
Because Your Love Heals Me

Trapped by the demons of her past, Alex Michell is a young model and businesswoman who lives her life with only one goal: to get revenge on all the people who have made her life so miserable. Eliott Jensen is one of the most famous and wealthiest bachelors in the country. Although he is known for being a cold and ruthless businessman, he is someone who can give up everything for the people he loves... Deeply hurt in the past by her loved one, Alex lives with the aftermath of what happened to her in the past. A psychological scar that makes her body reject any male touch. What will happen when she meets the one man who seems to make her breathe again? Will she be able to fight her fears and give herself a chance at love? Read on to find out if Eliott's love would be strong enough to erase Alex's scars...!!! **NO MAJOR MISUNDERSTANDING** 18+ scenes The country in this story is fiction, the story will take mostly place at Florelia. Author note: This is a story I already tried to write with the title my Healing love but it was my first time so it was poorly written. So now I'm rewriting the story again after getting some writing tips here and there. English is not my native language so there will be some mishaps, please fill free to correct me. Cover by my little sister Instagram: @nkmc_zone

Pryges · Urban
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110 Chs

First date

In a private room in a small, very discreet restaurant, Ethan and Alex took seats opposite each other. Alex was a little uncomfortable being excited and worry at the same time.

While they were waiting for the waiter, Ethan started to open the conversation seeing how quiet Alex was. "What would my "girlfriend" like to eat?"

Alex blushed when she heard him call her a girlfriend and replied with a big smile, "A hotpot, I have been wanting one since I arrived yesterday." Ethan smiled seeing her being now a little more lively.

The waiter came over and was surprised to see the beauty standing in front of him. Ethan being a regular of the restaurant, the waiter was not very surprised by his presence, but this beauty in front of him was simply mesmerising, his eyes were glued to her even forgetting that he has a job to do. Ethan noticed the look on the waiter's face and frowned slightly, he thought at that moment, "she's attracted a lot of bees here, it's going to get very irritating as time goes by, I should quickly find a way to keep those vultures away at once". Realising his thoughts, he shook his head as if to drive them out of his mind, thinking while sighing deeply, "But what am I thinking."

Alex, a discreet spectator of the scene, saw him lost in his thoughts, and couldn't help to think "He's so cute frowning like that".

While waiting to be served, Ethan asked with a serious face, but always with a small smile, "I am curious, I'd like to know what changed your mind so quickly, you seemed really against the idea of doing this scene." He knew that there was something more about Alex being adamant not to play that scene and he was genuinely curious.

Alex, surprised by the sudden question, replied in turn with a little smile, "This is a great opportunity for me, with this role, I will be able to launch my career here ... I need some public recognition here in Florelia so..."

Ethan subtly nodded, "Why? If it's not too much to ask?" After asking that, he regretted as soon as the sentence left his lips, and began to wonder since when he was so concerned about people's lives.

Alex felt that she could be honest with him for some unknown reasons, thus she replied with a very cold expression, "I have a revenge to take!"

Ethan was a little surprised by her answer. He crossed his arms and replied without elaborating further, "I see, then it would be something you would be willing to do to take revenge." The moment those words came out of him, he one more time began to wonder why he was upset about it, it was not like it had anything to do with him.

Alex sensed that something was wrong seeing how cold his eyes have become. Not knowing why she felt an urge to explain herself., "It's not like it was really about losing my virginity or selling myself to get something. This is a role that I have the chance to play through my hard work. Since I have had this opportunity to become a model, I have never stopped fighting, I have worked very hard just to have the opportunity to come here and work here, what Royalstar is offering me is just huge and I would not miss this opportunity."

Ethan listened carefully before saying with a raised eyebrow, "I understand, but why was your reaction when you read this scene so exaggerated?" If Ethan's sister was present, she would probably be the happiest in the world to see her brother so curious about a person. She always nagged about him being a hypocrite because he could be so warm with his fans, but only she knew how cold he was. His assistant, on the other hand, would have wondered if he was not possessed by anyone else.

But if Ethan was so curious, there was a good reason. He felt guilty that he had to shoot this kind of scene with a woman who obviously had no experience in this field, judging by her reaction. Although he wasn't the player type, he at least had had relationships. Being touched by someone you doesn't know for the first time could be disturbing.

Alex thought "why is he so curious" but at the same time for some reason, she felt comfortable with him as if they had known each other forever. She said to him with a neutral look and nodded her shoulders as if to soften the hatred she felt, "Something happened to me when I was twelve. ... Since then I have had trouble with male contact, on photo shoots that require some intimacy with a man, I am forced to calm myself down by taking medication ... ".

As he listened to Alex story, his smiling face gradually turned into a cold expression. One could feel the temperature of the room dropping. He was boiling inside just guessing what could have happened to her.

He did all he could to calm himself down before saying in a calm voice, "In life, only fortunate and unfortunate events are able to affect our habits, behaviours, and ways of thinking. In your case, it must be an unfortunate event that had a great influence on you." Alex could not help but feel that something had changed, for he was no longer the same, his voice was less warm, Ethan's always smiling face now showed a rather intimidating and cold expression. It only lasted a few seconds, but Alex had time to observe it.

Alex did not say anything after that, he wanted to know more, but he did not want to make the person in front of him feel uncomfortable, he then picked up his phone and asked his assistant to do full research on Alex Michell and this as soon as possible. A moment later, the dishes were served.

Alex, who had expected a reaction as well as more questions from him, was a little disappointed by his silence. Being surprised by her own emotions, she thought, "Why would I want him to react, it's not like he cares about me".

While Alex was enjoying her spicy hotpot like she likes, Ethan, who was watching her from the other side, thought, 'She can really eat !!!' Watching how Alex was gulping pieces of meat one after another.

This aspect of Alex was always surprising to people, she was a model, but she always ate as much as she could. She could afford it because she never gained weight, she worked out every night just to be able to eat how she wanted.

Suddenly Ethan asked her "how much you cannot stand the touch of men".

Alex replied with a questioning expression, "Touching men drives me sick, I want to throw up, I feel dirty, I feel uncomfortable, at worst my body itches, I lose my breath and then collapse." "The doctors say it's psychological ..." she stated matter of factly as she enjoyed her meal.

Hearing that, Etan smiled, "Then I guess it does not apply to me."

Alex stopped eating and looked at him questioningly. Ethan then pointed his eyes at his hand resting on hers and then said, "Either you do not feel my hand at all, which is very unlikely, or you did not feel it because you were not affected by my touch like you should have, interesting."

Alex was surprised looking with her eyes wild open at his hand placed on hers. The fact that this guy in front of her did not really seem to make her feel sick at all, was making her feel all types of ways. She really couldn't believe it.

She grabbed his hand just to make sure, and as he had said, she was really fine. Her heart was beating fast, but it was not because of a disgusting feeling she should have, it was because she was hand in hand with his favourite actor! it's been like a dream come true. She was fine touching this man, she couldn't believe it.