar, and mmm, I am sorry about your sister," she whispers. The guy was waking up when Main snapped and walked in and pulled Liam out too. He breathed and coughed. "What the fuck" Becca said. "Where is Dorio," David asks. Lucy looks. "Dead, we got to go. The sig got out. He has trauma coming," Lucy said and pulled David out. Becca was pulling on Liam. Liam got up and picks up Becca and ran out.